Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2420: The future is stable and pure Yuhui

"Up to five months, at least three months, you can go back to work and continue to work, and currently you have to work remotely."

After the confinement of Zen, everyone came back and visited Song Qingli together.

Li Yi looked at the inspection report, and once a day, the speed of improvement was very fast, that is, the medicine worked.

Song Qingli was very excited. He saw the process of Feng Chan on the yacht. He felt that Li Yi was able to call the wind and the rain.

He has not seen Li Yihua (detonated) the land of Chengchuan, and when he has time, he will show him the video of Li Yi talking about the scriptures.

Li Longji and others came to offer condolences wearing masks. In fact, they just wanted to see how the person with tuberculosis and coughing up blood was recovering.

"Thank you, Dr. Li." Song Qingli sincerely thanked him.

"Celebrating ceremony! Read a few more books when you are recovering, so you can use them in the future."

Li Longji cared about this person who was constantly running around in the place, mainly because Yi Di asked a special question.

There are many ministers who die every year. Sometimes, Brother Yi doesn't make a sound, and he will die if he dies! do not save.

Brother Yi wants to save, indicating that this person is worth saving.

"Yes, sir...I...get it, what county magistrate."

Song Qingli was about to cry, and he forgot another identity of Li Longji.

He is not an idiot, he understands the relationship between His Majesty and Li Yi, and if he is replaced by him, he also chooses to be a brother.

"Mainly look at administration, local economy."

Li Longji doesn't care, you can call me Your Majesty, everyone will choose not to hear.

For the first time in my life, I know there is such a relationship, and I have never read it in history. It's amazing.

"Cough cough cough" Song Qingli coughed and wanted to spit, and a nurse came to pick it up with a utensil.

There was still blood in the spit, but it wasn't a blood clot, it was bloodshot, and the nurse took it away for examination.

'Puff puff~~' sprayed with disinfectant, Song Qingli also took two puffs, he thought it would be good for his body after inhaling.

He didn't think he had a cough, it was rude for others to disinfect, and he knew what was wrong with him, and it would be contagious.

"Ambassador Song, Ambassador Song, I brought you some fruit. I'm all here?"

The little guy Teng'er pushed the little robot over, he was stunned, my father and the minister were all there, ah! Brother Yi is also there.

"Hello everyone!" Nan'er greeted with a smile, ran to her father, raised her head and smiled, winked with Li Yi again, and pushed the little robot to Song Qingli's side.

"Ambassador Song, I brought some fruits, cut them, and frozen pears, put them in the freezer, and softened them with cold water. Eating pears is good for the lungs."

He took the fruit plate from the drawer of the little robot. When the drawer was opened, in addition to the fruit plate, there were two guns on the brackets.

He didn't wear a mask. Others were afraid of contracting tuberculosis. He was not afraid. He had been vaccinated since he was a child.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"Chen, minister..." Song Qingli didn't know what to say.

"Don't sink, it will get better, my proprietor brother is amazing! I'll go back first, remember to eat after the chat is over."

After Teng'er finished speaking, she pushed the little robot and ran away.

Song Qingli raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and let his son look at his father. This is how the emperor's direct son treats him, which shows that His Majesty treats him like this on weekdays.

My life is worth it. If I can survive, I will continue to work hard for His Majesty.

Teach your own children, cultivate them, and support Your Majesty together.

When other ministers looked at Li Yi, they knew that Tan'er's behavior had nothing to do with His Majesty.

Nan'er knew how to be nice to others since she was a child, such as the palace maid, eunuch, Guo Ziyi and so on.

How did you teach Li Yi? Buy people's hearts!

Let's put it this way, suddenly His Majesty and Li Yi, Empress Wang, Emperor Taishang and other important people have died, and a child needs to be chosen to be the emperor.

A group of children, some of them are very old, who to choose?

Guaranteed to choose Tan'er, my own group of people will take good care of Tan'er and try their best to teach him.

When he understands the sinister nature of the human heart, he will remove all the other obstacles one by one, and then he will accept the guilt himself, and finally give Tan'er a ride.

Li Yi understood everyone's meaning, and felt wronged. I didn't teach it. Tan'er was born like this, what can I do?

It is estimated that due to genetic influence, his mother is like this. When there are no children, the harem is very stable, if it is not for someone...

"Brother Yi, the Analects of Confucius was a little worse last time I took the exam." Li Longji asked about his son's studies.

He listened to Li Yi, don't ask what he has learned as soon as they meet.

Just bring it to play, the children have come to play.

When I asked it a few days ago, Tan'er happily said that she almost read the entire Analects.

Reading is not memorizing, you need to understand the content, Nan'er is seven years old.

"Tong." Li Yi replied with a single word. Tong was a general understanding, not refined.

"Is it too fast?" Li Longji didn't think his son should learn that much.

He knows the educational model of Lijiazhuangzi. In the early stage, children should pay attention to development, physical coordination, left-right balance, core control, and logical thinking.

It is to lay the foundation. Unless you are a genius, you will forget something after you teach it.

"Follow-up consolidation, I actually teach for two hours a day. Tan'er's intelligence is mainly like his father."

Li Yi is not complimenting Li Longji, there is no need to boast, Li Longji is really awesome.

It's a pity that in history, as later generations said, you are a good person. It would be good to die sooner.

In fact, the same is true for anyone who lies in that place in later generations. It would be better to die more than ten years earlier.

"Children, just have fun."

Li Longji is satisfied. Look, my son is so good at studying for two hours a day.

Of course, it cannot be compared with Qingdai, Guizang, and Zhuozhuo, they are special.

Over there, Teng'er pushed the little robot away: "How long do you think Ambassador Song can live? I want him to live a few more years. I know he is serious about places."

"Actually, he has achieved economical use and love for people, so that the people can meet the times. He is difficult for crops, but he can also be practical in the army."

The little robot used a sentence from the Analects to say and then said Zhang Jiuling's evaluation of Song Qingli after his death.

"Doing government with virtue, such as Beichen, where the stars live together?"

Nan'er understood, and asked about the content of the Analects again.

Is to rule the country by virtue, such as the North Star, the Big Dipper?

"What it does is: Dao is governed by government, regulated by punishment, and the people will be freed and shameless. Dao is virtuous, and regulated by propriety, it is shameful and decent."

The little robot gave Song Qingli an evaluation, which was also the Analects of Confucius.

"He really did it?" Nan'er didn't really believe it.

"He defended the frontier for Datang." The little robot replied.

"Then it's not easy for him!" Nan'er understood, there were some tricks in it.

"It's much better now! We have money, just give the people money, eat well, and work without tiring people to death." The little robot comforted Tan'er.

"How do you know so much?" Tan'er asked.

"Because you study hard! I also study hard. If you don't study, I will be stupid." The little robot responded.

"I learn, you have to be as smart as me." Nan'er said seriously.

"Yes! Let's work hard together!" The little robot's voice was cute.

"come on!"

"Don't run so fast, you'll fall, walk slowly, I'll tell you a story, there is a man named Tian Pijiang, he likes music very much, and then..."

The little robot began to tell the story to Tu'er, and the Lele of Mencius Lianghui is not as good as the music of the crowd.

Nan'er really listened to it as a story, and listened very seriously.

When he remembers the story, the little robot will speak the original text and give several different opinions for him to understand and analyze by himself. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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