Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2453: Wild boar life and death politics dirty

Bring the system to the 2453rd chapter of the Tang text volume, the life and death of wild boars, "Everyone don't move, come back, wait." The little robot called Zero33 in the local language.

The Yulin Flying Riders remained motionless and were in their previous positions.

Some of the local people wanted to go up to get the wild boar, but when they heard the shout, they ran back quickly.

They habitually follow orders and don't know why.

At this moment, the male wild boar and two female wild boars who had fallen down suddenly stood up again.

'Papapa...' Yulin Feiqi attacked, and the three wild boars fell down again.

The locals were startled and alive again?

Li Yi smiled, he knew the reason, the small robot can take active and passive thermal imaging.

The blood circulates in the body of the wild boar, and the little robot will find it and judge whether it can stand up.

It's just like killing a cow with a native, usually the cow is brought over, and then a big iron hammer is smashed against the cow's forehead.

The cow was smashed to the ground, and the man with the knife went over to the cow's neck and slammed it on the cow's neck. The part of the cow where the spine was connected was left, and the rest were cut open.

Someone flushed the water and washed away the blood.

But there are also special circumstances, that is, at this time, the cow suddenly stood up again, or the cow's hoof kicked hard.

Many people who use this method to kill cattle have been kicked to their ankles and calves, and their bones will be injured. It takes a long time to raise them. Usually, it starts in three months, and half a year is not too much.

Now the wild boars have a very strong desire to survive and need to wait, don't think about bloodletting.

Another ten minutes passed before Yulin Feiqi put down his gun and approached with a bayonet.

Jia Tong's new magazine still had bullets in it, so he leaned over to Li Yi and said, "Let's use this in the future?"

"You keep this gun, and you will fine-tune it later. The bullets will not be given to you. It will work with water."

Li Yi saw Jia Tong's appearance and knew that the other party liked this gun.

In fact, everyone likes it, automatic rifles!

"Isn't it going to be given to the person in front?" Jia Tong felt confused as he touched the gun.

"It's not bad. On the way back, you need to be more vigilant. You must be guarded against others!"

Li Yi omits the sentence that the intention to harm others is unacceptable. Why can't I do harm to others? I am not a saint.

A lot of wild boars were happily carried, carried and carried back by the locals.

The local people have been 'persecuted' for a long time, but they can't beat others. The big wild boar, now I know the exact weight, after the blood was drained, it was 590 catties.

There are a bunch of other wild boars. Killing wild boars is too laborious.

The opponent is not only high in tonnage, but also thick in skin.

Under normal circumstances, it is only possible to dig a hole to let the wild boar fall.

The clip requires the toughness of the metal. If you use other means to get the clip, the firmness will be lost, and the wild boar will open as soon as it moves.

One pig, two bears and three tigers, the wild boar is the first, because it is stupid.

Tigers know their territory and won't kill people easily.

People pass by the tiger's territory. Under normal conditions, the tiger will not make a sound. You can go.

As for the bear, sometimes I understand, don't touch things like people, let's go to the lower house to eat something, and hurry up.

The wild boar has no heart, your fighting power is not as good as that of bears and tigers, and you have to provoke people.

When other people grow crops, you will be a disaster in the past, and you will be the most harmful.

Therefore, the common people say that there are one pig, two bears and three tigers. It does not involve combat power. In the area where the Siberian tiger is active, if the wild boars dare to enter, the Siberian tiger will be killed.

If a group of people enters, the Siberian tiger will choose to give in to a certain extent. If you pass by, you can do it.

If there are places where you walk, I will never go, because as soon as I go to eat people, the government will offer a reward.

Bears fight alone. Bears don't want to eat people unless they're too hungry.

There are wild boars in groups, who do you clean up if you don't clean them up?

Li Yi had a lot of wild boars at that time, and they harmed the people, and the people demanded compensation from the government. The government, with the baton of the law, delayed compensation. Not to mention, if you kill wild boars, you will be fined.

Therefore, it should be more publicized about killing officials. People are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death? Your officials will kill you if they deserve to.

For example, the Fengcheng incident in Jiangxi, what if you kill it? Buried alive, skinned, and finally the first pilot to cancel all peasant burdens?

"It's not big, the small ones are delicious. Let's talk about it in the newspaper later, let the people report local officials, no evidence is needed, as long as they report, we will send them to investigate, but we need the actual situation of the people.

That is to say, when you report a certain official, you can't produce any evidence, and you insist on reporting it. Once the report is wrong, you will be dealt with.

Here's another question, how do the investigators win the trust of others? Check the person is clean? "

Li Yi himself said that there are drawbacks. Like his central inspection team at that time, the deputy team leaders took bribes. Isn't it scary? Can you still trust this country?

Princess Yongmu understood: "How can we improve it in the end? It feels difficult."

"The former inspection team couldn't find out, but the latter inspection team found out. All the benefits were given to the latter inspection team, and the former inspection team... destroyed the family."

Li Yi's solution is also simple. It is impossible to find out. The so-called inability to find out is because of the exchange of interests behind it.

He sits in Datang, what do you exchange with me? As for how many years from now I will die or not, what does it have to do with you? Can I kill you now?

"Master Li, do you want to have dinner together tonight?" Jia Tong touched the automatic rifle slung on his chest.

"Don't Go back to the beach and put ten little pigs on it. You can do the rest."

At this time, Li Yiyou allowed everyone to be greedy for ink, and Yulin Feiqi went out to perform tasks, and when he got the benefits, he could give it to his family.

Just like when the army could buy and sell things by itself, it could even buy and sell drugs.

For example, in Nanniwan, the flowers in the flower basket are fragrant, poppies!

You can’t talk or think too much about this. Anyway, you just need to know it. The older generation understands everything, and the new generation doesn’t need to know too much.

So in the evening, the yacht left with the carcasses of ten little wild boars.

When I hear the word corpse, I feel uncomfortable, so to put it another way, with ten little pigs that may turn into cute roast suckling pigs.

This is just like the media in Li Yi's time, sensational, constantly sensational, a dog or a pig can become a moving existence.

Li Yi himself is more embarrassed. He understands what happened in the Tang Dynasty. Is sensationalism useful? The people are living a bad life. When you stir up feelings, the people feel the power, and they will be punished if they don't agree.

'Hi! Sit. ' Li Yi thought of a pronunciation.

"Remember what I said today, when an official dared to violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty, he would destroy the nine clans.

Those who do not understand are not worthy of being officials of the Tang Dynasty. Those who can understand and continue to be officials must do what I say.

How does Wannianyou have anything to do with me? I want these decades, follow me to stretch. "

Li Yi lost his temper at this time. He challenged the integrity of Datang's official system. Do you dare to fight?

This was his policy that the top man at the top didn't dare to take his place at one time, because it was all rotten, rotten to the root.



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