Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2467: Buddha's Feedback

In fact, you can still see the sea at night, with a torch, or by the light of the stars and moon.

The Sinhalese fishermen were tired of fishing, so they replaced others and brought their fish to shore.

The fishing nets woven with hemp were heavy, and the people who came ashore rubbed their buttocks and thighs and grinned.

Others leaned forward to watch, and the family helped to take out the fish, cut off the head with a knife, and discarded the internal organs. These are their food.

When others see some, they are envious at first, and then they are happy.

They thought that they could go fishing as well. They would set up poles by the sea, and it would be best to set them up when the tide was low. When the tide came up, the water would be deep.

It was the first time that everyone was fishing on a crossbar. They were tired and would fall off if they didn't balance well. .

He fished like this all night, and when he got up early the next day, Li Yi saw that there were still people fishing on the poles in the sea.

Everyone took out the processed fish, put them on the beach, and dried them when the sun was more abundant.

More people brought 'broken stones' to Li Yi, and the piles turned into piles of stones.

It is similar to the pile of stones that Aobao met, except that the stones are different.

There was even a pile of stones with sapphires of various colors. Everyone took out their precious gems and dedicated them to Li Yi.

O Buddha! Not only in the mind to give confusion, but also in life.

In the past, I believed in Buddhas for so long, but none of them helped me live a good life.

Now that the Buddhas from the Tang Dynasty are very powerful, why are they all answered?

Li Yi was also moved when he saw the pile of good gems on the screen on the boat. The local people were too religious.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan held hands and smiled sweetly as they looked at the screen.

They don't care about gems, but people's hearts.

Just like the common people of the Tang Dynasty, the name of Lijiazhuangzi represents everything.

Zhuangzi of the Li family said that whoever is guilty is bound to be guilty.

"Write down who gave it, right? You have to return the gift when you look back. No one else dares to rob the Buddha's gift."

Li Yi knew that the life of the local people was not easy, and he was not a real Buddha, a host, or a high-ranking monk, so he couldn't take it for free.

"I'm taking pictures. Not only these people took pictures, but other people who gave away stones also took pictures. I know how much they gave away."

033 replied, there is equipment on the yacht, and drones in the sky are always circling.

The local people believe in Buddhism, and for the sake of Buddha, they can donate all their net worth.

In Li Yi’s time, some people went to the Potala Palace like this, measuring the road with their bodies, and finally going to the place and donating all their property.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand and think that it is not worth it, only they are happy, and their wish in this life has come true.

Of course, there are also those who don't donate so much, that is, measure the past, go home, and measure again in a few years.

Therefore, there is no good solution for the country. People's beliefs are too strong. If you say you work hard, you will work hard. If you don't believe in you, try to scold the Buddhas that people believe in on the way to measure people.

The consequences would be the same as scolding Li Yi in Jingzhao Mansion and Henan Mansion.

If you scold me, I will scold you. If you hit me, I will scold you. If you scold Li Dongzhu, I can’t beat you to death. Let’s go together!

"What do we give to people?" Princess Yongmu supported the gift, and the people finally got beautiful gems.

"No hurry, er... Give the soap first, order the navy to fish, I only need fish oil, and the local grass is less, so I can make soap.

I have to think about it when we go to get the seeds and come back, and then give other things.

A good pier is needed here, so that our ships from Datang can come and berth.

Leaving some soldiers behind, waiting for the ship behind to come over to take over.

Repair the lighthouse, add the cannon, and then build the cannon and mount it. If anyone's ship messes with us, we don't want to dock at this place. "

Li Yi wanted to say that he would give back after taking the seeds, but he was worried that the other party would die if he didn't persist until that moment.

Make soap first, give it back, if you hang up, at least you have harvested it, it is better not to hang up.

Soap is not important. The other party will be very happy when they get something from the Buddha.

No, I guess it's not a pity, after all, I gave something to the Buddha.

Li Yi thought about it and added: "When I gave soap, I said that this soap can wash away the lead, no, the soul.

After washing away the bitterness of the soul, there is a way back in life. Why are the past history books to blame?

Just as the ocean is surging with thousands of waves, the tides ebb and flow. The firm rock stands to watch the shore, and the fish and shrimp play and live in the reef. "

"It shouldn't be because the sea can't be seen at night!" After Xiaolan finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue mischievously and hid behind Princess Yongmu.

So Li Yi chased and spanked, and Xiaolan ran around Princess Yongmu screaming.

The Sinhalese people on the shore didn't know that the Buddha was using the demon-subduing hand to suppress the banshee, so they carried the wood and continued to nail it to Haiti.

Actually, it wasn't a nail. They sharpened the bottom of the wood, drilled it, and got into it, and someone was carried on it and jumped on it.

The wooden shelves are simple, support one at a forty-five-degree angle, and another horizontal.

"Teach them tenon and mortise." Li Yi was tired of chasing, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan blushed, and Princess Yongmu sometimes was beaten "accidentally".

The locals still don't know how to use nails and ropes to kidnap ropes.

This can be made into a tenon-and-mortise structure, inserted in, and at most a wedge.

Li Yi is not going to let the local people make the nails. If the nails are misaligned, or if the shelf comes loose and falls off after a long time, it will cause tetanus.

This is not to blame for the locals, Li Gen and the others used ropes to tie it up, deal with it first, and make do with it.

The order was passed on, and Li Gen and others began to teach the Sinhalese how to make mortise and tenon joints, which was quite simple. UU reading

The people kneeled down and worshipped the yacht again. The yacht was indeed gorgeous, and anyone who saw it knew that it was unusual.

Even when people in Li Yi's time saw this kind of yacht, they understood what kind of existence it was, and Li Yi was reluctant to buy it at that time.

The kings of the people were on their way at the moment, and a large group of people rode in their carts and brought a large amount of gold and precious stones, which was equivalent to the power of the country.

They had a very simple idea. First, let’s see if it’s true or false. The Prime Minister said, that person can fly and see it with his own eyes.

After believing in Buddhism for so long, I have never seen anyone who can fly in front of me.

Don't look at what the Buddhist scriptures say, how it is, how it is, just watching and listening, but not actually encountered.

They are not as good as the people in Li Yi's time. The people in Li Yi's time saw a spaceship lift off directly, or came to the front in an instant, and immediately considered scientific issues.

Direct liftoff is anti-gravity, right? Then in an instant, it is a space jump.

Okay, your skills are amazing! We can't beat you, let's make peace! Sing a song and dance to you.

The king had not received such education, so he wanted to see the real Buddha, and then strengthen his beliefs and beliefs.

The gold can't fit in a car, it's too heavy for the wheel to bear.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to ask if he could live forever, something that Li Longji wanted to ask and never asked.

Li Longji was afraid of revealing the secret after asking. Anyway, he knew how many people Yi Di saved.

The person who is obviously going to die will be brought back after Brother Yi calls his name.

Including the minister in the northeast who vomited blood, Yi brother suddenly mentioned it, and then went over, the other party vomited blood.

Even so, Brother Yi remained steady.

Almost all the people in the group were named by Brother Yi, except Yao Chong, but Yao Chong's son was named.

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