Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2471: Heart Xu Datang Theory of Speed ​​of Light

When Li Yi finished making the 'movie' and came out to find Gebudo Degob and the others, everyone was still standing in a safe position watching the lathe processing bamboo.

The little robot 033 was communicating with Datang and felt that it was quite busy.

'My proprietor has negotiated the purchase of stone paving. ’

"The proprietor invites them to drink strong tea. In the future, I will sell tea leaves and use a lot of tea at one time."

"The proprietor has come to a large seaside land to repair the wharf and berth large ships."

'In the future, we will station the army here, saying that it is to help the local people, but in fact, it will also protect the caravan of Datang. ’

"The local bamboo is tall and big. Bishop Dong and the others make parasols. It's hot outside. If I stay for a while, I'll be exposed to the sun."

'When handling the fish, the head, tail, and internal organs of the fish were thrown aside, and they were not hygienic. The proprietor made animations to guide them in breeding. ’

'Speaking of farming, Dong mainly brought rubber to grow. ’

Li Longji and his ministers were listening, and drinking herbal tea by the way, Luoyang was not much cooler than Sinhalese.

Everyone was taking a nap before and slept until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Xiaoyi belongs to the Tang Dynasty, right?" Yao Chong frowned. You used to talk about taking seeds. How did you help other countries start production and construction?

"There is interest." After Li Longji and Li Yi passed the "talk", they understood.

That place is important, and another important place is also docking and helping locals find jobs, the port of the Straits of Malacca.

The two places are considered two ends. Once the base is built and the troops are stationed, others will provoke the Tang Dynasty and want to run away.

No matter how fast the ship is, it is comparable to the telegraph? Brother Yi can't even fly.

"There is a benefit, of course! Seeing that I have given too much to others, I always feel uncomfortable."

Su Ting felt that his own things were being used by others, and he used them very smoothly.

"What kind of stone is used to build a road that is not repaired? Buying a stone is a gift to others, and others repay other things?"

Song Jing is analyzing the problem of the stone, went so far to buy the stone? How many stones to buy and how long to build the road?

When Datang's ship goes over, pulling back the wood is worth more than the stone, right?

Bi Gou rubbed his eyes, and when he was shouted, he was trapped: "Anyway, I can make money. Xiaoyi won't do business at a loss."

"Jiuling?" Li Longji looked at Zhang Jiuling, why don't you say something?

"Ask the stone, it's not that I can't get in touch."

Zhang Jiuling is simply, he is not worried that Li Yi will lose his power and humiliate the country when he goes outside. Whoever dares to target the Tang Dynasty, Li Yi is likely to slaughter the country.

"Ask." Li Longji told his little robot.

"I know!" The little robot replied: "Sapphire is classified as good or bad by light transmittance and color, and the owner has a way to turn the bad ones into good ones.

Such as Lantian jade, some are not good enough, after processing, they will become top-grade, that is, some will change back after a long time, while sapphire is not. "

"The profiteer, the old man likes it." Bi Gou smiled, no longer sleepy, very energetic, money!

"What should Lan Tianyu do?" Liu Chong, who had not made a sound just now, asked.

He took out a jade pendant and put it in front of the little robot to shake it.

"You don't deal with it, it's more valuable than dealing with it, and you give such a thick slurry to the pan.

When it is just harvested, it will be more glossy and round, and two small cracks can be removed.

By the way, the pulp is artificially made, and soon, those who know how to make fake things can see it. "

The little robot will give the answer by itself, don't mess with yours, it's good now.

"Many people don't understand the key. I want to thank Xiaoyi for not doing this in Datang."

Liu Youqiu sighed with emotion that Li Yi had too many methods, and fortunately, he never cheated the people of the Tang Dynasty.

In the entire Tang Dynasty, how many people can keep their hearts like Li Yi with so much ability?

"Brother Yi has seen the other's king? How are you getting along?"

Li Longji doesn't care about other things, he wants to know the attitude of the other king.

"As a big gift, I gave nearly a ton of gold, but the quality is not very good, and I have to re-purify it when I come back.

Lots of beautiful sapphires, and the proprietors give back handmade items that can see beautiful pictures.

We can do it here, shall we? If you want to tell the craftsman, our little robot will help. "

Li Longji's little robot replied and made a slideshow lantern.

"Do a few and take a look. It would be nice if you could see what happened to Brother Yi."

When Li Longji heard something interesting, he wanted to see it.

"Okay! Mmm... um!" The little robot agreed, contacting other partners to make arrangements.

It hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything after all.

Li Longji wants to watch video communication, others can't, they can.

They belong to cloud data, the capabilities of the system.

What the little robot on this side sees can also be seen by the little robot on the other side.

Without satellites and base stations, the system can be used directly.

Even if Li Yi goes to America, on the other side of Datang, he can communicate via video if he wants.

It's possible for the satellites to fail, the system doesn't.

The little robot didn't tell Li Longji, and Zero Sansan didn't tell Li Yi unless Li Yi thought of it and asked for it himself.


At this time, Li Yi was taking Gebdo Degbo and the others to watch the '' and his thinking was also limited.

The data of the little robot is stored in the cloud, and even if he goes to Mars, he can contact the earth.

The most terrifying thing is that the signal does not need to travel at the speed of light, across space, faster than the speed of light, which is equivalent to space folding.

Li Yi didn't specialize in physics, and he didn't focus on this aspect at all.

He uses the system to exchange things, check information, and unlock the speed limit and data manipulation of the yacht by the way.

If he were a physicist, it would be different, a matter of discipline.

Now the movie is the software of the system, which is very easy to use, and you can do what you want with special effects.

If he had this software at that time, he could be the richest man in the world.

King Gebdo D'Gob does not know! He was always in a dazed state, feeling another world.

In fact, he was not mistaken, yachts should not be in this world, including Li Yi.

At this moment, he was staring at the big screen. On the screen, a group of people placed the fish in the designated place to dry.

The stone mill is made, and the human and animal power are pushing, and the sun-dried things are pressed into powder.

Pig farms are built, and the piglets in it eat fish meat and fish bone meal that have been boiled for a long time, and grow up 'slowly'.

When they grow up, they start to stock up on live fish, and the big pigs get bigger and bigger.

Chickens and ducks also eat raw, ducks are not afraid of being stabbed.

Chicks and ducks eat sun-dried and pressed powder, and they also grow quickly.

Eggs go underground one by one, pigs are slaughtered and made into various delicacies, such as sausages, fried meat with peppers...

Everyone was fascinated, because this scene is the current location and the people of their own country.

"This...this..." Gebdo Degebo stood up and looked at Li Yi.

"Everything has action, like a dream bubble. Like fog and electricity, it should be viewed in this way." Li Yi responded.

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