Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2490: Talented Land Civilization Chase

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The current canals are not as narrow and shallow as the ones behind, as long as they can pass their own boats.

Li Yi was worried that the yacht would not be able to get through, so he first used the drone to see, and then the yacht slowly moved forward to see the depth of the water.

The drone is replaced with one, and only one has a simple anti-submarine function. It is used to watch the water, so that it can also collect some water depth information.

Yachts need to sail around the continent of Africa all the time, close to the shore and demanding underwater conditions.

As soon as the yacht arrived, the locals responded immediately. The officials brought the army over. It was the first time they saw the boat from Datang, and it was so big.

Li Yixian, in his official capacity, sent gifts to each other on behalf of Datang.

Glass mirrors, vanity boxes, perfumes, silks, china, spices, all of them. .

The other party returned a gift, a lot of things made of gold, and gems. Li Yi was not very satisfied with the gems he could get, and it was just gold.

Egypt is not short of gold, they have a lot of reserves.

After the official meeting was completed, the trade began. Li Yi took out the frankincense and exchanged it for gold with the other party, giving a preferential price, one to one.

Paper, china, glassware, more small mirrors, colored ink, quills, 'treasure knives', red and green tea leaves, brocades...

Just change to gold, nothing else.

The other party was very happy, especially the frankincense, who exchanged gold one by one and earned it.

"Ouch! The old man is dying, the old man has to take medicine."

Watching Bigou at dinner on the big screen couldn't take it anymore. He had thought about changing a glass of beer for a glass of frankincense, almost like myrrh.

Now I understand that this is a glass of beer for a glass of gold, calculated according to volume.

Isn't beer just wheat? How much wheat does a glass of beer use? Equivalent to gold?

The person next to me brought an oxygen bag, gave it, inhaled oxygen, and it was hot at night.

"How should the tax be collected? Thirty percent? No way." Bigou considered the tax.

Seemingly telepathic, Li Yi watched the exchange process and suddenly said to the camera: "So much gold turned back and fell into the sea because of strong winds and waves.

We have not recovered the cost we paid, we should ask for a tax cut,

There are so many ambergris left in the sea, but I didn't find it when I went back. "

"The old man is going to be hospitalized, hospitalized!" Bi Gou put his hand on the position of his heart, looking dead.

"Hehehe~~~" Li Longji laughed, one was watching Bi Gou's performance, and the other was really making money from overseas trade.

"Bring this gold back, we can issue currency. No wonder Xiaoyi taught others how to plant trees on the island."

Su Ting understood that frankincense could be exchanged for one-for-one with beer, and it would be paid one-for-one with gold in another place.

The more frankincense on the island, the richer the Tang Dynasty.

When the gold is taken back, Li Yi can't make jewelry and wear it himself. Li Yi doesn't like wearing jewelry.

Only when wearing official uniforms are afraid of the wind, so I put something to hold it down, and put medicinal materials in a goldfish bag.

"Why can't credit currency be issued?"

Song Jing also knew the purpose of Li Yi's exchange for gold, and gold could not be eaten.

Through his study, he understood the meaning of credit currency.

Just like the 10,000,000 Li family Zhuangzi exchange coupons that Princess Jincheng got, that 10,000,000 yuan has no collateral.

But everyone admits that the exchange coupon is worth 10 million yuan, and Li Jiazhuangzi's credit is the best in the world, and technology is not counted. In fact, technology is money.

Then Tubo accepted it and sold it to Princess Jincheng, and the price of those things to Datang was higher.

Lijiazhuangzi recovered the money through the operation and generated profits at the same time.

Such a good operation mode is only used in Tubo, and it is a one-time use, and it has never been used in other places.

The issue of exchange vouchers is still collateral first, and sometimes the collateral appreciates, and the exchange vouchers also appreciate in theory! Feel free to go to Lijiazhuangzi to change things.

"When the people of the Tang Dynasty want to eat meat and can eat whatever they want, they can only issue credit currency."

Li Longji also read books to understand the situation.

The drone is back there, it can pass, and the yacht can pass.

Li Yi wanted to tell the other party that he would pay for himself and let the other party organize manpower to open up the canal.

Later, he stopped and couldn't speak. After speaking, the other party might make a difference with the canal, such as pushing soil and rocks into it.

The more you care, the more the other party will use it.

This situation and analysis, Li Yi explained to the country.

After the canal is the Mediterranean Sea! The world over there is vast.

When the Tang people fell asleep, the yachts were exchanged and entered the canal.

In the middle of the night here, the morning sun of the Tang Dynasty appeared, very beautiful, and the sky was full of red.

After everyone saw it, they quickly took measures to prevent it from raining.

The yacht continued to sail into the Mediterranean Sea.

Li Longji requested that officials who were qualified to live in Lijiazhuangzi eat breakfast under the big screen.

Let's see, don't think you're too arrogant.

When you go out, do you have so many calculations and arrangements? Brother Yi is not going out to play, he has been working hard to help Datang make good profits.

The officials just watched, nothing to say, to learn about the local situation, but it was dark there and everyone was sleeping.

While waiting for breakfast on the yacht, Luoyang was having lunch.

Li Yi took his hands to make breakfast in the kitchen, buns stuffed with beef, pork and green onions.

After steaming, it is put into a flat-bottomed pan to fry, not directly made into water-fried buns.

What's the difference between the two? Bad oil.

Put a little oil on the fried dumplings and cook them with water.

Steamed buns and then fried, consume a lot of oil.

Li Yiyi is fried in fish oil, served with eight-treasure porridge, small pickles in shrimp oil, and tofu mixed with fermented bean curd, garlic chili sauce and shallots.

This is overseas, the times are different, not the aircraft carrier fleet at Li Yi's time.

The people in Zhuangzi looked very relieved, and you still have the leisure to fry buns.

Yachts go along the shore and don't go to places like Greece.

Stop when you walk, and the drone will remind you when it finds a crowded area.

Li Yi used to exchange things with others, including Tunisia at that time, and he took more sea routes, but did not go to Malta.

Li Yi looked at the map and route, and remembered a game he had played, Great Voyage.

When I was playing at that time, the second generation was a red and white machine. Later, it changed. After that, it was a computer. It was used to buy and sell things to fight wars.

At the same time, looking for the ' The key point is that when we approached the Bering Strait from Europe, why was the wind direction so uncomfortable? And sailor fatigue.

No way, I have to modify and lock the database through the hexadecimal, this is all right, and run anywhere in the world.

Li Yi, who was eating steamed buns, felt the same way. The steamed buns are delicious. They are steamed and then fried, and then fried in fish oil. They cannot be eaten when they are cold. When they are hot, every bite is a classic.

"Li Lang, I found that there are too many fish here. The local people must be living well, right?"

Princess Yongmu, who came to the African continent for the first time, found that the seafood here is easy to catch and eat as much as you want.

Li Yi scratched his head: "How do you say this, influenced by culture, when they arrive in Datang, they will be diligent. They should be local, oh my!

Their farming is a little different from ours, that is, they dig a hole and bury the seeds in it, and they keep harvesting.

cucumber, you know? We do it once or twice a year, and people plant it once and eat it for several years.

If you had land like this, what would you think? "

"I will plant rice, which has a long shelf life and can be transported to other places, so that more people in the Tang Dynasty will not go hungry."

Princess Yongmu thought for a while, then raised her chest and raised her head to give such a response.

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