Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2526: Just to survive, why not persuade

The big court meeting was open until Qingdai was eating, and there was a lot to talk about, a serious court meeting.

Including strategic arrangements for surrounding countries, domestic economy, issuance of banknotes, overseas trade...

The ministers brainstormed and came up with ideas one after another, for the sake of the Tang Dynasty. . .

They already know what weapons Datang has, such as water jets, automatic rifles, airships, and more advanced mortars before the end of the year.

After some deliberation, nothing was decided in the end, just to collect everyone's methods.

Li Longji has to ask Yi brother, what you said doesn't work, I just listen.

Eat noodles, don't eat cold noodles, eat belt noodles, today there is a large plate of chicken, stewed with potatoes.

Chickens are not whole chickens, but chicken thighs.

Chicken head, chicken wings, chicken feet, and chicken buttocks are used for marinating, and chicken **** are used for frying other dishes.

Potatoes were harvested in May and are now being planted again to harvest when the weather is cold.

Potatoes are not harvested and can be planted again, they have to be germinated, and the soil needs to be replenished.

Farming is very troublesome, especially when manpower and animal power are not enough.

The large plate of chicken has a lot of peppercorns and chili peppers, and the star anise seems to be free of money.

In front of each courtier were soy sauce pots, sesame oil pots, aged vinegar pots, small bowls of chili sauce, bottles of pepper powder, and saucers of garlic paste.

Officials come from all over the Tang Dynasty, you can't expect everyone to eat garlic sauce, some people like to eat vinegar, no soy sauce.

Just like the Goubuli buns on the street in Tianjin Snack Street when Li Yi was a child, there is no soy sauce, just vinegar.

When Northeasterners eat it, they are not used to it. I want to eat soy sauce. How can I dip the buns in vinegar?

Shanxi people are happy, yes, don't put soy sauce, is soy sauce edible?

People from Sichuan, Hunan and other places come, and they will give bad reviews without chili oil. Don't explain, explanation is sophistry.

Then there are all, you choose.

Li Yi is not very picky, he looks at others, can you eat it? Then I can eat it too.

So he accompanied his apprentices to drink two sips of cold noodle soup, and sneaked out to the square of the Great Court to eat a large plate of chicken.

"Actually, the most authentic one is made with whole chicken, but it's not enjoyable to eat. We have other cooking methods for other things. Why is there so little soup?"

Li Yi sat next to Li Longji and looked at Shao Tang on the big plate.

"Let me drink it." There was a bowl in front of Queen Wang, and there was still unfinished soup in it.

Gao Lishi hurriedly arranged for someone to come and deliver the soup, not just the soup, but also the others.

"Sister-in-law can eat like this during the day, but not at night. The large plate of chicken has a high starch content. The potatoes are gone as soon as they are stewed, and they all go into the soup. Next time, let's make chestnut chicken."

Li Yi knows that chestnuts are starting to be harvested now. The former young men in Lantian County are studying hard, preparing for the imperial examination, and by the way, they lead the villagers to fry chestnuts to make money.

"Yes, the chestnuts have come down. The canned chestnut chicken is delicious. We will make more this year and send them to the soldiers at the border."

After Queen Wang listened to it, the rest of the soup was not drunk, it was all starch.

"When the number of airships increases, send bananas and live frozen shrimp to the soldiers in Longyou Road."

Li Yi suggested that it is not the purpose for him to give things, but it is actually better to give money.

He wanted to show Tang's strength and will through this act of giving things, and he could throw bombs if he could deliver things.

Many people in Longyou Road are local Turks, Western Turks, and Tiele.

Blindly Huairou is not enough, they must tell them the ability, or strength, of Li Family Zhuangzi.

Didn't Sulu get used to it before? The Tang Dynasty gave him an official title and gave him food and salaries.

Turning his head, he led Tubo and Baiyi Dashi to attack and destroy Yezhen, but unfortunately Zhang Xiaosong was not cleaned up when he fought, so he saw how the war gods fought, and the feeling was very deep and painful!

"Winter is cold in Silla, don't you think?"

Li Longji was drinking, and he didn't want to eat the staple food yet.

"Bohai Country is colder, and there should be heating now."

Li Yi thought of Jilin at that time, the heating should be on the 20th of October, and in Liaoning, it would take ten days, on the 1st of November.

The heating will be stopped on April 1 of the following year, and in some places, it will not be until June.

This year, the first day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar is the twenty-two of October of the Gregorian calendar.

This time of year in the northeast is the most difficult time, when there is no heating, Liaoning.

At this time, the most fearful thing is not snow. Snow is dry and cold. If it rains, it will be damp and gloomy. Listen, the sound of the ambulance keeps ringing.

The Datang Tianbing Army and the Yokono Army began to burn the kang. At night, some people changed their positions randomly, so don't be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

"That being the case, can you bring people back this year? A minister mentioned it."

Li Longji asked about politics. He brought back a lot of people last year. What about this year?

"When the snow is over, there will be a lot of airships in Zhuangzi, so go pick up people, and before that, forty airships can be built.

At least 12,000 people can be brought back at a time. If they have anything, it is about 6,000 people.

Under normal weather conditions, the distance is 1500 to 1800 kilometers, and the average round-trip time is 48 hours.

The needs of the people are very simple. Just tell them that they have a place to live, enough food to eat, and subsidies, and they will be willing to come. "

Li Yi had long planned to go grab people this winter, people in Bohai and its surroundings, and people in Silla.

What's the use of a large area? no one.

In the northeast in winter, it was not that he had heating at that time, but Silla, the Korean peninsula.

It works well in one can get 400,000 to 500,000 people, how many people are there in the local area?

There is no idea of ​​a sovereign state right now, it's just that those in power want more territory and more population.

The people don't care, the weather is so cold that it will freeze people to death, so a big thing flew over and said that he would take himself to Datang to live a good life, then go!

Silla and Bohai are originally multi-ethnic countries, who is who is who? Why should I support you? What can I get?

"Brother Yi, do you still want to recruit craftsmen into Zhuangzi?"

Li Longji did not consider the thoughts of outsiders at all, he felt that the Li family Zhuangzi lacked people.

"If you don't look for it, how can there be so many good craftsmen in the world? It's really not good, and some simple things are reported to the labor union."

Li Yi shook his head, there are enough craftsmen, and the craftsmen still have family members.

The wives and children of those excellent craftsmen can do a lot of work.

If it is not enough, we outsource other simple things to the labor union, the three joint organizations, and the labor union has always become a three-legged situation.

Just like the country he colonized at that time, once he found that he could not continue to colonize, he gave that place to others, and then it was difficult to reconcile the conflicts between ethnic and religious beliefs.

When others want to reconcile, they are behind their backs to agitate and support the fire.

Many countries have fallen into civil war and disunity because of this. Only Li Yi's country is awesome. You can do whatever you want. Let's see if I can settle it in the end.

Facts have proved that others are envious, jealous, and hateful! Why have you dealt with so many religious and ethnic issues? Not right! This is not right!

Li Yi always felt that the other party should have a good understanding of the history of China. The Central Plains is a small area, how did it become so big?

Once you have learned it, you will understand that this is called civilization, the real civilization.

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