Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2538: Rescue busy on disaster day

In a field in Guhe, a farmer who had just had breakfast was digging out the frozen manure from the dung pile outside the thatched hut and putting it in the field.

The patrol yamen came here, frowned and shouted, "Don't let it go, everyone else is open for spring, but you are diligent before the New Year."

"Why? We raise pigs and chickens at home, and there is too much dung to pile up. I'm going to get in the way of sending it to the field early. Next year, I'm going to plant spring wheat..."

The farmers stopped to reason. The winter wheat planted last year and the soybean planted after the harvest this year cannot be planted with other soybeans. Next year, they will plant spring wheat, and they are ready to plant sorghum after harvest.

"Isn't it written in the newspaper! In some places, except for the winter wheat that has already been planted, others cannot be planted.

Greenhouse vegetables are not grown in the grain fields. After the vegetable fields are planted, they will be withdrawn next year, and other vegetables cannot be grown.

Obedient, the imperial court orders, your feces, we will find someone to take it away, and we will not make you lose money. "

The yamen continued to persuade the winter wheat to wait for next year's harvest, and then it would stand on end.

All the greenhouses in the vegetable fields have been withdrawn, and the vegetables that were thought to be harvestable before June were lost within the approved range, so they were planted.

As for the unplanted farmland, fertilizing it is pure waste.

"The court can't be unreasonable, if you don't call it a seed, you can't call it a seed. What about the harvest?"

Farmers complain, don't tell me why, I want to live.

"The subsidy, the subsidy for one season of grain and vegetables, is paid by the Great Tang Dynasty Fund, and Li Jiazhuangzi is responsible for arranging follow-up matters. Don't you know the story of the hunter Hai Libu written in the newspaper?"

The yamen had to reveal some content. He was afraid of causing panic. The court did not want to tell them about these yamen, and he was worried that they would be sympathetic.

"I know the hunter Hai Libu, my family knows it, there is a hunter named Hai Libu, because he saved the daughter of the Sea Dragon King, he can understand the words of animals, and once there is a flood, he will... just... …”

The farmer stopped, looked at the yamen, and then looked at his farmland: "It's sold, and the manure is sold. When the owner of Li greets us, we'll move, and we don't need the owner of Li to explain."

He was so scared that he didn't dare to ask which day, for fear that Li Dongzhu would be punished for revealing the secret.

It was soon spread out that wherever the newspapers were required not to plant crops, the people knew that a flood was coming.


"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, water will be distributed in some places in the middle and late June of next year. Let's calculate the time. We will move in early June. Don't worry, you can replant food and add subsidies after flushing."

Two mornings later, newsboys were hawking newspapers.

Everyone bought newspapers one after another, and today's newspaper was deliberately overprinted by 50% when it was printed yesterday.

Sure enough, all of them were sold. When the people heard that there was a flood, people who were reluctant to buy newspapers also bought a copy.

June refers to the lunar calendar. Winter wheat can be harvested in time, but food crops grown in spring will not work.

The people themselves will weigh, planting spring soybeans, it will take a month and a half to mature, can they pick edamame and cook?

Cowpeas and cucumbers are planted in a few months, when will they bear fruit, and how many days can they be eaten?

Next year's Lunar June 21st is August 3rd of the Gregorian calendar, and it must be withdrawn half a month in advance.

The house needs to be demolished, the mud house only needs the beams, and the brick and tile can still be used.

"I don't plant leeks, green onions, and soybeans anymore. There are many livestock at home, so I need to change places early."

A farmer communicates with his neighbors with a newspaper in hand. He chooses to grow these two types of crops. He also planted food crops in the fields and harvested them together.

"I'll just plant some in the vegetable field. If I don't plant alfalfa, I will only harvest one crop. How can I dismantle the second-story brick building of my house?"

"It can't be fake, can it?"

"Fake? Do you know how the hunter Hai Libu died? You want to kill Li Dongzhu?"

"Walk around, don't pay attention to him, don't move his house if you have the ability."

"There are people like this everywhere, so self-righteous."

A group of people said stay away from that person and continue to study what to plant in another place. Is it worth it?

After the flood, he knew that when he planted corn, Lijiazhuangzi gave the seeds, and harvested them in advance to make silage before they matured.

The people felt at ease when they said things that would cause panic.

I will tell you which day I will tell you where I move to, and how to replant and reap the benefits, as well as subsidies.

You can count the days without worry.

Therefore, there was no such thing as selling land in advance or moving house, and the people continued to live, waiting to grow corn.

Boiled green corn is very expensive, and ordinary people are reluctant to buy it and eat it.

A few days later, I saw Xiaohan's solar term, the fifteenth day of the eleventh lunar month, the full moon, and the grand meeting.

The entire Tang Dynasty was stable, and no one took the opportunity to make trouble.

Li Yi didn't attend the meeting this time. He was busy in the hospital, the weather was cold, and many people were sick.

Fortunately, there is a lot of snow and the weather is cold, otherwise I will get sick more.

In the place where the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal railway line passes, there are pregnant women who are about to give birth in the homes of the common people. They would rather spend expensive fares than send them to Lijiazhuangzi.

The number of nurses turned from imperial physicians has increased, and those who specialize in medicine are trying their best to learn.

Like the outstanding students who went to study in the West during the Qing Dynasty and the founding of the People's Republic of China, they knew that they had important national responsibilities on their shoulders.

They just recite things when they eat, recite them before going to bed, wake up after a few hours of sleep and continue reading, and get their degree certificates as if they were playing.

Only smart people will be sent out, plus diligence and hard work, to learn what other people have for three or four years in a year.

This is the case with the imperial physician who was selected to be a nurse. He has good memory, strong comprehension, and good hands-on ability, and then spends all his time on study and practice.

Their purpose is simple, they work hard to learn knowledge and save Even so, there is still a shortage of doctors.

Yesterday, Li Yi encountered a pregnant woman with amniotic fluid embolism. It was not the first case. Just like before, he used a lot of blood and drugs to save two lives.

The family of the rescued mother belonged to the Zheng family in Xingyang. Someone in their family was a nurse and told the clan people through telegrams how the mother of the same clan survived.

A simple example, there is sand in the cement canals, flush with a lot of water, and wash the sand out.

There is such sand in the mother's body, which keeps pouring blood. If the blood of Li Jiazhuangzi is not enough, the person will die.

Everyone has time to go to Lijiazhuangzi Hospital to check their bodies and donate blood by the way.

You have no idea how dangerous it is. You have studied hard for half a year with your previous imperial medical skills.

If you encounter the same situation, you can only hold your head and cry, you can't save it, and you don't know how to deal with those temporary problems.

The Zheng family in Xingyang sent a heavy gift, which was still in transit.

On the other hand, Li Yi dealt with another dystocia, and sent someone to guard it and changed the operating room, fearing that there would be postpartum hemorrhage.

"The number of medical practitioners is still small, and giving me a hundred times the number is not enough."

Li Yi only dealt with the situation of the mother in the morning, some personally took action, and some gave guidance.

The only thing fortunate is that the nurses cooperated tacitly and sometimes did not need to speak. After finding the situation, the nurses immediately took measures synchronously.

Usually, they watch the surgical video exchanged by Li Yi, and use pigs to practice their hands like crazy.


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