Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2550: Landlords lack food, no problem

"There is a debt in the greenhouses, and there is no way to grow new seeds! Although the airship is good, the cost of one is catching up with 20 steam engines..."

When Bi Gou and the others entered the room, Li Yi was screeching at the abacus and muttering with a frown.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan were next to each other, and the expressions on their faces were also very rich, and they felt a little pain.

Bi Gou and the others showed similar expressions. They wanted to laugh, but they had to endure it with all their might. It was very painful.

"Xiao Yi!" Bi Gou asked.

"Ah? Lao Bi Lao Song, you guys are here, come on, serve tea, serve good tea, the distinguished guests are here, do you have any gifts?"

The abacus in Li Yi's hand was disrupted, and he got up to say hello.

A group of people: "..."

"There is no shortage of things in your village. I waited for everyone to write a festive character."

Bi Gou first took the scroll from his sleeve, and the others pulled out the same.

"This is a great gift, Wen Tian Xiaolan, put it away."

Li Yi was really satisfied that other things were worthless, and the words of the Zaifus could be passed down to the family.

Everyone in the group can do it, every one worth saving must be worthwhile.

Just like what he wrote himself, it was gone after he wrote it. I heard that all the prescriptions he prescribed were taken away at high prices.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan took the copybook and left, and the little robot was in charge of making tea.

"I want to frame it. Li Lang likes to collect words. I will go to my father to ask for it."

Princess Yongmu thought for a while and decided to find someone to write the words.

She said to ask, not only Li Longji wanted, but Li Longji asked others to write, one person painted ten paintings, wrote ten characters and so on.

Grandpa Taishanghuang also wanted to write and draw, seriously.

"Xiaoyi, your airship! Transport back and forth, the difference in price..."

This time 17B* Chapter Si. Bi Gou glanced at the account book on the small table, he didn't believe it was in arrears.

"Yes! Farmer's uncle is not easy to farm. Even if we lose money in terms of price difference, we will be lucky. Everyone says that since the Datang airship, the farmer's uncle's vegetables will not worry about selling."

Li Yi plagiarized an advertising slogan. He used to buy things on that platform, usually beer.

He didn't dare to buy anything else, there were too many fakes, and the leather goods that were promised were artificial leather.

It is a scam, but no one cares, and the law enforcement agencies do nothing because they get the benefits.

"It's always profitable, right?" Song Jing said from another perspective.

"Are you talking about the cost? The cost of building an airship? Rubber, Datang hasn't started harvesting yet, it's early."

Li Yi crooked the building again, what profit? Rubber is not the cost? Take it back from thousands of miles away.

"Gangrou, we just want to know how much money your family made this year." Zhang Jiuling said directly.

"More than 100 million yuan, I will donate 50 million yuan to the Tang Dynasty Fund."

Li Yi did not hide it from Zhang Jiuling, and told you that I do have a lot of money, and I have nowhere to spend if I earn more, so I will donate it.

"Drink tea, drink tea, this tea is good, it's all tender shoots!"

Su Ting played the rounds again, he was used to it.

Everyone has nothing to say now, and donated half of the money they earned.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The key point is that Li Yi didn't count this in the tax, paid the tax normally, and then donated extra money.

Everyone was embarrassed, thinking about how much Li Jiazhuangzi earned, but they donated half of it, saying that donations must be donated.

"Xiaoyi, we came here to ask, what's for lunch, and I want to have dinner with you."

Yao Chong broke the embarrassment, what relationship do we have with Xiaoyi! New Year's Eve here is a jump-start.

"Eat seafood!" Li Yi didn't want to cook, so let others cook and eat here.

He knew that everyone came here not to eat, but to ask about money. Now that money is no problem, there must be other problems.

Seafood is not to eat cream seafood pot, it is a Western tradition, the most annoying thing in China is cream pot.

There are generally three kinds of Chinese soups. One is to put some oil in the pot, pour in the water, boil it and let it go.

One is the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall series. The soup is very thick, so you can eat the heavy feeling of many ingredients.

The third is the Shu-di boiled cabbage series that respects spicy and spicy, and the thick soup of Buddha Jumps over the Wall is hanged into clear soup.

There is no superiority and inferiority.


"Brother Yi, is it snowing again?"

It was snowing while eating, and Li Yi went upstairs to look for everyone.

If Li Longji saw snow before, he didn't feel anything. It's normal to snow in winter. Why can't it snow in Luoyang?

But knowing that the water will be released next year, it is difficult for him to calm down, and he feels that every snowflake is not innocent.

"Actually, there is a way to knock down the rain in advance, but wherever it is struck, the local area will have to bear the rain.

If it hits upstream, the water still rushes down, not as much as in droughts and hail.

We can only do our best to drain the water this year. Don't mess up the evacuation procedure, we are organized. "

Li Yi has no way to face this kind of natural disaster. Fortunately, he can arrange how to hide in advance.

Therefore, in order to control the water, it is better to block it than to sparse it.

Imagine the scene at that time, a group of people without primary school culture watched the monstrous peaks flow by.

At this time, they still have the ability to block and sparse, they don't even have better tools!

Such a nation, isn't it worth being proud of?

"The place to hide the ice should be placed in a high I wrote it in the newspaper before, and then ask if there is anyone who doesn't trust us, hurry up and get it."

Li Yi began to think about the issue of ice in summer. The people could get some ice and sell it for money in summer.

But some people don't believe it, and let him move out. He feels that the cost is too high, and he thinks there is nothing to do, and he is tired of tossing.

"It's easy. The yamen will send people. Anyone who doesn't obey will be arrested and taken away."

The Tang Dynasty was not the Great Song Dynasty. The Northern Song Dynasty wanted to expand the palace, but the people did not agree to the demolition, so they had no choice but to not expand.

Datang wants to expand, which people dare to say no? If you are asked to move, you will move. If you don't move, you will be arrested and beaten and taken away, and your home will be destroyed.

Li Yi: "It's okay!"

He approves it, and if he doesn't listen to it, he will force it, why? Do you dare to rebel?

It is not allowed to appear in the scenes in the movies and TV series. In critical moments, the people just don't move, everyone persuades them, and in the end, the "good people" are dragged to death.

In fact, Li Yi thought too much. After the people saw the newspaper, they took the initiative to move their positions. Chang'an had a low-lying place and needed to store ice.

The newspaper stated that it was guaranteed to be flooded next year, and the people took advantage of the cold weather to immediately take it out and find a new place.

Make a big tyrant. For example, if a certain village has a high terrain, it is necessary to discuss with the villagers and give them money. Then, in the winter, the frozen soil layer will be shaved, and a cellar will be built to store ice.

The villagers originally promised to collect the money, but after seeing the digging of the cellar, they asked who would the cellar belong to if there was no ice left in the future?

When I learned that I would go back to the village, I would not need the money. If you dig, we will tell you where it is more suitable to dig.

Just here, don't worry, it's guaranteed that you won't be able to dig water, dig it! The place you dug before is not bad, let’s dig another one, come on!

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the literature in the fastest way.

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