Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2559: Bad money is not far away

"Third brother, don't be in a hurry. Two years. According to our economic development speed, two years is enough. The previous exchange coupons have laid the foundation."

Li Yi did not think that the people had already accepted one kind of paper money, and it would be easy to accept the same paper money, so he advised Li Longji not to worry.

"Yeah!" Li Longji felt that it made sense and was very pleased: "The Tang Dynasty has no bad money, so the imperial court can manage it better."

Bad money used to be a knife hanging over the heads of emperors and ministers. Datang had insufficient circulating currency, lacked copper, and had to fight wars, so other currencies could only be issued to inflate the value.

The people themselves mint money, and inflate it along with it.

When the court found out that it could not be controlled, it could no longer be controlled. If it was controlled, the currency circulation would be reduced all at once.

The essence is that the imperial court is poor and has lost the credibility of the currency.

Even if there is the technology of Lijiazhuangzi to print banknotes, the value of banknotes will be depreciated.

People can't make paper money, but they can sell things more expensive.

Li Yi's fiat currency at that time had a strong purchasing power at the beginning, and it was printed hard and began to depreciate.

The fundamental reason for Datang is that it did not pay enough attention to the transformation of production technology into productivity, and did not increase the encouragement of technology research and development.

Not enough attention is paid to craftsmen, nor to technical officials.

Now it has been taken seriously, and it is easy to become an official by studying medicine, and craftsmen who engage in technology are all given to foreign officials.

"You can use Fei Ting to go to some remote places to get banknotes to buy ... wild vegetables, and buy all kinds of gadgets made by them in the north area."

Li Yi wanted to say that he was going to buy delicious food, but found that the time was not right. He bought it in the past. What do the people eat?

There are wild vegetables in the south, including the land of Shu. In fact, the north does not need to worry about it, and the exchange coupons are already being used.

In remote places, there are no exchange coupons, and copper coins are still used or bartered, and the bad money is hidden in them.

There are not many places like this, it is difficult to travel by land, there are few people and places that are not important, there are no post stations at all.

"Brother Yi, it's better to subsidize such places. When the weather is warm this year, let them help build roads. By the way, I will send you some tools and food, good salt, matches, and silk."

Li Chengqi simply, do not buy, give, the money is given to calculate the cost of future work.

"What my brother said is very true." Li Yi admitted that he didn't think about it for a while, just give it, life there is not easy, and the government cares.

"Stay here at night, drink sheep soup, and then we fly back in the middle of the night."

Li Longji decided to stay a little longer, His Majesty is having fun with the people!

It turned out that the flying trucks carrying the goods were loaded with things from the Tianbing Army and the Yokono Army to fly to Zhuangzi. There were too many local cheeses and jerky. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

There are also mushrooms picked in autumn, transported to Chang'an, and we will see how to arrange it when the weather is better.

Just fly quite arrived, put it on.

When Li Yi gave money, he bought it and didn't need to give it away.

Buy at the local price, shipping is your own responsibility.


Time came to the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, and there was another day for Shangyuan Festival.

The people of Zhuangzi of Li's family were already ready, waiting to watch the performance and eat the Lantern Festival.

In Wugang County, Shaozhou, West Jiangnan Road, the people of the county are also beaming. They wrote in the newspaper that arrived five days later from Shaoyang County, the prefecture's seat, that His Majesty is happy this year, and all rent and yong transfers are free.

If it weren't for Shao Shui and Zi Shui, it would take half a month to send the newspaper from Shaoyang to Wugang.

Thirty miles east of Wugang County, there is a village, and the villagers get up early.

They have to pick things down the mountain, sell them in the county town, and buy them back for the holidays.

Twenty people and ten burdens, ready to take turns on the road, the mountain road is difficult, and in some places they have to go down the cliff along the rope.

The stairs, which were finally made out of the soil, disappeared as soon as the rain washed away.

They used a wooden ladder, moved the next part to the side, continued down the other ladder, and moved again.

Set off this morning, and will be back when the moon is almost mid-air, with torches and flints on the way.

This is their normal life, and they don't need to starve to death. Nutrition is never something they should consider.

Twenty people eat two more boiled eggs in the morning, bring bags of fried rice, rations for the day, they are reluctant to eat in the county, it is too expensive.

"What is that?" The team was about to set off when a child who was seeing off pointed to the sky and asked.

The person next to him raised his head, and a big guy flew over from the sky, getting lower and lower.

When someone got excited, they immediately knelt down and began to kowtow and pray.

Others didn't know what to do, and when they saw someone kneeling down, they knelt there, muttering that they had never done anything bad.

The things in the sky are closer and the heights are lower.

The villagers who had never seen Fei Ting were trembling with fear, and all those who could kneel knelt.

They thought it was a big monster that was going to eat people.

The height of Fei Ting was still lowering, and suddenly someone stood up, unloading the pole from the burden and holding it in his hand.

When others saw it, they all got up to look for the guy. The old lady and the old man coaxed the child to run back.

They thought they couldn't escape, so they had to fight.

Fei straight up and started to throw the rope down, and the people below picked up sickles, stone spears, kitchen knives, sticks, stones...

The end of the rope fell to the ground, and people in black clothes descended down the rope.

As soon as the person arrived, he turned his head to say hello: "Come here to help pull the rope, don't be stunned."

Villager: "..."

"Looks familiar, the picture on the chest is the same as the one in the This time 7*5z Zhang Si

"It's not familiar, it's Yulin Feiqi, our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, go and help."

The people dropped the things in their hands and ran over to grab the rope, and by the way looked at the big guy flying in the sky.

"It's almost the festival. Your Majesty is afraid that you will have a bad day, so he sent us to deliver things to you. This is called Fei Ting, which can pack all the people in the village into the sky at one time."

Yulin Feiqi introduced the situation. Just now, he saw the reaction of the people below. He begged for mercy when he felt hopeful, and fought back after despair.

The fly was inflated with air to increase its weight, the villagers all ran out again, and the children also stepped forward to tug on the rope.

"Why didn't you shout just now, it scared us." A boy complained while hanging from the rope.

"I didn't bring a horn, I'll pay attention next time." Yulin Feiqi was very embarrassed.

"Where's your red cloak?" The child chose to forgive.

"Put it on top, it's inconvenient to go down the rope and drape it."

"What good things are you sending?" The child asked a lot.

"There is money to eat, use, and money. Do you use exchange coupons for the newly printed money by Datang?"

"There are a few. We use broken money, but they don't want to accept it. Before saving, only a lot of money can be counted. It's a loss."

The child pursed his lips, complaining that the bad copper coins in the past were hard to spend.

"How many, I will exchange them for you, one to one."

Yulin Feiqi understands that people in the county do not want to accept bad money. control the big lord

"One to three will do." The child thinks that the advantage is too great.

"One to one." Yulin Feiqi insisted.

"You said that! You have to put a drill on the ground?"

When the child continued to climb up, Fei Lin Feiqi began to chisel the drill to fix it.

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