Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2567: Metal Reserve Lunch Watch

"Xiaoyi! It's not the old man who told you that, look at this old man, why is there a layer of chili oil floating in this boiled meat? Isn't it just boiled in water!"

During lunch, Bi Gou complained to Li Yi.

Li Yi: "..."

"Lao Bi, I was wrong. You give it to me and I eat it. I just haven't cooked yet."

Li Yi went over to take Bigou's bowl, I ate it, and I won't talk nonsense to you.

Is it your first day to eat at Lijiazhuangzi? Don't know what ingredients to use for boiled fish and boiled meat?

Did you make it yourself? The degree of spiciness is different, which one you want to eat.

If it wasn't for the rain and humidity in the spring, it would be impossible for the cafeteria to cook so many spicy dishes.

And there are herbs such as hay, Campanulaceae, Atractylodes, Luo Han Guo, Poria, ginseng beard and so on.

Mala does not have two spicy sides, and there will be no "sequelae" of diarrhea after eating.

Today, in order to cope with the dampness of the spring, the dishes are all medicated meals.

Bi Gou protects his food, he wants to eat it, and his gastrointestinal tract is well conditioned in Lijiazhuangzi.

"You have to compensate the old man." Bi Gou said confidently.

"Third brother, brother suddenly found out that there is no one in the group!" Li Yi spoke to Li Longji.

Li Longji also eats boiled meat slices, and almost choked his nose. You two play like this all day, are you trying to increase the fun of life?

"Hey? It's not very spicy! Xiaoyi, this old man misunderstood you.

Looking at the bright red oil on top, it tastes not only not spicy, but also fragrant!

A few days ago, the Datang fleet consisted of 800 dual-purpose sailboats and 40 steam engines, but no? "

Bi Gou counted his days and didn't want to join the group for the time being, at least until the flood was over, he would feel at ease.

"Of course!" Li Yi nodded, Zhuangzi made things fast, and they were all divided into labor, and the Datang Gongmeng outside was also working hard.

The entire country operates one thing, with sufficient money and very high efficiency.

"Bring some more gold and silver back!" Bi Gou finally said his purpose.

"It's useless! There is a lot of gold and silver, what else can Datang buy and sell? The output is limited. After you issue currency, won't it cause inflation?"

Li Yi shook his head and refused. With one billion yuan worth of gold as collateral, you can issue one billion yuan Kaiyuan Tongbao banknotes?

How to enter the market? Buy, buy a lot of things, and the price will go up when things are less.

The domestic currency of Datang is not so issued. If you buy all the food, how many times will the price of the food be doubled?

"Bring it back and keep it first, no banknotes will be issued." Zhang Si now

Bi Gou understood, he just wanted to see something there.

Yes, you can not issue, not, can't issue, Xiaoyi disagrees.

Qianfeng Quanbao, which was issued before, was withdrawn in less than a year, because compared with other money, one is worth ten.

Compared with Kaiyuan Tongbao, the value of the copper coins of Kaiyuan Tongbao is itself, and my copper is worth the money.

Qianfeng Quanbao is not, it is not worth ten times the Kaiyuan Tongbao, it is a credit currency. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

What credibility do you have? I melted Kaiyuan Tongbao, and then made your Qianfengquanbao, is it ten times as much?

Then I use Qianfengquanbao to buy Kaiyuan Tongbao and continue to melt...

Now this is not the problem. With gold and silver, Datang has few materials, enough currency in circulation, and the collateral cannot be eaten or worn.

Unless it is directly used to repurchase the exchange certificates of Lijiazhuangzi, then Li Yi will lose money, because the currency cost of small denomination is higher than the denomination.

It is only reasonable to exchange the vouchers after they are old, and the value function of the vouchers can be maximized.

Ministers are aware of these circumstances, and Bigou should reserve and plan for the future.

"Sure, I'll find a few more locations, gold and silver mines, in fact, exchange them, others have reserves."

Li Yi agrees, you don't want me to have to print money. Anyway, I control it, and it is impossible to cede the right to review the production and issuance of money now.

If I don't care, you may fly to the sky.

The economic, financial, and monetary systems you have learned have not been manipulated.

When Datang develops slowly, I will show you what it looks like, including the banking system.

Overdraft and overnight lending are enough for you to play, and then there are positive repurchase and reverse repurchase, deposit interest rate, margin rate, gross national product, gross domestic product, purchasing manager index, industrial production index, employment... …

Let's take it slow, don't worry, it will be there.

It doesn't mean that you can learn it, I have to build a data model according to the current state of the entire world economy in Datang.

"Rigid and soft, is it difficult?" Zhang Jiuling was equally concerned.

"Soldiers are impermanent and water is impermanent. It has nothing to do with difficulty or difficulty, as long as we operate well."

Li Yi told the truth, it was not difficult at all, because there was no opponent.

In the whole world, inside and outside the Tang Dynasty, who has his knowledge reserve?

"Are the kids eating well now?"

Yao Chong also eats boiled pork slices, he did not choose spicy like Bi Gou.

"Take a look, the drone flew over, and someone picked it up and put it in the cafeteria of the school." Li Yi arranged.

There is no such treatment in other places in Datang. If you take a look at Luoyang's trip, at least you are in a good mood!

Choose a school, a fixed-wing drone that can take off and land vertically, take a multi-rotor drone down, land on the ground, and shout: Come and help me get the canteen! Who came out and put me in the cafeteria?

A few children ran out to take a look, and happily raised the small plane above to go back.

"It's alright, alright, put me on the table, I'll fly by You guys eat." The drone said.

The child put it on the table again and took a step back.

The drone took off and buzzed and took pictures, and the children and adults looked up together.

"Everyone, when I'm not here, what should you do?"

Everyone froze, and the drone had to tell them to continue.

Children occasionally glance at the drone and line up with their own plates.

There are four windows in the place where the meals are served. The meals are the same, with eight dishes, three meat and three vegetarian dishes. Students of all sizes can choose freely, but there are at least two vegetarian dishes.

Chicken stewed with hazel mushrooms, sweet and sour pot-wrapped meat, braised rabbit meat, Mushu tomatoes, fried pork with garlic sprouts, stewed eggplants with potatoes, and shredded radish soup.

The main dishes are indica rice cakes and yellow rice, small pickles with dried tofu shreds and half a salted duck egg with oil.

"A little Mushu tomatoes and a little potato stewed eggplant, more, more, oops! Meat, I want a little more."

A little boy loves meat, but doesn't like vegetarian food and garlic sprouts.

The aunt who beat the rice didn't shake her hands, but she made sure to beat the vegetarian food more, and there was a lot of meat.

The little boy brought the dishes to the side, then came back to get yellow rice and pickled vegetables and duck eggs, and made another trip to serve the soup.

The older students are over 30 years old. They eat at the next place and try not to get together with the children.

They eat every dish, but they dare not be picky like children. control the big lord

And they will take the initiative to help with the work, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

They eat fast and give each child a small plate of dried fruit.

After the children have finished eating, they will clean the table, and the tableware will not be handled by them, and the children will send it to the recycling place.

Watching the children eat, Li Longji and others ate deliciously, and Li Chengqi looked the happiest, because the money for the school was provided by the Tang Dynasty Fund.

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