Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2585: Super bighead carp nest

"Tell them to take a shovel. There are eels and loaches. If you don't dig them out, they will all die when you see them after plowing. It's a pity."

Li Yi said with a smile, the harvest time has come, we can't just be rushed, right? This overflowing...

"Third brother, in all the overflowing places, there is no breach, so you should be rewarded."

Li Yi suddenly remembered that the river was overflowing and the embankment was unobstructed, and the project was well done.

"Reward!" Li Longji agreed.

Li Yi let out a sigh of relief and felt comfortable. He found that the family was still very useful.

The thousand-year-old family has long been taught what to do and what not to do.

There are changes in dynasties, and when people need to be employed, they find that people from an aristocratic family are working hard no matter which dynasty they are, and they must be used.

Like a political trial, arresting someone in a criminal case affects three generations. This was not the case in ancient times. You will find out how many generations of a big family.

There are stains, guarantee not to use.

In some families, this generation of officials is not high enough, and they still work hard to teach their children and work diligently.

If you give him money, he dare not take it. If you take the family tree of the accident, how do you write him? Under the Jiuquan, there is no face to see the ancestors.

The key is to lose the head, the craftsman is responsible for the specific repair of the embankment, and there are several other officials responsible for it.

One official wanted to be greedy for ink, and other officials were unwilling to pay for it.

You say that you have to eat a lot of fish and meat, drink some wine, and you take a lot of money all at once. If there is a problem with the quality of the project, we will all die.

After the embankment was repaired, officials inspected it. They found nothing wrong, and they died together.

The screen turned again and turned to the water network near Chang'an City. There were also people happily catching fish and shrimp.

The fish and shrimp were startled and stunned. When the water rushed, they couldn't find their place. Just as they were trying to adapt, the net came down.

The screens were changed, and Li Yi found out that everyone suffered from the aftermath of the disaster! Instead, it's like a holiday.

One of the pictures flashed, and Li Yi said, "That fish just now."

The screen cuts back for everyone to watch. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

A big fish about two meters in size was dragged ashore by a group of people with a large net, and Fei Lin Feiqi all participated.

Those people jumped and jumped, and they got up and sent them to the embankment. The carriage was there, and they were loaded onto the carriage. One person gestured and spoke.

Little Robot: "He said he would send it to His Majesty and East Master Li. The others agreed, saying that the fish was too big to eat."

"Fat-headed fish, the head is delicious, but it was a pity that they were planed, otherwise I would like to fly over and bring it back to raise, eat it!"

Li Yi felt regretful that he had never seen such a big bighead carp, so he could only eat it.

You can eat fish like meat, but the fish head is the best.

He was able to get such a big fat-headed fish at that time, and he dared to invite bigger officials to have dinner together, plus other fat-headed fish that he bought, to make a whole fish feast.


Now there are bigger officials to eat together, there is no problem, and they cook by themselves.

It feels like the fish can weigh 260 to 70 kilograms. After cleaning, it is enough for those who are qualified to eat it now.

This fish head can account for one-third of the whole, and it is most suitable to eat at noon, and it takes a whole morning to make.

"I have to practice my hands with other fat-headed fish first, I'm afraid it will be unfamiliar." Li Yi stared at the big fish.

He didn't find the legendary children and big snakes in Sanyakou in Dengzhou, but it was fine to see a big fish.

That is to spread rumors based on falsehoods, just like the Heiyu he killed at the beginning, it has been passed on from person to person.

And when he killed himself, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had fought for seven, seven and forty-nine days.

Later, the prince Li Chengqi was asked to invite the emperor's seal to suppress it.

I feel that it is not the emperor's seal, but the heaven-shattering seal.

"Send a tractor, bring it back to refrigerate, and eat it tomorrow."

Li Chengqi was drooling, thinking about eating fish head.

Lijiazhuangzi's single-cylinder diesel walk-behind tractor is dispatched, chug chu...

There is half a bucket of soap on the back bucket, and it is sent to others to change the fish. Everyone is always in the water. If it gets scratched, wash it with soap.

Li Yi felt that he had made a profit. The wild two-meter-long fat-headed fish was hung for one million people and people were rushing to buy it.

His record at that time was not so big. How much was the soap?

The two sides met and saw so much soap, the fish catcher cheered again. This time *w.C*om Zhang Si

In the evening, Zhuangzi of Li's family made two one-meter-long fat-headed fish, and he was exhausted.

Li Longji and others didn't eat it, worried that it wouldn't be good enough to eat it tomorrow.

Taohong and the other maids and eunuchs enjoyed it, and Zhuangzi also ate fathead fish, which is now abundant.

Ordinary people don't like to eat it. The fish head is too big, and the fish head is the most difficult to make. There are so many ingredients used. Who ordinary people can get a big fish head to eat!

After breakfast the next day, Li Yi got into the kitchen and began to greet people with side dishes.

After the fish is cleaned, the parts that can be eaten add up to 275 jin, and the head is 86 jin except for the gills.

Part of the gills of the whole fish, liver and kidneys are thrown away, and the rest can be eaten, including scales and bones.

It took four and a half hours, a full four and a half hours, for Li Yi and five other chefs to turn this fat-headed fish into a whole fish feast.

With various side dishes and soups, the total weight of the whole fish feast exceeds 800 catties.

There are only four ways to make the fish head, and the maids help to serve it. It is impossible for everyone to eat the fish head around the table. It is too big.

The staple food is japonica rice and cornmeal wotou, with a little white flour and honey in it, it can't really be all cornmeal.

That kind of cornmeal wotou is the original work of the fake song: I hold the wotou in my hand, and there is not a drop of oil in the dish...

The wowotou is made by grinding the cob in the middle of the corn into powder, adding water and steaming it in a pot, and making a hole at the bottom to make it cook When eating, just put the mustard pickles in it and eat it. Scratching the throat, if there is no oil and water, it will dry.

Like the food substitute biscuits that were used for a while, mixed with other things, and then went to the toilet to pick it up with your hands, saying it was a natural disaster!

Back in the Soviet Union, black bread was also put in sawdust, which is wood flour.

How dare Li Yi eat this kind of food for everyone, the corn is peeled off layer after layer, and it is finely ground.

Add white flour, honey, soy flour, and ghee, and steam on basil leaves.

The made wowotou, the children say it is delicious.

The six divisions of Jingzhao Mansion have been there, and the six divisions of Henan Mansion are also there.

Li Dan drank the fish head tofu soup and took a bite of the wowotou: "Xiaoyi, in the future people will eat this kind of wowotou?"

"I remember I said before, come, do it again, to impress you all."

Li Yi had already prepared, and listed twenty kinds of cornmeal thickness and different things added.

The maid held it and showed it, there was a brand introduction, as well as the whole and cut into small pieces.

After tasting a small piece of it, it is clear that everyone tasted it one after another, and the taste and taste improved little by little.

"Actually, the thirteenth one is not bad. It's relatively thin. I stick pancakes in the pot of the big stove, and then I just fry the salted sea fish and eat it."

Li Yi pointed to the cornmeal nest in the salted fish pancake and said that the salted fish had better be the kind with a little stink.

The more you eat, the more fragrant it will be, and after eating, you will take the initiative to drink more water. control the big lord

The most famous one is Dalian, Liaoning, and later in many places in Northeast China, including Shandong, this belongs to the Shandong cuisine series.

There is no limit to the variety of marine fish, as long as it can be made into salted fish.

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