Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2600: Extinction or not now

"It's fighting, it's fighting." A small robot suddenly shouted.

The screen lights up, the drone takes pictures, and several drones coordinate at the same time, with many angles of the picture.

The Feather Riders fetching water encountered six large, grey, adult kangaroos.

The twenty remnant men who followed them backed away vigilantly and stepped forward to stand with Feiqi Yulin.

Fei Lin Feiqi was also twenty people, carrying poles and buckets.

When I saw a big kangaroo, it was one person holding a pole, and ten people grabbing a tin bucket with both hands.

The drone flies over: it can be shot, it can be shot.

"Understood, let's go." Feiqi Yulin didn't care, they had seen videos of kangaroos fighting, from various angles.

There are nails on the claws, the tail can support the body and swing, the jumping ability is strong, the legs kicking and kicking...

Yulin Feiqi wanted to catch him alive and didn't want to hit him with a pistol.

The kangaroos don't know how ferocious these animals are, but it's amazing to see them grab their own water to drink! beat!

The battle began, the kangaroos charged at a high speed, and the survivors lowered their bodies and clenched their fists.

They won't run away, but unfortunately they didn't take weapons, otherwise they would charge first.

The kangaroo in front of him made a jump and started waving his claws in the air. Instead of punching, the claws were sharp weapons.

The survivors in front jumped to the side in an instant, and the survivors in the back accelerated and jumped up and kicked.

The kangaroo jumped first, and the position where it landed was uncontrollable, and the claws had already waved once.

It was kicked down before it had time to make the second move. The survivors behind it flew and fell on the kangaroo. They first pressed their body and then came over and kicked the kangaroo's head with their feet.

In less than five seconds, the three kangaroos targeting the survivors fell to the ground and lost their ability to resist.

The other three eat towards Yulin Feiqi, the one in front jumps, Yulin Feiqi also dodges, and the back Yulin Feiqi runs and jumps, holding a metal bucket in both hands, and slams it on the kangaroo's head.

A pole next to him swung over and smashed 'DUANG' on the bucket.

The other two rushed over and made an emergency stop, with their tails on the ground and their legs forward, Yu Lin Fei rode down on his body and swung his pole over to hit his tail.

The kangaroo's tail was hit, and he lost his balance in an instant. As soon as his body fell with his legs crooked, he was swept away by other poles.

There is a tin bucket on the head, and the pole is smashing the bucket.

The man followed and pressed on the Kangaroo man, and this was a beating!

In one minute, the battle was completely over, and the six kangaroos lost their ability to resist.

The drone flew over and threw the rope, and everyone tied it together.

"It doesn't look great!" Princess Yongmu thought the kangaroo was weak.

"One-on-one single, you can be tortured to death, but you can't beat any kangaroo, they encounter different opponents."

Li Yi said that his shoulder muscles moved, and he wanted to try one by one.

Six kangaroos, even the big grey kangaroos in the eastern region, encountered twenty natives and twenty feathered cavalry, how could they possibly win?

Indigenous people do not use poles, but use them as spears.

"Can you hit with your bare hands?" Princess Yongmu saw the muscles on the kangaroo's body, so big.

Li Yi thought for a while, then shook his head and nodded: "Without you by my side, I will choose to flexibly change directions and run. With you here, I can kill it."

Li Yi told the truth, why don't I run if I can run, it runs fast, I change directions frequently, and it doesn't chase after a certain distance.

With you here, I can't run, I can only fight, hug me close, and bite me to death.

"It's delicious when baked." A survivor reminded Li Yi what to do.

Li Yi didn't have kangaroos on their island at that time, but now there are, they will also find ways to kill them and eat meat.

Just by looking at the movements of the twenty survivors, you can tell that they are familiar with the attack methods of kangaroos.

"So, after normal physical exercise, the means of attack should not include jumping and high leg raises, and the legs should not be over the knee."

Li Yi said that the army fights normally, fights with bare hands, cannot jump, and should go down when sweeping legs.

Taekwondo is not. I always like to jump up and raise my legs.

With the same training intensity and time, practicing other means of attack is stronger than Taekwondo.

Ordinary people who can't beat Taekwondo have no training at all. Of course, those who beat others who have trained are not good at fighting, and have no fighting consciousness.

Unruly fighting, taekwondo is useless, and some taekwondo masters can win, that is because their physical conditions are strong, and others are stronger.

Anyway, he was not a master of taekwondo before, and his reaction ability was good when he was training.

Playing ordinary, he played with his life and still lay down on the other side.

Not anymore, he always fights with Guo Ziyi, Guo Ziyi is very helpless.

If you are not serious, you will suffer. Li Yi inserts his eyes, punches his crotch, bites his upper teeth, breaks his fingers, and puts his head on his chin...

Seriously and afraid of hurting Li Yi, the ultimate move will be brought down.

This is not a problem of training, talent, martial arts, etc. are troubles?

What Li Yi uses is the means of fighting on the battlefield, Guo Ziyi is tired!

The result is that every time Li Yi has a blue nose and a swollen face, he goes to the hospital to deal with it, and he will be fine in two days. The recovery speed is very fast, special!

More people came to help, the water has to continue to be picked, and people in other places started to use nets.

At noon, one hundred and sixty kangaroos were brought back. After they were tied up, they quietly ate fruit, mainly Shanna. The apples had not yet come to fruition and could not be brought.

They also like to eat green corn cobs, which are used as pellet feed for horses, cattle and sheep, and they eat more happily.

"Li Lang, can you take them back?" Princess Yongmu knew that kangaroos didn't eat meat.

"When you asked this question, the result was already determined." Li Yi nodded.

You ask in an imperative tone, even if I exchange it for another cruise ship, I will take it away.

Including koalas and other animals, put them in the zoo together, and show them to the people of Datang to understand the world.

He was responsible for raising the local extinct animals at that time, as well as those in other places.

If you can't control the extinction yourself, you can save it if you can. The extinction due to human activities will not exist in the future.

When he was a child, there were always frogs in the river. He caught frogs, very cruel, with two forks.

Even so, frogs still exist, every year.

After using pesticides and, they disappeared.

Therefore, the disorderly capture of human beings and the unscrupulous production and living activities of human beings are the root causes of the extinction of animals and plants.

Li Yi is not pitiful for animals and plants, but wants to leave enough things for future generations, not only to see in textbooks, not even a picture.

Just like when the Chinese civilization was fighting, even the customs, language, and characters of the enemy had to be helped to preserve.

"Li Lang, I saw the koalas. There were forty koalas in the cage. No, four or six. Their stomachs are like kangaroos, but the direction is a little different."

Princess Yongmu saw the captured koalas again through the big screen. All koalas were lazily, and they could continue to sleep in the cage.

"I have to bring back a lot of eucalyptus leaves, including the plants. It's very hard to raise!"

Li Yi frowned when he saw the koala, not to mention the cost, and part of the key will die in the process of raising it.

If you don't support it, you can't avoid it.

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