Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2613: The chief's request for help is humane

The latest website: The heavy rain continued, and by noon on the fifth day, the chief of the tribe of 1,111 people who had completely recovered from malaria found Li Yi.

While crying, he said and gestured, telling Li Yi that there were still two tribes, three days away from his tribe, one in the south and one in the southwest.

There are more people from the two tribes than his tribe, and the three tribes marry each other.

The chief said he thought about the time when they were helping each other together, and now the rain doesn't seem to stop, and if those two tribes are left alone, they will die a lot.

Li Yi was surprised: "Why didn't you say it before?"

"I thought the rain would stop for two days, and I was happy to make them suffer. It doesn't stop now, and I feel bad when they die."

The chief said the most humane words, yes, seeing others unlucky makes me happy, and seeing others die is different.

The neighbors in the Tang Dynasty were making trouble. Seeing the neighbor's firewood stacking up, gloating at the misfortune, it's time! Go ahead and get the firewood! Ha ha!

When the neighbor's house catches fire, call someone quickly: Get out of the water! Everyone put out the fire!

This is exactly the case with the chief. It rained for two days. Seeing you hungry, you kept going down, and you were going to die.

"How many people?" Li Yi decided to save.

"One is more than us, and one is more than half of us." The chief gave the answer.

"Two thousand two thousand three hundred people and one thousand sixteen seven hundred people? Yachts set off with drones, and when they landed, let the drones out to trigger lightning."

Li Yi looked at the sky and decided to set off for two airships, one on each side to deliver food, and the others to ignore.

The airship was afraid that when it was in the air, a rope wet by the rain would be connected to the ground, and a lightning strike would strike the airship and the airship would explode.

The drone goes up to attract lightning, the airship seizes the time to land, and if you want to hack, you must first hack the drone.

With his orders, the airship was inflated, and the kitchen scrambled to make food, fried noodles, not fried noodles, but flour and other things in oil.

Take this thing to a place, grab it and stuff it in your mouth, and drink the rainwater.

Wait until Tianqing brings the person back and see if there are any parasites.

The indigenous people have always been drinking rainwater and river water, no big problem, and they don't know how to boil water.

Fried noodles can be preserved in the current weather... As long as there are indigenous people, they can eat them, and there is no such thing as throwing them away immediately if they say that they taste bad.

Put more sugar, add rock sugar, including fish floss, dried fish, and more salt. It's a big deal to drink water.

You don't need to give vegetables, and you won't die if you don't eat vegetables for a few days.

The blankets are sent together, and it is guaranteed that at least one per person is wrapped around the body to keep the temperature.

After the airship was inflated, the food was prepared and loaded, and the two airships flew in the direction pointed out by the tribal chief.

There are two small robots on each airship. If the other tribe doesn't want to communicate at all, they will kill when they come up, and they will shoot.

At the same time, they are responsible for commanding the drone, not only for lightning, but the direction of the chief's finger is blurred, and the drone has to fly out to find it.

The airship turned into a small black spot in the sky, and finally disappeared from sight. The chief touched his stomach, showing an embarrassed expression, hungry.

He used to be hungry even if he didn't eat, but he was able to stand up. Now he has made it a habit to eat three meals a day.

People are iron, rice is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

Just like dogs, some dogs have to eat two meals a day, and pet dogs have to eat extra meals.

Abandoned stray dogs are hungry and full to see if they can find meals in the garbage thrown by others.

Like wolves, the shepherd dogs of the grassland peoples in the Tang Dynasty eat a meal for half a month, and then go out to herd sheep. They can eat grass, mice, grasshoppers, snakes and so on.

There is no conclusion that shepherds and wolves are more powerful. It depends on who has more numbers, and who can fight better between the leading shepherd and the other's wolf king.

Under normal circumstances, the shepherd dog will win the final victory, and the number is guaranteed to be more than the wolf. If the herdsmen know the situation of the wolves in this area, they must raise a lot of dogs.

Even if they lose, the sheep will still be able to save a lot, and the wolves will not destroy their own team just to eat.

The shepherd dog will immediately drive the remaining sheep home, and the herdsman will understand at a glance.

Contact other herdsmen, gather the shepherd dogs, let the sheep go, let's go to the wolves.

Such as the post-Turkic, they will never let go of the wolves and must kill them.

The stamina and speed of wolves are good. They are chased and killed by horses. Shepherds are generally held in their arms. When they can't catch up, they put down the shepherds, and the shepherds sprint wildly for a short distance.

Once you bite the wolf, you won't let go, even if the other party bites back, or even the wolf next to him comes to bite, he will drag a wolf and wait for someone to come.

This is how the grassland tribes deal with wolves. The stamina and physical strength of the wolf are similar to that of the shepherd dog. After being chased by a horse for more than ten miles, the wolf cannot maintain an absolute sprint speed.

This is especially true of the indigenous people. Their digestive systems are actually not different from those of the Tang Dynasty. After a full meal, they can last for two days.

The speed and endurance of running are unmatched by ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty.

The rain was pouring down, and the first tribe to the south of the chief tribe was discovered, the closest in a straight line.

The drone was filming through the rain screen. The tribesmen hid on the flat ground, and some people in the shacks used large shells to catch the rainwater and drink.

There is no other food, so they have to drink water. They don't stay in the woods, and thunder and lightning will strike. This is an experience gained from life.

Some people just came back and went to pick the fruit, and in the heavy rain, they gave the picked fruit to the child and the nursing woman.

There is no rain here in spring, the highest temperature can reach 18 to 20 degrees, and the lowest temperature is 56 degrees.

After it rains, it is always maintained at five or six degrees. This is the winter temperature in some areas in the southern part of the Tang Dynasty, which can kill people.

Datang people have clothes to wear and houses to live in, but the indigenous people do not.

At this temperature for a long time, the body heat will be lost rapidly.

Bodily functions decline, even hallucinations, until death.

The multi-rotor drones first came down to see the situation. The indigenous people also looked at the drones when they heard the sound, showing a look of fear.

Looking up again, what is floating in the sky?

More drones set off from the airships and came to the sky, ready to deal with the lightning.

The airship's air compartment begins to inflate, slowly descends, and adjusts its direction.

Yulin Feiqi is about to throw the rope The rope is still dry.

"Hold me, take us down first, then chisel stakes, tie ropes, and we use drones for cover.

Once it is fixed, throw things down immediately, and then people go down, don't worry about the airship, and send a new one if it explodes.

I hope that too many drones will not be shot down, the owner of the drone will change, and the airship Zhuangzi can manufacture it, which is different. "

When the little robot gives orders, the most precious thing is people, followed by drones. Airships don’t matter, it’s just money.

"Understood." Yulin Feiqi tied the little robot to his body, ready to put the rope down.

The little robot shouted to the people on the ground: "We'll give you food, don't be afraid, don't beat us, do you know that Luo Damuga? He asked us to come."

The lightning in the sky clicked, and the drones kept circling a few hundred meters above the airship.

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