Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2631: Backhaul left-behind technical storage

On the night of October 15th, the moon was full, and the fleet left the port of Banbury on the island of Li Yishi and headed towards the Sunda Strait.

Everyone has to return to Luoyang before the new year. According to the speed, there is enough time.

All the local indigenous people found will enter the fleet, and some people left by Yulin Feiqi and the Datang Navy to build here.

Leave them a ship, an airship, and two little robots, one each.

They are also responsible for the construction of the two large islands in the east and the surrounding small islands in the local summer, with no pursuit of efficiency and safety first.

When the northeast monsoon blows, that is, before the Chinese New Year in the Tang Dynasty, in January of the Gregorian calendar and the twelfth lunar month, there will be a fleet of ships from the Tang Dynasty to supply them.

The main supply of food, medicine, diesel.

Cultivated land needs diesel, and small robots need more for charging.

Lifting a small robot can help them know the situation in advance when entering the jungle, grassland and other environments that are prone to conspiracy.

According to the plan, the personnel who carried the supplies in the early stage left behind the fishing seafood to help with the construction.

After the supply team that came at the end of the northeast monsoon arrived, everyone in the early stage left when the southwest monsoon blew.

Datang is about to start to expand. The fleet will go as far as Africa and America. On the way to America, walk slowly, go home almost immediately, and the new fleet will go again.

More seaports and lighthouses can be built on the road, and people will be stationed in the future. Others want to go to the Americas... no.

When Datang is completely occupied and becomes the territory of Datang, if others want to go, they will have to pay when they stop.

"What about the wind? What about the southwest monsoon?"

The wind was blowing wildly on the sea, and it was irregular at all. Song Jing thought about going back to relax, but the disturbing wind was gone.

"I'm tired of blowing and I don't want to blow. The two monsoons do not change every six months. There is a blank period."

Li Yi looked at the moon kebab in the east. It was after nine o'clock in the evening, and the local area was hot, and everyone didn't want to rest early.

For this barbecue, dinner was not eaten, and someone was hungry for a handful of dried fruits.

Li Yi does not roast squid claws, squid mouths, squid necks, and other parts of the squid, but keeps them in the port for drying.

In order to save the seasoning, only brush a little oil when baking, and the other dipping ingredients are divided into dry ingredients and wet ingredients and put them in the bowl.

The kids who ate dinner early and got enough sleep scooped themselves ketchup and pepper sauce, and the older kids got some chili sauce.

Aboriginal chiefs were on cruise ships with their children and important people, while others were on other sailing ships.

The indigenous remnants added more than 3,000 people from two tribes, which were later found in the southwest of the island.

It is estimated that there are still on the island, depending on luck, the island is too large, more than 7.6 million square kilometers, how can it be so good to meet.

Landing in Quanzhou, Datang, there are people in Gansu, how can I find them?

"People who are stationed outside the building are suffering!" Yao Chong missed his son, but his son didn't come, and his grandson and granddaughter followed the team.

His eldest son did not die, and gave birth to a granddaughter for him. At the age of three, he took him by his side and taught him personally.

In fact, there is nothing to teach, three-year-old is just playing, so I can't remember things when I recite, unless I always have to repeat the school test.

When he thinks about his son, he thinks about the people who are left behind, thousands of miles away.

"Go back and let them speak through the robot, record it, put it on a tablet and send it to their families everywhere."

Li Yi gives you a solution, it's less than a year, why be hypocritical?

There are telegrams, especially small robots, which are not affected by signal transmission.

The people who used to guard the island in his country did not have this treatment. They lacked fresh water and needed to grow vegetables and raise pigs on the island themselves.

After a while, a supply ship will pass by, the waves are big, or the weather is stormy, and you will fight against nature.

Datang didn't guard the island, and the island was thrown there, looking for a big development, or someone else's place to get a piece of it and turn it into its own, just buy it.

Later, it became easier, the country was rich, canned food, including vegetables, and fruit, was built, and there was no need to worry about running out of boats.

Lu Huaishen swallowed a squid mouth: "Before we go back, Datang's follow-up fleet is about to set off. Is the supplies coordinated?"

"The workshop has been built, and the canning equipment is being processed. It needs labor. I can't make an automatic production line."

Li Yi responded that the tin-plated plate came out, the technology was also backward, and the demand for labor was large, so some production processes could only be built in separate workshops, and outsiders could be recruited to learn and make them.

Large barrels are used to hold gasoline and diesel, and small ones are naturally canned.

Thinking about his explanation: "In the past, the canned food was not easy to use, but the enamel one was fine, but the cost was high, so it is better to use it as a utensil for the common people, and export it to earn foreign exchange.

The recycling value of cans is not high, and there is no problem in selling them. Other places cannot produce them. Our people sell the cans after eating them. "

Li Yi doesn't want to recycle cans for re-smelting, the cost is much higher than direct manufacturing.

Canned boxes can hold things. In some places, the natives don’t even have a bowl. Canned boxes are good. It’s no problem to burn someone or cook something to eat.

It can even be used as a knife. It is more convenient to cut meat. Shouldn't it be a mirror?

Bi Gou raised his brows: "The local seafood resources are abundant, kangaroo meat is edible, as well as emu eggs, crocodiles, and other birds, why do you need to send canned food?"

"What we sent is not canned food, but the logistics support of Datang. Tell the soldiers that Datang will never forget them.

Many of the navy come from Henan Dao Bohai Bay and other places. I want pancake scallions. The green onions are easy to store.

Douchi sauce for pancake rolls and green onions is the most authentic, chili sauce should be sent, coriander... let them grow their own Can green onions be grown too? "

Li Yi is not sending supplies, he is competing, and it is not allowed that the people who are guarding outside cannot eat well or sleep well.

As he spoke, his voice was low. There were seeds in the team, which had been left. The soldiers grew their own vegetables to eat, even corn.

"Okay!" Bi Gou agrees, we have money, the old man will retire after the new year, who will keep it?

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing, who took over, figured out a way to make money by himself, and I don't want to be a villain!

"How long can a new canned food last?" Su Ting knew that all kinds of canned food had different shelf lives.

In the beginning, oil paper was placed in the bamboo tube, and later, the enamel, the bamboo tube, took half a year! No more.

Enamel generally has no problem for a year, but I am afraid that it will always bump and leak.

The price of glass is expensive. It is better to sell glass to make money and give the soldiers jerky and floss.

Li Yi thought for a while: "Influenced by the craftsmanship, ordinary people have to use a special canning device to eat canned food. The Tang army does not use it, but it is on the tactical saber."

Li Yi can't do the cans that can be opened as soon as they are pulled. The technical requirements are too high, so he can only open the cans with additional things.

The skin of the can is thicker, why not make it thinner? The cost is dozens of times thicker, and who can do it with technology?

"Because the top of the can is thick, the storage time is longer, ten years... or twenty years... can you eat it?

It mainly depends on whether the sterilization method is strict or not, and the quality of military industry should not be taken lightly.

It will not be damaged for at least five years, and you can store it with confidence, but it is recommended not to store it so much, just eat it! "

Li Yi thought of the military canned food that could still be eaten decades later, in the combat readiness bag, as well as weapons and ammunition, all-purpose.

"Borrow a knife for a look." Su Ting looked at Guo Ziyi.

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