Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2658: Human life is expensive to press helium

The latest website: Li Chengqi can't wait to operate a machine to cultivate 10,000 mu of land a day, or a craftsman to use a lathe to build a thousand-worker stepper a day.

Datang lacks people, lacks people, lacks people.

Lack of skilled labor force, the railway from the north bank of the Yellow River to the mouth of the Bohai Sea was completed.

During the repair, new technologies were used, such as double-headed small-horsepower steam engine trains, steam engine excavators, steam engine tractors, steam engine bulldozers, steam engine road rollers...

A section of the rails is laid, and a small horsepower train drives an extra section above it to transport rails, stones, road sleepers, and double-headed.

How long did it take from the first plundering and seedling horses used for harvesting to the current large number of mechanical applications?

It feels like suddenly Lijiazhuangzi exploded like a volcano. Is this the result of the craftsmen who have been learning and working hard before?

The accuracy of lathes is getting higher and higher, and the smelting technology has deteriorated with the improvement of other technologies.

Generally speaking, it takes many generations to sum up and try to build a good knife and steel-making technology to succeed.

Change it to Li Family Zhuangzi, and directly step by step, this step is done, and the next step will be in place immediately.

The theory of new things has long existed. The learning process of craftsmen takes time, the craftsmen learn quickly, the technology is applied quickly, and the loss of test materials is less.

I won't say that doing this is wrong. If it is wrong, it is also wrong in operation. There is no problem in theory, and there is theoretical support for operation.

Glass is, first burn the stone, blow it, cut it and then flatten it, flat glass, master the technique of burning glass, and then float.

After the float started to add other things, the glass types increased.

There is always technology, and craftsmen are running wildly on the road to adapt to technology.

Run all the time, there are no forks or pits, when tired, take a break, eat and sleep, get up and continue to run, rest assured, the road is always so straight.

This is Li Chengqi's intuitive feeling. Like black gunpowder, it comes up with an accurate ratio. The purification method and industrial purification during manufacture are delayed on the equipment.

The manufacturing equipment has the technology, which is delayed in the initial smelting and lathe.

Smelting and lathes have technical support, which is delayed in preliminary measurement tools and materials.

The measuring tool has technology, and the material directly delineates where.

The hardest part is laying the foundation. After the foundation is laid, it is too easy to get up.

The industry is like this. There are chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, artificial cultivation of 'miqing', not to mention hatching, the promotion of vaccines and serums for medicine, and penicillin.

"Brother Yi, Wei brother noticed that Zhuangzi was organized, planned, and purposeful in doing things.

If there is a war, every small local war is a tactic. When all the tactics are done well, the strategic goal will be achieved.

What else is there in two years? You said in advance to make Weixiong happy. "

Li Chengqi drank a big glass of beer and burped, it was cool!

"The next step is the aircraft, the interrupters used when the machine guns are fired on the single-prop aircraft, and the mechanical computer-aided sights used when bombing.

I made two tanks and armored vehicles each for you to watch. You don't need them in war, it's a waste.

No large-caliber howitzers, small-caliber mortars and grenade launchers are enough!

Others are placed on transportation and farming, and the most difficult thing is actually medicine.

With the current Tang soldiers, it is impossible for us to lose a war. Of course, if you can't do medical treatment, you can't do it. "

Li Yi first said weapons, and finally sighed.

It is much easier to train a soldier to go to war than to train a doctor to do surgery.

The gun is not allowed to fire you a few more shots, so I will give you a machine gun.

The scalpel is not allowed to cut, how many more cuts can you make? Datang does not need snipers who can kill the enemy at a distance of two or three kilometers, and lacks all kinds of surgeons.

For example, the "simple" point, outside the brain, outside the heart.

"The kidney is ready." Princess Yongmu gave the sheep kidney to Song Jing, and took two skewers of roasted pork belly herself: "I never dreamed of eating like this when I was a child."

"Yes, the court is stable and the people are safe."

Li Yi picked up a bunch of dried tofu rolls, which were filled with coriander, scallion and ham.

Don't bake it, just roll it down with chopsticks and dip it in garlic chili sauce.

This kind of ham is fermented and can be eaten raw. Zhuangzi has a non-fermented ham, which cannot be eaten raw. The techniques are written in the newspapers, and the people choose it by themselves.

Ham meat is better than sausage and doesn't have a lot of starch.

People usually do not make ham at home, but generally make sausage and bacon, which is simple.

A group of airships appeared in the sky, looking at the location, it should be here from where the Heavenly Soldiers are.

The airships adjusted their direction and chose a place on the ground without buildings and crowds to enter Zhuangzi.

Li Yi looked up blankly, he knew why.

Hydrogen-filled airships require operators to be ready to skydive at all times, and try not to transport people, except in the northeast.

"Helium! If you want to choose a natural gas mine, it must contain helium. On land, if you build a factory next to it, the cost is high!"

A map appeared in Li Yi's mind, Yulin, that is, Yinzhou of the Tang Dynasty.

The local small desert road has been repaired, and the people have killed the wells and planted the bushes, and they will begin to graft the soft big cloud next year.

Watermelon and **** are the main products there, which are used by the people in the open-pit coal mines all the time. In summer, they burn coal billets for cooking, and do not cut down trees.

In winter, lump coal is used for heating, with less soot.

The factory was built there, troops were stationed there, and troops were drawn from the Anbei Duhufu, north of the Yellow River.

While guarding, they continued to plant trees and afforestation in the local area. If the Turks could not fight, they should not waste their soldiers and switch to production and construction.

"Brother Yi, what are you thinking?" Li Chengqi looked at the airship group and then at Li Yi, who was stunned.

"Hydrogen is flammable and explosive, so it has to be replaced with a non-flammable gas..."

Li Yi said that the cost of helium is hundreds of times that of hydrogen, and the safety is also hundreds of times.

"Take a lot of money in exchange for human life, okay?" Li Longji listened to the conclusion.

In theory, the hydrogen airship will explode! Those who operate the airship can escape by parachuting, but they cannot escape to death.

100,000 or one human life, which one to choose?

How many people can't earn 10,000 yuan in ten lifetimes, let alone multiply by ten.

"Of course! The speed is about 100 kilometers per hour without wind, and the wind speed and engine power are calculated when the wind is down. With the wind speed of 100 kilometers downwind, the airship cannot fly at a speed of 200 kilometers.

The people above are experienced and will read all kinds of instruments, and in the future they will fly the plane.

The cost of an airplane is not as high as that of an If the airplane hits the airship, the airship cannot fight back.

The life of the pilot above is more expensive than the airship, and more expensive than the plane that will be launched later.

There is a jet plane behind the propeller plane, what does that plane look like.

But no matter how expensive it is, it is still not as good as the pilot who can operate it. "

"My brother has never thought that things are more expensive than people." Li Longji explained, I just asked.

Your family has money, the Tang Dynasty has money, I have money, and if you have no money, you help to earn it.

When I have more money, I feel like I can't find anything to do all day.

Everyday, we are increasing our efforts to target officials, fighting corruption, or walking on the road of anti-corruption.

Other problems are all about money, and it is most frustrating not to spend it all.


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