Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2697: Relationships are hard to guess environmental reasons

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The people on the island were overwhelmed, the leader bowed and they followed, and the little girl taught there.

In terms of etiquette, everything is simple, just bow.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Household issued a salary and a stack of Tang banknotes, and the female governor looked at the banknotes and looked at Li Yi.

It's useless for you to give me this stuff, how can I buy things, not to mention I can't read, I can only speak Tang language.

"Xiaogua." Li Yi said to the little girl, who gave her the name Mianmian, her nickname Xiaogua, and her surname Li.

"We don't live here anymore. Let's go to Datang together and live there." The little girl said happily to the leader.

The female leader looked at the things on the island beside her: "What about here?"

"This place is guarded by other people from Datang. After you go to the place in Datang, if you feel that you are not used to life, you can come back."

Li Yi took over and allowed the other party to return at any time.

"Are you afraid of water?" The female leader suspected that the banknotes would be damaged if they touched water.

"It's okay for a short time, but it will rot if you soak it for a long time."

Li Yi told the truth, it was not as good as copper coins.

"Hold it for me." The female leader looked around again, as if she was looking for something that would not be afraid of water to save money.

I didn't find it, so I just took a few steps forward and handed it to Li Yi, and you could keep it for me.

When she was talking, she looked at the other people, and the people who were seen nodded, showing expressions of admiration.

There's nothing wrong, you've found the right person, everyone can give your money to greedy ink, but Li Yi can't.

The salary of the third grade is not low, but it is not enough for the people of Li Jiazhuangzi to eat a meal.

"Wen Tian." Li Yi didn't answer. Is this amount of money worth my worries?

Princess Yongmu stepped forward and took it in her hand: "I'll keep it for you, and when we get back there, I'll give it to you again, there is no interest!"

After receiving the salary, Li Dan, Concubine Doulu, Li Longji, and Queen Wang began to reward and send things directly.

Silk, muslin, perfume, cosmetics, beautiful clothing, jewelry...

The people on the island were dumbfounded. How could they feel that these things were better than that pile of paper?

They didn't think it was wrong. From the salary of the third rank, they saved it for a few years, and they definitely couldn't afford what they are now. The difference is too much.

The female leader restrained herself from jumping up on the hill where she was rewarded, and looked up at Li Yi.

Li Yi: "..."

"Before, I acted on behalf of heaven and could give you something, but now I am like you, I belong to a subject, and I cannot reward you."

Li Yi is depressed. Others reward people with status. I belong to the literary and casual officials. I reward the governor of the Tang Dynasty?

"I'll come, I'll do it." Princess Yongmu jumped out again, reward!

A pile of things was put on the hill, and the hill became a little bigger.

The female leader is at a loss, what's going on? She asked the little girl: "Li Yi's words don't work anymore? We used to listen to him."

The little girl shook her head vigorously and whispered back: "It works, it works. Officially, he follows the rules, but in private, he says what he says."

"What about now? I think someone is bigger than him, the one who gave me money." The female leader hadn't figured it out for a while.

"It's useless, that official is Grandpa Bi, and the others are called Saisuke like him.

Now the proprietor's elder brother is silent. Some people say that he wants to kill our clansmen. The proprietor's elder brother can't stand up.

Even if His Majesty wants to kill him, he wants to give face to the proprietor's elder brother. There are many more people in the proprietor's elder brother's family than us. "

The little girl knows the specific situation. Who has the most voice in the entire Tang Dynasty? Of course it is a great proprietor brother!

"Did you bully you there?" The female leader still didn't quite understand and asked about other aspects.

"No, I have a big house myself, and I don't like to live there. I always go to other people's houses, to live with my sisters and sisters, and I'm afraid of being alone.

Most of the time, I lived with Sister Qingdai and Sister Zhuozhuo. They were too busy to come back, so I looked for someone else.

It’s okay to look for Sister Taohong and the others. Occasionally, the Queen and the Queen Mother miss me and call me over at night. "

The little girl introduced her life in Zhuangzi of Li's family and walked in the harem, only if others took the initiative to find her, otherwise she would not be able to live.

Even more Qingdai is different, Qingdai strolls around casually.

"Eat and eat, braised pork, stewed rice and beans, dry rice with rice."

Li Yi didn't want everyone to go hungry and do business.

So everyone found a place to sit down and wait for the food to be served, and the female leader was invited to this table.

In addition to her, there are four children and seven adults, and the children are naturally Qingdai, three plus melons.

Adults Li Dan and his wife, Li Longji and his wife, Li Yi, Princess Yongmu, and Xiaolan.

Xiaolan stood up from time to time to serve dishes to others. Concubine Doulu and Queen Wang joked with the female leader, and occasionally used public chopsticks to order dishes for each other.

Princess Yongmu didn't give it, and Xiaolan didn't give it to the female leader.

The rules are strict, and it is not their turn to be close to the people. Even if they serve the female leader, no one will say anything. Li Yi is sitting there.

Now the female leader can see that the relationship is in contrast, and the ministers can't sit on this table.

The two adults were Li Yi's women, and three of the four children were Li Yi's apprentices. One of his own family was sick and almost died, and Li Yi took care of him exclusively.

The key point is that Li Yi served the other four dishes, and the other four also served Li Yi dishes, all of which the other party liked to eat.

Why is the relationship so messed up? Didn't the Datang fleet come over to impeach? No one is impeached!

"What's your name Xiaogua?" the female leader asked the little girl, she felt that the name had no meaning.

"Mianmianguadie, my real name is Mianmian, in fact, Mianmian is also fine. The word next to the wooden character is taken from the Book of Songs Daya, which means that our tribe will rise because of me."

The little girl is learned, and she hangs out with her brothers and sisters all day long. She is still smart. If Meng's mother has the opportunity, she will move her home to the side.

Li Jiazhuangzi's children are strong enough, and the three children forced others to dare not take the boy's subject and the scholar's subject.

In this year's imperial examinations, Li Jiazhuangzi was selected by a large group of people, including the first group of A and the second group.

After the exam, take a day off to continue working and studying in Zhuangzi.

There are even children in their teens who get a second grade and get a 'certificate', and they are still honest in class, otherwise they will be beaten.

Li Jiazhuangzi belongs to the real Confucian scholar who talks and laughs, and there is no white person in his contacts.

There are also moss marks on the upper steps of green, and the same grass color into the curtain green.

Of course! It has nothing to do with the shabby room at all! Lijiazhuang Ziqu River rushes to the shore, Langting Gupan, Chunying Liuzhan, Lotus Kailian Wan, Ye Hongfengyan, Hanmei Aoman.

The little girl herself is IQ and EQ are in place, she lives in such an environment...

Otherwise, Li Yi didn't have any school district houses at the time, only key primary schools, key middle schools, and key high schools.

Parents are desperately trying to get their children into such schools. In the 1980s, many rural children like Li Yi still listened to the music teacher occasionally sing on the organ in class.

When they entered the city, the teacher said that the children of a class would bring their musical instruments tomorrow and form a band directly.

It is said that as long as children work hard, they are the same wherever they study, can they be the same?

Music is like this, what about other aspects? Could it be that the children of the key elementary schools in the city only learn music?

The little girl belongs to that kind of outstanding existence. She entered the Li family village and was as good as her, even a little smarter than her before, but now she can't compare with her.


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