Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2699: Haibo blue blue invades the border

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The female leader stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and was in a daze watching Li Yi open his arms, and Xiaogua ran around to explain to his clan how to use things.

The people on the island actually use a lot of things and have been on yachts.

I used to think that the yacht was the biggest and most beautiful boat, but now I understand that the yacht is a baby.

They couldn't figure out how such a big ship could float on the water.

Some people also miss the island they just left. No matter how good the boat is, it is not their own home. The island is being built more and more beautifully, and life has changed a lot.

It is the place where they lived and struggled. Tears and sweat have been spilled, and pain and joy are interspersed.

"Ah! The sea! Your majesty is like... Get out of here, get out of here, okay, if you don't get out, I get out."

Li Yi was thinking of writing a poem, and a flock of seabirds circled above his head and gave him dung.

He didn't want to eat the bird, so he had to run away, go into the house to hide, and wait until he was far away from the island, and the bird would not continue to follow.

The fleet does not go in a straight line. Any island that has passed by before has to go once to collect people.

If the other party does not consider joining Datang for the time being, they will give something to help the local people improve their living standards.

Other ships from the Tang Dynasty came over, affected by various aspects, and God knows where they drifted.

Encountering the island is where Datang is located, and where there are people, enough dried fish and fresh water will be prepared at any time.

This round of delivery includes coal, gasoline, and diesel.

Local use is not allowed, unless it rains continuously and other firewood cannot be ignited, then pour gasoline on the coal and light it.

Put down a little high-purity alcohol, and with an alcohol lighter, the matches will also get wet due to poor storage.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty was not idle, so the land should be cultivated, the work should be done, and the roads should be built.

The juvenile soldiers with Zhudan took the airship to pack up the tribe who wanted to replace him alone, preparing to completely consolidate the kingship.

The Bohai Sea is much better in summer, with grass growing and mushrooms and other animals eating.

In the past, airships used luxury goods to exchange materials, including a large amount of wine, for the tribes that formed the Bohai Kingdom, and the price was still cheap.

The wine is high-grade wine, usually around 50 degrees. Datang is brewed with grain, and no straw is used for fermentation.

What is most needed are slaves, and as long as they are given to slaves, they can be exchanged for a lot of good things.

Da Zuorong, who was not dead, continued to stay in the Tang Dynasty, to be precise, on the aircraft carrier, including his other son, Damen Yi.

Now the real power in Bohai is Dawuyi, Da Zuorong and Damenyi have no idea about Datang's current offensive on Bohai.

Dawuyi is very clever. Historically, he knew how to unite Silla and Japan against the Tang Dynasty, and at the same time annexed other tribes by means of war.

Now the other tribes have run away, and the remaining tribes have surrendered to him.

He saw that there were fewer and fewer people, the land was devoid of species, and the salt that could be obtained from the Bohai Bay needed to be exchanged for more things.

He was anxious, and sent someone to personally go to Datang to find his father, wanting to talk to his father about the problems he was facing now.

How long does it take to get from Yanji to Luoyang? The plane is very fast, and the high-speed rail is not slow, even if it is a green train, it will arrive in four days.

They didn't have it, they had to ride on horses, through the hills and the woods and the trampled paths.

It is not a straight line connection between two places, and a straight line between places, more than 1,800 kilometers.

We still have to take mountain roads, detours, and cross rivers. There are no post stations in many places, and the places where people used to be are now empty.

If you can come here in two months, even if it is fast, unless after entering the boundary of Datang, Datang will open a post for them.

Silla was not idle, and according to the method provided by Li Yi, he threw promotional comic strips and things to the people.

The people got their hands and saw that so far, no one has reported to Jin Xingguang, and the people who stay in the local area have their own family's political calculations.

Send someone back to report to your family, and the family can see how to deal with it to get greater benefits.

Then they also confiscated some picture books and stuff, mostly stuff.

The people are angry, you can take the comic strips away, but if you take the things, what do we use?

After finally grabbing a little bit, it ran into your hands again.

The airship troop learned about the situation and began to add things, but the comic strip was reduced.

The most extreme thing is that there are airships parachuting on and falling to the ground to communicate with the locals.

The local governor of Liangzhou and the governor of Jin Haijing thought they didn't know when they saw it, and they didn't dare to arrest them.

Fei Lin Feiqi, who came down, carried automatic rifles, small mortars, and grenades on their backs, and went from house to house to ask questions and make statistics.

Ask people what they need, how they live now, how many people in the family.

Said that next time you put things down slowly, everyone will pick them up.

Even the generals and sergeants are here, let's make a note together, they have something extra.

Not to mention the prefect and the governor, give it now, the cosmetic box, the exquisite utensils, the Tang paper money...

The officials didn't care, they didn't dare to care, they knew the fighting strength of the Tang army, and they sent people back to Jincheng to help clear up the wild beasts and so on.

With five hundred fully-armed Yulin flying cavalry down, how many people do I need to dispatch to compete?

After several hundred steps, Yulin Feiqi attacked and exploded at the same time.

It's useless to have a lot of people, if you hit and run, who wants to die?

What's more, the airship can throw dynamite bags down, not rocks. If the rocks fall up and down on the head, it's no problem to hide two steps to the side so as not to be hit.

The explosive pack will kill you like 20 steps away, but you won't be able to beat it.


"It's just breakfast there, what do we eat?"

At noon at sea, Li Yi checked the time, which was more than four hours ahead of the Tang Dynasty.

It's half past eleven here, and it's seven in the Tang Dynasty.

After washing and working in the workshop, some went outside to find food, and some went directly to the workshop.

Lijiazhuangzi's workshop provides meals, it looks silly, and it increases the cost for others to eat.

In fact, meals are provided, and the employees eat after they come, and rest when they don't go to work.

Including lunch and evening, if not provided, employees cook or buy their own meals.

Time is wasted on cooking and thinking about what to eat. There is no rest, and it is guaranteed when I go to work.

Regardless of the meal at noon, the employees go to buy again, and even go back to cook for the nearest home.

Without a rest time, the overall state of the person declines, and the work efficiency becomes lower.

How much does it cost to provide meals? They are all big pots of rice. When you buy a lot of things, the price is low.

Some are even allowed to take home Bring more and give them to family members, and eat them quickly after returning home.

After eating, either sleep, or couples have fun, increasing the population of Datang.

Just like the officials of Zhuangzi in Li's family, they live in Zhuangzi with their families during the holidays.

Take a look, it's all coming, think about what things are piled up, don't wait to go to work, do it quickly, and relax when you go to work.

There were billiards cases in Li Yi's previous company, and there were many.

Staff are free, no outsiders are welcome.

Employees have to spend money to play billiards outside, and they can drink casually at the company, such as milk tea.

Play billiards and drink milk tea, talk about work, or how to open a milk tea shop.


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