Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2714: The ministers are connected with each other

"Kimchi is delicious, why not make it every day? Pickles are available every day."

Liu Chong liked the texture and taste of the kimchi, and took one bite after another.

"Because making kimchi is more troublesome and more demanding than making pickles, now you can just get some salt, but kimchi is not."

Li Yi said that it was troublesome, and felt that he should do it every day in the future.

Some pickles are also not easy to make, such as cowpeas, potatoes, and sweet potato stalk pickles.

The sweet potato stems and cowpeas should be dried in the shade, then soaked, fried, and finally fried.

Potatoes must be small potatoes, and large ones have a particularly poor taste.

Shudi kimchi can't have oil, just like sea cucumber with dried seafood, and fish maw is made with oil.

"Leaving the four of them, we chose the enemy, first hide it and seize the land, or let it show up at sea to solve it?"

Yao Chong no matter when he eats kimchi, he plans war.

"What do you think of Ziyi?" Li Yi asked Guo Ziyi, who sat down to eat hot pot.

There is no danger, Guo Ziyi eats along.

"Look with your eyes." Guo Ziyi replied.

"Which eye should I look at?" Li Yi stared at him.

Guo Ziyi raised his hand to block his eyes: "Xinyan, they are a farming civilization, not a fishing and hunting civilization, although they also hunt and fish.

There were few people on the shore, and they all went inside to build the pyramids. Let's land directly in the past, build camps, and repair docks.

They will come to contact after a while, and let them know that the priestess is there.

Our ship is farther away, don't let them find out, when they assess our strength is not enough and launch an attack, we will have a reason to fight back.

I lead people to make simple bows and spears, and use stones as arrows and spearheads.

If you blow arrows, the people from the southwest region in the team are familiar with them, and we are the original ones. "

After saying that, Guo Ziyi put down his hand and told you, do you still want my eyes?

What he meant was to fight, to induce others to fight first.

When two civilizations come into contact, there is no right or wrong, only strength.

Someone who has sinned against you to cover up, fake.

Even if you don't cover up people, ask if you believe in their gods? If you believe it or not, they say you dare to blaspheme and beat you.

You say belief, they say no, I think you don't believe, you lie and beat you.

"Once their nobles and priests are arrested, other commoners and slaves will be easy to deal with. The key is to block the news and not let other city-states know about it."

Liu Youqiu expressed his consideration, and using the same method, he could solve one city-state after another.

He dared to attack, was bold and careful, but he couldn't bear grievances, and when he was wronged, he became angry and mad at himself.

After listening to Li Yi, he bowed his head and ate hot pot. He really didn't need to take care of himself. The minister was amazing.

Fight, fight, anyway, others will fight first.

In another forty years in history, the Mayan civilization disintegrated.

For the past 40 years, I have been in a state of war, fighting and fighting.

From another way of thinking and perspective, now solve the nobles and priests who started the war, and more civilians can be prevented from dying.

Even knowing it's just an excuse, it feels good.

After the hot pot was finished, Li Yi started a remote lecture for the nurses in Lijiazhuangzi.

The nurses in Zhuangzi are always treating patients, and the number of pregnant women is still the most.

In many cases, maternal deaths in Datang were not due to dystocia, including babies.

There is no corresponding medical condition after giving birth, the mother is infected, the confinement is not ventilated, and there is no bathing.

Good for postpartum bone healing, but bacteria get in too.

Not to mention the baby, Li Longji's children are dead, what about the common people?

Li Yishi's Children's Hospital, Infant and Children's Hospital, and Women's and Children's Hospital, you can see how many people line up every day.

Babies get sick for various reasons, including those who are not breastfed, those who have a cold or a fever, and a set of vaccines, which cannot prevent the baby from going to the hospital.

Datang is mainly due to the nutrition and health status of ordinary people.

The royal family is too meticulous, the baby can't be exposed to the sun all day long, and the imperial doctor dare not talk much.

Death cannot be stopped at any time, Li Yi can only do his best to reduce the death rate.

Looking forward to more doctors in the Tang Dynasty, the medicinal materials are abundant, and they can't be used up.

As for the status of a doctor, it is directly proportional to medical ethics and medical skills.

There are more than 1,000 nurses in Lijiazhuangzi listening to the class. Some people do not have time to come to the class, so they will record it and watch it when the shift changes.

In case of special circumstances, Lijiazhuangzi's hospital can ask Li Yi for remote guidance.

Even if Li Yi was sleeping soundly, he had to get up and enter the state.

For a few days, Li Yi spent it like this, and he had to teach other people about physical chemistry, but not management.

The priestess became more and more nervous. She would calculate the approximate position by the position of the stars, and she found that she was going back.

She began to learn about the theodolite and sextant, which she found useful in calculating stars and bearings.

The Mayan civilization she is in uses hexadecimal, binary plus decimal, which is not difficult to understand.

Binary is one and zero, zero means zero, zero one means one, one zero means two, and one one means three.

Hexadecimal is naturally the most comfortable abacus to look at, with two beads on it.

It is a habitual problem. Once you have learned to practice and become proficient, you can use it. It doesn't matter how many digits it is.

In Li Yi's time, most people were used to decimal, binary and hexadecimal were used in computers, and hexadecimal was also used.

Change to the person who does business in Datang and looks at the scale, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will be proficient in using hexadecimal.

The abacus with the two beads on the top and the five beads on the bottom is simply an artifact. Just memorize the formula and keep it in your mind.

It has become a routine operation for all auditors and accounting personnel in the Datang Household Department.

Otherwise, how can I calculate the tariffs so quickly after completing the calculation?

Nine days passed, and seeing that the place was approaching, the priestess found Li Yi while eating breakfast.

"Are you going to hand me over?" She paled.

"Don't pay, the so-called laws in your place do not apply to the Tang Dynasty."

Li Yi shook his head, what to pay? Why? Let's speak with strength, and the ministers have all figured out how to annex others.

"So you're willing to fight for me?" the priestess asked again.

"I think too much, I only fight for the will of the Tang Dynasty. I will dock at noon. I guess no one will be there. Go and eat. Today's steamed buns are delicious, stuffed with sauerkraut and oil residue, mushrooms, fungus, and carrot hooks. soup."

Li Yi has no feeling for the priestess, he doesn't need to conquer many women to gain a sense of accomplishment.

"How can I help?" The priestess was a little lost. She was beautiful, even with the Tang aesthetic.

The Mayans are similar in appearance to the Tang people, including the color of their skin.

There are many things she doesn't understand. For example, why did such a powerful man find two silly-looking women? What's the use of being beautiful? Be smart!

Her understanding of intelligence is to calculate, to look at the stars.

She didn't know that if she competed with Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan for the position, she would not survive two episodes.

Li Yi would not like it if Princess Yongmu calculated this and that with Li Yi all day long.

Without a sense of security, a man needs a woman's harbor, rest assured behind him. (To be continued)

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