Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2722: Lighting the fire like the beginning

"I've got better moisture resistance than yours. Your broken box gets wet easily."

Li Rizhi knew that he was despised, so he found a reason.

"Yes! So I made a lighter out of glass, look."

Li Yi took out another thing that could make a fire, an electronic lighter.

'Snapped! ' The flames shot up.

"Alcohol lighter?" Li Rizhi felt familiar.

Others nodded, yes, alcohol lighters are just like that, some put gasoline or kerosene.

"It's not a technology of an era at all. Alcohol distillation and sulfuric acid can purify it. Just get some cotton and flint.

The last time I talked about Roman fire, it belongs to naphtha, which is obtained from local light oil after one distillation. It is very easy to use.

As soon as I see naphtha, I use it to extract butane, and then make ceramics, piezoelectric ceramics.

I don't think the cost of plastic is high. If you replace it with glass, you will have this lighter.

It will not volatilize itself, it is well sealed, and you are not worried about getting wet, and it will catch fire when you press it. "

Li Yi said and pressed it twice, then spun the lighter in his hand and played with flowers. He threw it up between his index finger and thumb, and rotated half a circle, pressing his little finger on the side.

"Actually, playing with flint is higher. Now my little finger is tired. I mainly get the piezoelectric ceramics out.

It will be used in other fields in the future, oh, the spark plug of gasoline engine is not, it can be used in theory, but it is not necessary.

It is more dangerous to have to add additional equipment. It is better not to use it. "

Li Yikop, the technology in Zhuangzili continued to be updated, and the craftsmen were stunned.

Looking at theoretical knowledge, it tickles my hands, and my heart itch even more, and I keep experimenting.

There is a lot of material consumption, and rubber is a part of it. Why don't you come out to bring the rubber back?

Some people learn knowledge for exams, and parents let them pass the exams. If you don't study, you can't do it. Studying is a burden.

Some people study in order to get in and out, and whether they can use the things they study, they should take a test in a good place first, and it will be easier to find a job after graduation.

Li family Zhuangzi's study is interest, dedication and spiritual support.

They are really good, learn a lot, keep themselves good, and then become obsessed with it.

When something is made in one's own hands, the sense of achievement is more exciting than taking drugs.

No matter which field, dopamine will appear at the moment of achievement and success.

The most direct ones that can appear are the pedicure industry with special programs, or shampooing...

Bi Gou looked at the somber wood matchbox in his hand, and looked at the electronic lighter in Li Yi's hand: "Xiao Yi, show me the one that uses flint?"

He stretched out his hand, gave it to me, and I'll see, really.

Li Yi gave it to him: "You can keep it. There are some kinds of them. Now the craftsmen on the aircraft carrier can do it directly, and they can do it all. Everyone has a set of skills."

'Snapped! Snapped! ' Bi Gou pressed the lighter: "It seems that the old man wants to take your things, is the old man that kind of person?"

After he finished speaking, he put it into his sleeve pocket and looked elsewhere.

"Do better!" Li Chengqi didn't rob him, and what else, you can do it.

"They're going to eat." Li Dan wanted a lighter, but found that it was on fire.

"Forget it, tell them to eat. The blood concentrates in the stomach just after eating. It is not suitable for vigorous exercise and sleepiness at the same time."

Li Yi is not in a hurry, you guys eat first, our people will eat later, we won't cook for you!

Guo Ziyi sighed: "It's too backward, five miles away, they dared to travel long distances to run over and force the army to cook and eat, and there was no camp to build."

He was a little angry, always playing chess with the stinky chess basket, and eventually his level would drop.

How good would it be if the Tubos and the Later Turks were like you? Silly.

The post-Turkic horse race came and went like the wind. I asked them if they dared to run a few hundred miles and then make a forced march for a few dozen miles, and then cook in a stove five miles away?

I can't beat them to death, not to mention five miles, fifty miles of grassland are full of scouts fighting.

The people in the back took a break for a while, replacing the scouts in front while eating.

Others are only responsible for feeding the horses, they dare not move at all, and are ready to fight at any time.

With such a long distance, neither of the scouts on both sides can cover the battlefield. They can only test and test again. Once one side is tested, it will be useless.

"Yu Lin Fei should ride out on horseback, and they will descend when they are surrounded. If there is a leader who dares to resist, kill the leader."

Li Longji ordered, he still remembers the reactions of others when they saw the cavalry.

To subdue a soldier without fighting is a good fight!

"Yes!" Guo Ziyi didn't say that the minister took orders, and Dongzhu Li didn't know that the third brother was His Majesty, right? Don't you know when you say it?

The cavalry was dispatched, there were only five hundred cavalry in total, and there were not many horses. It was easy to handle. How could the horses be kept on the boat for a long time?

When I came here, there were six hundred horses, and now... it is estimated that there are six hundred and twenty horses.

Some mares and stallions also have the crystallization of love in such a harsh environment at sea, and there will be ponies in the future.

What kind of spirit is this? It guides the continuation and inheritance of life, pure positive energy!

People who eat don't know the power of positive energy. They are thinking about treasures. The only ones who are at a loss are other people?

Everyone agreed to come here, and then together, could it be that someone else went to benefit in advance?

You have to eat quickly. After you finish eating, keep up. If you are slow, you will suffer!

Some people have already eaten it, and some people are still waiting to cook.

The rumbling sound came first, and after a while, the ground trembled.

They panicked instantly. They have volcanoes here, and sometimes small volcanoes can cause earthquakes.

Obsidian did not appear out of thin air. After the volcano erupted, a large amount of obsidian was left behind.

There are many obsidians in the Hawaii area where the fleet arrived before.

Now the Mayans use obsidian and flint as weapons, and also use them as commodities to exchange with other tribes.

Including salt, they don't have any special means to purify the salt. Anyway, the salt can be eaten, and the habit of being bitter or not is good.

They thought there was an and stood up one by one, bewildered.

How to avoid earthquakes? Already in the open space.

The cavalry encircled, the two wings moved forward, and the middle slowed down.

Five hundred cavalry surrounded more than 5,000 people.

When the people who came from this city-state found that the ground shaking stopped and scary things and people appeared, they were in a daze again.

what is this? What are you doing here?

Guo Ziyi picked up the loudspeaker: "Surrender and don't kill. We are the priests of Landoshay. We killed and captured all the people in front of you. Surrender and don't kill."

He knows this sentence. He learned it. He has no talent for languages. He can learn a language in a few days.

"I don't believe it!" a man shouted and took up his weapon.

'Bang' 'Puff tom! ’ Guo Ziyi didn’t understand, he didn’t need to understand, the other party had a weapon, and he was holding water beads.

Lift the gun and pull the trigger, omitting the aiming process, and the next bullet will be in place.

"Kill it~~~" someone from a group of people who belonged to this noble shouted, and the others followed with weapons to charge.

'Tut tug, tug tug...' The Yulin Flying Riders opened fire with automatic rifles.

A group of people fell one after another, and some people had several bullet holes in their bodies.


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