Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2731: Grain transport wounded

"Go after it now?" The priestess didn't know how to fight, but her subordinates knew what to do, so she dared to ask.

"Where is the food usually stored? Take it out and take it away with an airship. No hurry. When you go to a place, you will drive away or catch people first, and then the food and tools will be transported to the camp."

Li Yi is still so calm, everyone has to eat, right?

He said to Princess Yongmu, Guo Ziyi and others who were not clear about the situation: "The local corn will still be harvested for three months, and after a while, it will be green and yellow.

People can run, and food can run with long legs? Other vegetables can be collected, that thing is not very hungry.

Dunton will give you kidney beans, and the amount is limited, how many days do you think you can last? "

"Let's take their food away, make it ours, and give it to them when they have nothing to eat? They surrender."

Princess Yongmu nodded, understanding that starvation is hard.

"Look if there are still people in the various pyramids? If not, move things, and the airship goes over, slow down, don't blow up the civilians, and by the way, don't let them take the food away and expel them."

Li Yi ordered that if the airship went to other city-states to scare people, they naturally had to continue to run to other city-states.

Hurry up, there are eleven city-states.

"The cavalry will also go." Guo Ziyi felt that the cavalry could play a role and scare people.

"Okay! The more people running, the more people who go to the place will have to run after them. Gudong is coming." Li Yi thought of the consequences.

"What is Gudong?" Princess Yongmu wondered.

"Broken soldiers, following the crowd. It was said that there were three rabbits playing by the lake, and suddenly they heard a goo-dong sound, and a rabbit shouted, when the goo-dong came, they ran away..."

Li Yi will tell everyone the story of Gudong's arrival, and panic will be contagious.

Everyone understands, Guo Ziyi doesn't need to listen at all, isn't it easy to defeat the troops in battle.

"So your people are very powerful." Li Yi said to the priestess.

In the face of an enemy more than ten times his own, he fought and retreated without breaking up, but the attacking side suffered heavy losses.

It is similar to the army guarding the border in the Tang Dynasty. It is not defeated by occasional defeats.

Only heroes who died in battle, and generals who were not captured, were captured and died, and they were killed when they were rescued.

The priestess's people are equivalent to Yulin flying cavalry. They will not surrender. Seeing the priestess run away, they organize to run together.

Deal with the enemy and never give up.

Those who survived would not feel bad for stewing meat.

The key is that people usually eat well, otherwise how can they have the strength to fight? The battle damage ratio is eaten.

The priestess led a team to rush into the pyramid, looking for someone, there were tunnels in it, and some placed jars, and the jars contained ashes, which only happened after the death of a person with status.

The small robot is placed in front. It responds quickly. It will fire and shock when it encounters a situation. It's really not good. Everyone, let's run. After it breaks, it will boom!

It felt quite tragic, but it was actually consuming Li Yi's life and had to exchange for a new shell.

No matter what kind of pyramid, the inside is used as a warehouse. Now is the wet season, and the corn is placed outside to ensure moisture.

The inner structure of the pyramid allows it to prolong the shelf life of things like seeds.

There is indeed food in the pyramid here, including seeds of other crops, obsidian tools, and jade.

The jars containing the ashes are in a special room, and everyone goes in and has a look, and do not touch the jars, even if it contains 'baby'.

At night, the pyramid was cleaned up, and ten airships flew around for transportation.

The other ten ships are always chasing people, and other city-states are running around!

Some people can carry some food on their backs, and some people just run away.

From time to time, the airship drops a pack of explosives, boom~~

The cavalry can't keep chasing, and after chasing, they have to stop, go into the pyramid to find food for horses, and mow the grass nearby.

The horse is quite addicted to it. Corn, such a good thing, must eat two more bites.

"Proprietor, here, look at them. After we find them, we will carry them together."

Zhuanghu from the southwest came over and took Li Yi to a location.

Seventy or eighty people were lying there, some were injured, and the wounds had been around for a long time.

"Why didn't you help?" Li Yi wondered.

"The injuries suffered when fighting with them, and then they stood on their own. They belonged to civilians. The slaves suffered this injury and must be dealt with."

Southwest Zhuanghu looked at the priestess and others, who had participated in battles.

"You deal with it." Li Yi motioned to the priestess to take care of him. He is not a bad person. For example, after treatment, he will be tried again, wasting drugs and energy.

The priestess stepped forward, and her men followed with gritted teeth.

Some of the people lying or sitting were trembling, some closed their eyes, some were blank, and some showed pleading expressions.

The priestess looked at her own people: "Kill them, or let them work as slaves for us to compensate us?"

"You can't eat meat like us." A priestess said first.

Another added: "Only two meals a day."

Others nodded and chose to find slaves. After killing them, they had to do the work themselves, except to vent their anger, it was useless.

The priestess looked back again: "Do you agree to be slaves, not to eat meat every day, but only two meals a day?"

The injured person was in a daze, and then someone shouted: "I am willing, just one meal."

There is hope in the eyes of other people, can they live?

Priestess: "..."

She looked at her own people again: "Did you guys follow the habit of eating? You can't have meat every day, and you have two meals a day."

Her people suddenly, yes! We used to be like that.

"Let them do more work in the future." The person who just spoke up made another request.

"Go, we are willing to work." The injured person is afraid that the other party will go back and agree to everything.

"Master Li," the priestess said to Li Yi.

"Come here, I've practiced my hands, I've given treatment, I'm so strong, tetanus, penicillin, the suture that should be sutured, the bandage that should be bandaged."

Li Yi didn't care about it and left it to the nurses.

Yulin Feiqi was in charge of helping, with a knife in his hand helping to watch, in case someone wanted to hijack the nurse, he would solve it with a knife.

Qingdai's three-person little robot accompanies them, help, let's keep an eye on them, and anyone who dares to resist will be electrocuted.

At dinner, the airship brought stewed charcoal and to eat barbecue, do not eat staple food at night, drink some rice wine.

Beer is not given to them, and the quantity is small, and rice wine can be brewed with corn.

Liquor is not brewed, liquor is too harmful to the body, and it is easy to get drunk.

Some of Yulin Feiqi didn't drink, but kept awake, eating first, and then going to stand guard.

The priestess warned her people not to drink sin, the weather was humid, drink a little to warm up.

"In fact, drinking rice wine is the best match for seafood. It's better than wine and liquor. Beer... purines are too high."

Li Yi skillfully removed the shrimp line, put it on and grilled it on the grill. The shrimp was cooked quickly, grilled a large amount, put it on the tray, and everyone took it and eaten it.

The seasoning is there, don't sprinkle it on top, dip it and eat it yourself, and it will be wasted when you sprinkle it.


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