Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2815: Sending sugar to kill people on the road

Bring the system to Chapter 2815 of the Tang Text Volume to Deliver Candy to Killing People on the Red Dust Road. The little nobleman called a few people with torches to deliver the candy to him. He pushed the little robot, and this one couldn't leave him.

When he was in contact with other nobles and priests, he pushed the little robot, and sometimes he would take the little robot out and push it up the pyramid.

He has never seen a small robot attack, and it said that it can save his life, and he absolutely believes it.

The most amazing thing is that the little robot allows him to make a video call with his wife, and Zheng Lian over there also has a small robot.

His little robot belonged to Zheng Yeon's husband and was lent to him.

Zheng Shenlin, who specializes in assessing craftsmen, said that the bamboo baskets he made can lift water when they are empty.

How awesome is the old eighth-level fitter? Zheng Shenlin is at this level, even a bit higher.

If the craftsman also has the boy division, the scholar division, and the jinshi division, Zheng Shenlin, like Qingdai and the others, can get the three divisions, and he is very good when he was a child.

The little aristocrat doesn't know how 'crazy' they are, but he likes little robots anyway.

Pushing him away, he saw the slaves and captives. He had slaves in the past, and he saw various situations. At a glance, he knew whether he could hold on.

When he found that the state was not good, he gave the other person a piece of rock candy: "Eat it quickly, don't look at other people, you will eat it after you eat it, and they can still take it out? It will be fine tomorrow night, stick to it."

Give him a piece and talk about it. The person who took the rock candy stuffed it in his mouth, chewed it, and even swallowed it directly.

"Give me a hand." Suddenly a prisoner stood up and shouted.

The little noble looked at each other and shook his head: "You don't need it, you will have something delicious tomorrow."

"I want it now. If you don't give it to me, I'll call, and I'll grab it." The other party rushed over while shouting, "Someone brings delicious food to slaves and captives."

'Snapped! ' "Go and deliver it to the next one." The little robot shot and spoke.

The man's eyebrows twitched, and he threw himself to the ground, rushing forward and falling forward.

The people who are just around the corner are honest in an instant, why is that who is lying on the ground?

"What's the situation? What's the situation?" The king's men ran over.

"I was afraid that someone would die, so I gave them candy, and there were prisoners who wanted to grab it, and I beat him to death."

The little aristocrat said to the other party, and handed a piece of rock candy to a person while speaking: "Eat it quickly."

The slave looked at the king's man in horror with the sugar in his hand, and the king's man hesitated slightly: "Oh! I asked someone to drag it away."

He left with a piece of rock candy in his mouth. He didn't say anything about whether it was sugar or not and whether to kill or not.


He stuffed the rock candy in his mouth and crunched: "Sweet!"

The other slaves and captives in the vicinity understood that it was useless to shout, and the king's men did not dare to touch this man.

At dawn, everyone found a place to deal with physiological problems on the spot, continued to hurry, and walked a distance from the king before eating. The previous position was not suitable for eating.

When the cavalry team crossed the border, they first unloaded the carts, fed the horses, and fetched water from the small river ditch nearby to drink the horses.

The horse ate happily, today is the festival? Why did you add peppercorns? It’s just too little, remember whoever gives more, you have to ask him for it.

The water in the large iron pot was boiled, Yulin Feiqi and the Navy made the soup with lumps, and the dried vegetables were thrown into the pot, boiled in a while, then added a little salt, and took out the bowls for people to eat in turn.

The king sent shrimp oil side dishes, fermented bean curd, self-heating rations for individual soldiers, and canned food.

King Tolici did not investigate the fact that the opposing army had crossed the border, and watched the individual soldiers get hot after adding water to their self-heating rations.

The cans are opened, braised pork, chestnut chicken, spicy octopus, and lunch meat with high meat content.

Basically, you can't see much soup in the canned food, it's all dry goods, the quality of the Tang military industry.

"Sasali, here, eat this." A Feather Lin flew over and gave the little noble a personal ration.

"Why are you here? Where's my wife?" The little aristocrat looked at him and knew him, he was old!

"What does your wife have to do with me? I'll be in charge of the delivery. You can make a video call. I'll show you my wife and child."

Yu Lin Feiqi got angry, took out the clip and showed it to the other party, and said: This is my daughter-in-law, a scholar of the family.

She didn't marry me before, the door was not right, and the household was not right. I only got married after I became a Feather Lin Feiqi.

Brother can't write poetry, but brother is better than math! Draw a map and calculate the distance angle at the same time, and a two-dimensional cubic equation system will calm them down.

Some students wanted to stop him, but my brother took out a grenade and put it on the table: the white clouds in the sky were white and white, and the black soil on the ground buried people. Who dares to talk nonsense today, the grenade exploded with a bang.

They all shouted this poem well, and my father-in-law trembled with excitement, even though my daughter-in-law always slapped me with her eyes, and once I flew, I lost my confidence.

Later, the grenade was put away and replaced with a pile of money, which was resolved. The mother-in-law counted the money and said she had found a good son-in-law.

Eat it! What are you sweating? Early in the morning, scared by my brother's literary talent?

"No, I'm surprised, brother, you can still write poetry! If I had your skills at the time, I wouldn't have to pay such a high price to marry my current wife."

The little aristocrat wiped his sweat, and then found that the individual rations were delicious!

He was eating diced spicy chicken. Except for the diced chicken, he couldn't see anything else. The other ingredients were made into soup and fried together. It was nutritious.

Laoguang eats the individual rations for the pork with plum vegetables, only a little plum vegetables, and the rest is pork with some soup, which is just right for bibimbap.

There is fat in the pork belly, reheat it to ensure that the soup will come out.

The little aristocrat ate two mouthfuls and was about to cry. It was too fragrant: "Do our army in the Tang Dynasty eat this now?"

"How is that possible? We only eat when we can't do it. If there is a way, we will make it ourselves. The logistics will deliver the food. We can eat and do what we want.

I'm not telling you, the braised fish made by my brother is delicious, but unfortunately there are no conditions, otherwise I will make a fish for you to eat, hey!

Eat, don't dislike it, it's good to be full, other troops don't have this kind of treatment. "

Yulin Feiqi had a look of disgust to tell the little aristocrats not to dislike Going out, how could it be compared to home?

"My wife can eat it too, and she doesn't dislike it." The little noble felt that his daughter-in-law would like to eat it.

"Go back and give you a few copies, and you can send them to your daughter-in-law. Eat, no matter how bad it is, you have to bite your teeth and eat it." Yu Lin Feiqi encouraged.

"Okay, I'll bite my teeth and eat, I'm afraid I'll bite my tongue."

The little aristocrat was sweating again. The hotter it was, the more he wanted to eat it. The rice tasted more fragrant. Do you feel that the rice is not enough?

When the king and others are comfortable eating, they will not consider other situations, it is meaningless, they give face, and then give the soup to slaves and captives.

It's a pity that the one who was beaten to death yesterday was strong. I thought it would sell for a good price, but...

Slaves and captives each eat a large bowl, and if they want to eat it, they will not give it, and they are not afraid of eating to death.

The procession set off again, and the slaves and captives came alive.

As for the fact that they have to rest and digest for a period of time after they are full, otherwise it will be harmful to the body, which does not exist in front of them.

If you have this meal, you can go on your way, and if you have water, you can survive hunger for two days.


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