Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2821: Young and young, the mission sinks

The igloo is replenished with ice from time to time, and more ice continues to be delivered, stacked together with straw mats, and covered with a wooden straw mat insulation shed.

Under these conditions, large ice cubes can be stored for a long time with less heat transfer.

Heat is energy, cold is energy, and energy can be maintained without emitting it.

The simplest application of these theories is in computers, which only perform addition operations, not subtraction, multiplication, or division.

Other operations are reflected in the form of addition, two minus three equals minus one, and the computer is two plus minus three.

No matter which computer language is used to write the program, it will be binary and mechanical code when it is finally run.

Changsun Xin was on the air, and when he saw King Tolly, he acted greedy for money and arrogance. There was nothing he could do. He didn't act like this, and when he looked back, Li Yi didn't give him any ideas to make money.

All of Tolici's heart was drained. He was actually only twenty-seven years old this year.

The local people have a short life expectancy, and some have a long life span, living in their 80s.

Short lifespan is malnutrition, tetanus, parasites, colds, wild animals, poisonous insects, natural disasters...

Like a cold, runny nose, tears, local allergies.

Many people in Li Yi's time knew the situation at a glance. Even if they didn't know how to take medicine and didn't want to go to the hospital, they would drink more hot water.

Once it is too uncomfortable, I will look for ways on the Internet, what kind of medicine to take, basically no problem, minor illnesses, serious illnesses are useless on the Internet.

The locals don't know! Continuous sneezing, allergic symptoms will become more and more serious, and then cause stomach cramps, allergic symptoms transfer.

Gastrointestinal allergies can cause asthma, asthma...

People die like this, fever and colds.

There was a time when bloodletting was popular in Europe, no matter what kind of disease you got, it was bloodletting.

This is similar to the puncture of Chinese medicine, but Chinese medicine cannot always give you a puncture. If you can scrape it, you can scrape it, and if you can acupuncture and cupping, you can use acupuncture and cupping.

Twenty-seven-year-old King Toli Qi is not young.

Look at Li Longji, how old was he when he was emperor? He was born in 685 AD, became emperor in 712, and made Kaiyuan after taking care of Princess Taiping in 713.

He also became emperor at the age of twenty-seven. The king Tolici was earlier than him, but unfortunately the national strength and land area of ​​the two sides were different.

Looking at Jin Xiaopang again, many people ignored him and thought he depended on his family.

He was twenty-seven years old when he was at the top, and he needed to settle his two older brothers and get other people to support him.

After that, he took care of all those who could influence his rights, including his brother who was used by the enemy.

Many people take it for granted that he inherited it, why didn't others inherit it? Convince him that he inherits from others?

Do you know how many political battles he has gone through? How did he get through the toughest times?

The Tolici also came up in this way, just like Doszaza, the second prince of the city-state of Dos Pilas.

Even small nobles have to have their own circles, isn't the priestess Randosayi enough? Still being attacked by the crowd.

In every department of a company, in the workshop of a factory, there are rivalries, not to mention the royal family.

Everyone who survives is awesome.

Changsun Xin is also awesome. He died early in history. Queen Wang and Li Longji protected him, and Li Yi pushed the boat smoothly.

In this way, two awesome people met.

"I have to raise a lot of people there, eat, drink, and Lazard. I have to take care of them all. It's hard for me! I'm just short of money."

Changsun Xin told King Toliqi in half-familiar local dialect, in fact, he can talk fluently, he has to act, life is like a play, right?

"Your sister doesn't care about you?" Toli Qi already knew the identity of Changsun Xin, the queen's brother-in-law.

"My brother-in-law is not a woman like my sister-in-law. You say a word here, and others dare not speak out. I can't do it there. The officials impeach you to death.

Oh, you're actually pretty much the same here, didn't we fight before! If it wasn't for the flood, we would have to continue to fight.

Can I be fine there? Let me tell you, everyone looks at my sister-in-law's face, but Li Yi doesn't appreciate it.

You don't know how ruthless he is, if he looks ugly, I will..."

"Changsun inspector, drink tea, there is tenderness and rottenness, and the new replaces the old. The aftertaste is long, the wind blows the sound. The past is not long, the cloud is over, and the cloud is over. This bud is fat and thin, and the Yellow Mountain is flowing.

This is Huangshan Maofeng, the height is not in the sky, the taste is not sweet, the taste is various, and the bitterness is sweet. "

The little robot next to me suddenly made a noise, what are you doing? You belittle my owner? Did you forget the sweet and bitter?

The little robot said the translated words, and still pressed the rhyme. It has this ability.

It is not easy to translate this, some words are based on the tone of voice.

For example, 'ok', in different contexts, its content is different.

When someone says ok to you, they just tell you: OK, just wait for me, I can't kill you.

And 'sorry, what does that translate to? Not in a context, how do you translate?

This translates to: break your leg and you know why.

After the behavior appears, or in a special context, you can judge the connotation of the word.

It's like someone hitting you with a baseball bat, swiping you once to say sorry, then swiping it twice and saying ok.

Can you translate, what does the other party's sorry and ok represent?

The little robot doesn't care about gives an outline, Zhang Sun Xin, are you Chao Gang?

"That's what you said! I'll give you a guarantee, five days, and only the results will be released within five days."

Changsun Xin sweated out, and the warning from the little robot was the most terrifying.

King Tolici had never experienced such a political struggle in his life, and it is easy to see how many people in the Neolithic Age had political struggles.

He is too simple, and he is absolutely trustworthy, because the other party took something secretly and said that he could contact His Majesty the Tang Dynasty.

After some contact between the two sides, Toliqi began to prepare, and he burned incense and bathed, and the incense was given by Changsun Xin.

Don't eat meat for three days in a row, meditate.

Then I learned the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty, and someone came to teach.

Tolici was the first to make sure that the guy who taught skating did find great people.

Another person who is sure to be found can help him contact His Majesty the Great Tang as long as he benefits him.

It seems that I have found the right person, and I thought that the officials of the Tang Dynasty and the people who can fight can't be bought. Look, it doesn't exist.

Actually wrong, look at me, from bottom to top, all bought properly.

I have never experienced this before, but now I have learned that the stronger the party seems, the more vulnerable it is, as long as I give enough money.

So when the time entered the twelfth lunar month, Li Longji officially received him.

He put on his clothes, recalled the etiquette over and over again, and stepped on the largest pyramid in the entire area here.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty had civil and military officials and guards lined up, walking, walking up.

Walking up to the top and looking up, according to the teaching etiquette, isn't the person standing in that position the one who teaches skating?


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