Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2823: The big event is set to sail to

More people have fallen asleep, the stars are lit up, the moon is not seen, just entered the twelfth lunar month, the first day of the new year.

The singing and dancing continued, and everyone was excited. Until two in the morning, Li Longji retired, and everyone left and went back to their respective homes.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Tolici and the others were still asleep. Last night, they didn't eat, but only drank. The food they ate was digested and they didn't vomit.

Of course! The alcohol has not been decomposed, and I am still in a hangover state. I woke up once, drank water, and lay down to sleep again.

Li Longji and others woke up with a little hangover and didn't eat the staple food before going to bed.

"Drinking the soup, I specially made the shredded radish and barley soup, it will feel good after drinking it."

Li Yi made a big pot of soup, and greeted the people who came over to drink it. There was no staple food.

There are tofu cubes in the soup, in a bowl, sprinkle some green onion and parsley, and there are vinegar and soy sauce, pepper on the side.

"A major event is finally over, let's go home after the new year." Li Rizhi came over to bring a bowl of soup.

"The fleet from the Tang Dynasty will arrive at the seaside tonight. We will have beef tomorrow. Are we going to make meatballs or stuffing? Shall we stew tomatoes?"

Li Yi finished serving others, scooped a bowl himself, and talked about eating.

The ship returning from here arrived at Datang, and the ship from Datang also arrived.

The incoming ship did not have a cold storage for continuous refrigeration, and the beef brought in was placed in the ice storage and frozen in ice cubes.

The storage time is short, just come and taste it, the rest will be sent to the cold storage of the aircraft carrier, and it is time to return after eating.

The coming fleets eat ice along the way. Once they enter the low latitudes, the temperature will rise. Eat a little ice on the sea to replenish water and cool down.

Li Longji took a sip of soup and felt comfortable: "Brother Yi, can the cruiser be thrown here?"

He wanted to put the yacht locally, with medical equipment on it, and nurses and other medicines in the later fleet.

No need to use the special drugs on the yacht, penicillin is OK, Datang can produce it, and other drugs that need to be exchanged will be saved.

The yacht can also make ice. Before the team leaves, many ice banks will be built. The ice will be prepared and stored first, but there is no production, and it will always run out.

The ice carried by the team that came over had a little leftover, and it contained frozen beef and pork.

A simple oil refinery has been built here, which can provide some oil, and the oil that cannot be provided can be exchanged by Yidi, which consumes less.

Generally, it is the oil, and other lubricating oils can be replaced by other lubricants.

A yacht is placed, and the people in Datang will feel at home here, and the yacht is strong enough.

"Listen to the third brother, there are ten hovercraft left, and I will change two yachts when I go back. It is convenient for me." Li Yi agreed.

"I found out that Xiaoyi, you changed things only when you were dispensable." Song Jing complained.

He saw the problem. After there were steam engines, Li Yi went out to cruisers, and when there were more steam engines, he went out to aircraft carriers.

When automatic rifles and small mortars were available, Li Yi made cloud bombs for individual soldiers.

Airships fly in the sky, and helicopters take off.

Wouldn't it be better if you made it out ahead of time?

Li Yi took a sip of soup slowly: "The things I exchanged are just for enjoyment, and it is impossible to rely on me to exchange things to improve Datang's technology update.

If I don't have it, I will rely on me. It's useless to rely on me!

Can you walk with your child in your arms for the rest of your life? We have a plane when we go back, and I will exchange it for another plane to fly. "

Li Yi's attitude is clear, I don't change things, Datang will continue to develop, and what I change can't become the main pillar, except for stealing the technology of the system.

Can a team come here to get seeds without a yacht? Obviously yes, so change the yacht.

Without an aircraft carrier, can the steam engine fleet be able to achieve the present level? Guaranteed no problem, so change the aircraft carrier.

The foundation of the country is good, and the strength of the entire nation is the strength. How much can I change?

I know that I will fall when I walk, but I have to teach my children to walk. Have you seen how the eagles in the snow-capped mountains teach the eagles to fly? Push off the cliff.

I've given enough support to fly over and take out all of the enemy's ruling class myself.

"Gangrou, what kind of plane do you want to get back?" Zhang Jiuling took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Have you seen our drones that can take off and land vertically? I'll change to a larger one, which is easier to land and doesn't need a runway."

Li Yi had a plan for a long time. Datang has a propeller plane, so he can make it himself.

I wouldn't take a propeller plane, it's noisy, and there's no sound insulation technology at all.


The beef was delivered in the middle of the night, more than 500 catties, which was only enough for the upper class, but Fei Lin Feiqi and the Navy couldn't eat it.

They are very pitiful, they have no share of pork, they can only eat seafood.

"Bao meatballs, Li Lang's meatballs, beef radish meatballs, beef meatballs, put them in radish soup, not beef and radish to make meatballs together."

Princess Yongmu saw the beef in the morning and kept swallowing.

"Good, good! Just make it after breakfast, chop it slowly, and eat it at noon, if it's too late in the morning."

Li Yi promised that there is beef, and it feels better to make meatballs in hot weather, but I don't like fried steak.

Xiaolan saw the pork: "Make another big ball!"

"Do you want Sixi **** or lion heads?" Li Yi continued to agree, and the big **** are only two kinds.

"Do it together." Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan said at the same time.

The two of them just wanted to compare, what is the difference between Sixi **** and lion head?

"No problem." Li Yi continued happily and showed you my cooking skills.

"Eat the fried dough sticks." The two took Li Yi to the 'restaurant'. Li Yi originally wanted to eat bean curd and steamed buns, but now he eats fried dough sticks in soy milk.

Many Chinese have breakfast like What should I eat? Why eat this?

Oops, I originally wanted to drink soy milk, but I ended up with a pile of porridge, okay! Let's have Hu spicy soup, mixed with two.

It is to treat Hu spicy soup as the braised bean curd brain, which is called two mixes, and there are most in Zhengzhou, Henan.

At this time, there is no debate between salty and sweet, and eating Hu spicy soup is guaranteed to be salty.

That spiciness is not the spiciness of chili peppers, but the spiciness of peppers.

Then you can add chili noodles, vinegar, and sweet garlic to the two mixes of this Hu spicy soup.

Doesn't this solve it! Anything salty, sweet, sour, all at once.

The next thing is trouble, this two mix is ​​not a staple food, so I will make a cake? steamed stuffed bun? Fried dumplings? Fritters? Shortbread? Steamed buns, fried cakes, bean buns, pies, sugar cakes...

They are all pasta, and Li Yi has never seen someone who drinks Hu spicy soup mixed with noodles, rice noodles, and rice. But there are rice cakes.

During lunch, Li Longji summoned Toli Qi and others. Toli Qi was no longer the king, but he did not go back. Anyway, he was not needed for construction there.

When the bun balls, the sixi **** and the lion head were placed on the table, Toli Qi only felt that the size was different.

Biao's is the smallest, followed by Sixi's, with a big lion's head.

"What's the matter?" Tolly asked.

"The smallest one is beef, and the remaining two ingredients and craftsmanship are different, three kinds of meatballs, there is no difference between superior and inferior.

It is equivalent to making soup. The soup of Buddha Jumping over the Wall and the soup of boiled cabbage are two poles, one is thick and the other is clear.

There are too many dishes in our Datang. If you try it slowly in the future, you will be proud of being a Datang. "

Li Yi didn't want to talk about specifics, it didn't matter if he was tired or not, mainly because he was afraid that the other party would not understand.


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