Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2834: Homecoming

People in other places also eat grilled fish, but the fish they eat is large and cooked quickly.

"Is the canal repaired?" Li Yi took a sip of beer and looked at the leader.

"One has been repaired long ago, but there is no water supply, and the other is being repaired. It is convenient to drink water, and I am not afraid of sudden heavy rain."

The chief pointed to the north, where there was a man-made canal, and it was no exaggeration to say that the river was connected to a river to the east.

There was always water in that river, and the water level went up and down.

The climate here is tropical, with erratic precipitation and changeable conditions.

Even the old canal is in an intermediate position, so that when there is a lot of rain, part of the upstream water will be discharged from the canal to the sea first.

The downstream pressure is reduced, and the probability of flooding is small.

According to the arrangement, there are two artificial rivers in total, and the second one is below to the middle of this one.

There are buildings on the coast, and it is troublesome to use water. Bamboo has been used to build bridges.

If there is a river, build a few large ponds and connecting channels, and the water problem will be solved easily.

"Let's have a look after dinner." Li Yi planned to get through and use dynamite to blow it up.

The river channel is dug, and the top needs to be broken, and it will be finished with a bang.

Everyone speeded up, and when they were about to eat, they went to the north together.

A little more than three kilometers out, a dry ditch appeared in front of me.

There are no cement or stones as embankments, a large ditch dug directly on the ground, and the mounds on both sides are considered banks.

"How to deal with it in the future?" Li Longji asked the leader.

"Master Zhou said to use sacks with small stones and sand to make the dams firm, and then plant grass and trees to secure the dams. The time is short and the place has not been opened yet."

The leader pointed to the east, and after opening it, the water would rush down.

"In the past, some people shot holes and exploded." Li Longji wanted to see Tongshui's appearance.

Fei Lin Feiqi and craftsmen began to get explosives, detonators, drilling tools, ropes, and rushed on the hovercraft, otherwise it would be too far.

The people who also finished their meals were not in a hurry to work, and came over to watch the fun.

Many people came here carrying the parts of the waterwheel, and when they were done, they waited for water to be put in. Stone troughs and small canals were built on the shore to facilitate water.

"Leave five hovercraft." Li Longji decided to provide assistance here as well. The hovercraft is amphibious and runs fast.

About an hour or so, the ground tangled slightly, followed by the sound of rumbling.

The little robot said: "It exploded, and the water will rush here in a while, and it will be very turbid."

Sure enough, after a while, water like mud appeared, and there were still small animals floating on it. They must have run into the canal. The upstream waterproofing did not notify in advance.

A straw stick or something rolled along with the small animals and marched away from the crowd into the sea. It was estimated that they would not survive and no one would save them.

A few minutes later, the hovercraft that ran past rushed down from above in the big ditch, but it didn't roll over.

When it was about to enter the sea, a fog sprayed out, the hovercraft accelerated into the sea, and ran in a circle to the shore.

"Save fuel." Yao Chong affirmed, smart.

The people are smiling and smiling, and there is an extra river.

"One flush, the depth of the river bed will increase, because the soil below is relatively loose. If you flush again, the silt will rise in the position where the terrain is gentle, and it will be dredged when it is time to dredging."

Zhang Jiuling looked at what happened after the river was lifted. The river was more than thirty meters wide and about three meters deep.

"When will the waterwheel be released?" asked a commoner with a large log at his feet.

"I'll have a look tomorrow during the day. It's more convenient to have a hovercraft. I'll look at the drawings and wood conditions. If possible, I'll assemble it on the shore, and I'll use a helicopter to lift it to the river."

Looking at the things Li Yi was carrying, he didn't feel that it was too big, but it wasn't a rack either. Zhuangzi's craftsmen should install them in sections, with more places to catch water.

"Proprietor, it's more than two tons." Zhou Dongzhou, a craftsman, provided direct data without looking at pictures and wood density.

"If you can hang it, let's see the river water conditions tomorrow." Li Yi felt relieved.

The people watched for a while and went to work, but their hearts were here.

At night, when some people can't sleep, they have to listen to the movement by the river to feel at ease.

When the day dawned, I went to the river again to see if the water had become clear. It has changed to a waterwheel today.

"It's clear, it's clearer than yesterday, and I can't see the bottom of the river."

Some people were happy and shouted to tell others.

To put it bluntly, it is still not clear, and the depth of three meters can not see the bottom, is it called clear?

"Okay, let go of the water tanker! We'll be leaving tomorrow."

Li Yi didn't want to wait any longer, and the people of Datang were also waiting.

The craftsmen led the people to get busy, using hovercraft and ropes to get the wood into the river to start piling, a total of six positions, and construction at the same time.

Zhuangzi smashed in one by one according to the set distance, Li Yi drove the helicopter to the waterwheel to listen to the command, and the lower one used the rope to adjust and fix the waterwheel to swing.

It took an hour to load a waterwheel, and Li Yi simply let go and didn't care.

This time the speed is fast, one lift in ten minutes, the helicopter is stable.

One by one, the waterwheels pulled out the pins, poured water on the shaft, and pushed it slightly, and the waterwheels rotated.

The trough of the stone is in the right position with the canal, and a tube of water just flows in along half of the bamboo tube. The water flow is not Unfortunately, it is still cloudy and needs to continue to flush, not a well, Just pump the water and it's clear.

Even so, the people are excited, can they still wait for half a month?

When the sun rose the next day and everyone got on the boat to leave, some people shouted: "The water is clear, this time it is really clear..."

capstone novel


"After going back to rest for a while, the third brother wants to get up, let's go to Shu and take a boat.

Or take an airship to the grassland, and there is no problem with the source of the Yellow River.

There are many wild vegetables in the Bohai Sea. In summer, I go there to pick up mushrooms, and there are large areas of blood-red rivets and sticky dumplings in the pine forest.

In the crater of Changbai Mountain, if we are lucky, we will dig ginseng.

Take the little robot to scan all the way, dig out the old ones, and let them continue to grow…”

Li Yi said on the boat that on the days of travel in the future, who stipulated that the emperor could not go out when he stayed in the Li family Zhuangzi all day?

Li Longji looked at the sea, in fact, he has been listening and thinking, it is really wrong not to walk around his own country.

The two outings did not delay the operation of the imperial court.

"Okay! Take a look at the lives of the people, Brother Yi will trouble you when you arrive, and you have to..."

Li Longji said and stopped, sorry.

"No problem. Wherever I go, I will look at the local situation and give me a way to lead the people to live a good life."

Li Yi took over the words, where are the resources, and then look at the road conditions and the survival and living conditions of the people, it is easy to solve the problem of food and clothing.

What? What should I do if I live next to the desert? Move! The simplest, what are you doing if you don't stay there?

"Brother Yi is working hard, what about Silla? Silla..." Li Longji looked at his little robot.

"Silla is just one step away. Like Bohai, it's almost the same when we go back." The little robot gave the answer. (To be continued)

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