Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 298: The figure conspired again

     Li Yi and a group of beautiful women are adjusting their musical instruments. With the foundation of military instruments, "everyone" can get started with new songs quickly.

   As they said, they represent the height, what they sing, and what others learn.

   The only place that can be compared with them is Liyuan, and Liyuan needs to communicate with them.

  Leaving Li Longji sat in the car with a gloomy face, and the Queen pouted.

   The two are not in a good mood.

   "As the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I can only watch a young man running." Li Longji said his aggrieved heart.

  The queen's eyes rolled: "Saburo, if it's as my uncle said, it's time to choose someone over there, and I'm ready to replace it at any time.

   When the matter subsided, they were removed from the investigation and dealt with. How much they had eaten, and the profit would be vomited out. "

   Li Longji turned his head, the queen in his eyes became the figure who persuaded him to enter the palace that night.

   At that time, he was about to back down, and it was this figure who advised him, and at the same time firmly supported him.

After    became the crown prince, this figure helped stabilize the harem of the East Palace.

   Being an emperor, stabilizing the entire harem, looks so amiable.

   At this moment, the figures overlap, Li Yi hasn't moved yet, and he is already thinking about settling accounts after Autumn.

   "Hmm!" Li Longji was in a much better mood.

   He figured it out, Datang lacks everything, there is no shortage of officials.

   "Go and see Dongshi." Li Longji didn't want to go back to the palace, but wanted to find a lively place.

   The car went straight ahead, entered Chunmingmen, passed by Xingqing Palace, and arrived at the East City.

   just arrived, cheers came.

   "Water came out, and another well came out, very deep, fast pressure, to press out the sewage, the water from the previous well is sweeter than the original well."

   Listening to the crowd shouting, Li Longji's mouth smiled again: "Sure enough, as Brother Yi said, the cesspit will seep unclean things into the well."

   "A few wells will be drilled in each workshop in the future." Queen Wang expressed her support.

   "Yes, the lifting well is dangerous. The child fell in and found it was too late, and his life was gone."

   Li Longji thought of the well prepared by Zhuangzi for the children.

   The adults are not afraid. If there is a wheel, the bucket will run in the well. If the adult falls, there will be a bucket and a rope. Pull the rope hard until it reaches the top and it will get stuck.

  The ropes of the roller wheels are not long, just as long as the bucket can go under the water.

   There is a manhole cover for a well that does not use a roller wheel. If a child wants to help an adult, it is easy to fall in every step.

   I used to it before, and there is no pressure well. Everyone feels normal.

   Now there is something new, and after comparing it, I find that the well killed is better.

   For places where it freezes in winter, only a piece of iron pipe is needed, and where it doesn’t freeze, bamboo is all used.

   The car stopped when there was some distance ahead, and then moved the big drilling frame over there.

   A group of people shouted slogans and moved the big rack to the next place where drilling was needed.

   Otherwise, it can only be disassembled and reassembled.

   "When the drilling tools in the palace are finished, all the other wells in the palace...fill it out."

   The queen of the king looked bad when she talked about Gong Lijing.

   There are eunuchs and court ladies who fall into the well and die every year in the middle of the palace.

   Thinking, she touched her swollen belly and smiled again.

   Without children, her control over the harem was weakened, and when the child was born, she was ready to take action on the harem.

   Make it clear, who is the boss of the harem.

   As the big shelf was moved away as a whole, more people came forward, and they were there with great strength to kill the well.

   A bamboo board is attached to the lower front of the well arm, which moves with the up and down movement of the well arm.

   This is used to prevent someone from accidentally stretching their hands and getting crushed, especially when the child is standing next to him.

   The child's hand will naturally touch Jing's belly, touch it, and touch the place where it is connected.

  The water flowing out is still turbid. Someone in front of them continues to dig trenches to lead the water to the pond in the East City.

   In the future, a small canal will be built with stones, and there will be a slot in the location of the well.

  The Shudi salt merchants who were negotiating had idle time and continued to watch. In their eyes, what was left out was brine, which became salt after boiling.

  Salt merchants in the Shu area already knew that the biggest salt wells should go to the top.

   But don’t be afraid, everyone depends on their abilities, standing on the ground will know if the brine or gas can be produced below?

   The emperor could not occupy all the area, at most a small part. I believe that other areas are no worse than the emperor's area.

   "Looking at the excitement of the salt merchants, they want to grab a good place with me, ha ha!"

   Li Longjiji saw a group of people happy through the car window, and said with a smile.

   "Uncle, however, has divided more than a hundred small areas, saying that there are four gas and halogen, twelve gas, and the others are all bittern."

   Queen Wang followed with a smile. She believed that Li Yi said yes, that there must be, and there is no need to ask why.

   What she didn't know was that Li Yi checked a lot of county records, especially those in Zigong, in order to find a place.

   Zigong can directly reach the specific location, and there is a range in other places, because the topography of Tang Dynasty and later changed.

  The location chosen is one with large reserves and not particularly deep.

   Don't want the one that is more than a thousand meters deep for the time being, whoever wants to drill can drill it by himself.

   "It's clear, it's clear, let me have a bite, is it very sweet." Another person stood there shouting.

   Others brought a Waiting for the water to look completely clear, stretched over to take a half of the bowl, and sipped it.

   The weather is still cold, coming from a well, it's cold and piercing.

   The drinker doesn’t care.

   "Sweet!" "Delicious!" "I'll drink this water later." "Let me have a taste."

   "This kind of well has been called Li Yijing from now on." Li Longji gave a name.

   In the future, as long as anyone digs a well, they will say Li Yi's name.

   is what Li Yi deserves, he used good technique.

   The common people have one more choice to get water, especially when drilling wells where the water layer is deep. It is difficult to dig, and it is relatively easy to drill a well.

   Drinking river water by the river, what's the use of a well?

   "Go back." Li Longji was happy and wanted to go back to work.

  The people in East City lined up to get water, and one by one seemed to feel that taking a sip would be a good blessing.

   Wei Zhigu, Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry, saw Li Longji's car in the crowd, but did not step forward.

   He lined up with the bowl, took more than half of the bowl, walked out of the crowd, and looked at the sky.

   "Li Yi has countless people alive, and when he encounters a drought again, a well is drilled down, and it can always get water."

   He sighed, drank cold water, shivered, and sighed again.

   murmured: "Wang Song will take care of all the work where the well is going to be drilled this year. He will go to other places to find artisans. Where wells are needed, the surrounding artisans will definitely be drawn into that alliance by him."

   He realized that he understood that his majesty’s money was not easy to get, so he took it out and passed it to King Song.

  The King of Song will cultivate many skilled workers, and take the independent well-drilling work elsewhere, and the profits will go to the King of Song.

   "I don't know if Li Yi can get money from the league?" Wei Zhigu muttered.


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