Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 429: No labor for new toys

"Proprietor, if you are in a hurry, we will make it in half a month. In fact, ten days is enough, but you need to paint.

Waiting for the paint to dry, it will take five days, this requires at least three coats of paint.

The proprietor, your design is good and magnificent, otherwise it won't show the talents of my Lijiazhuangzi. "

After seeing the drawings given by Li Yi, the people in the woodworking workshop evaluated the progress and gave the progress.

"No hurry, it's the first time to build it, it's an accumulation of experience." Li Yi is really not in a hurry.

He didn't even expect Chang Sun Xin to make Qiangong's best bed in a short time.

If Zhang Sun Xin is in Chang'an, it may be done in a month, and in Lantian County... Ha ha!

The drawing he gave to Chang Sun Xin is the overall drawing of the outside, divided into several angles, plus the layout drawing inside.

In addition to the above diagrams, he gave Zhuangzi's workshop an exploded diagram.


When the boss was holding hands and walking to Li Yi, his big eyes were bright and his little feet stomped and smiled.

Obviously he did not forget Li Yi and recognized it.

He turned his head and looked around at Zhuangzi's layout, and then let go of his father Xu Guanlan's hand, patted with two small hands.

Familiar, this place is also familiar, and I am inexplicably happy.

The second child also looked up at Li Yi. It seemed that the scene that night left a deep impression on him, and he also recognized Li Yi.

He swung his calf upside down a few times, getting closer to Li Yi, tilting his head and wondering what he was thinking.

His brother ran again over there, he didn't want to, and turned to chase.

Xu Guanlan and his wife thanked Li Yi again. What Li Yi saved was not a child, but a family.

Xu Guanlan thanked Li Yi for giving him a copy of the textbook of Professor Zhuangzi and the class notes of several outstanding students.

After seeing those things, he knew how strong Lijiazhuangzi's background is. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

What physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, geography, all teaching.

As for books such as the Four Books and Five Classics, they are all marked with punctuation and annotated at the same time.

Note, usually it is to explain, how to understand.

With this bet, you can become famous, but Zhuangzi is just for the students to see.

"Xun'er keeps shouting at cows. There are cows at home, but he doesn't like them." Xu Guanlan said why.

"Forgot, other toys were sent over, but the riding cow didn't.

It was a wooden calf, hollowed out in the middle, with a small stool.

He sat in it, the adults swayed back and forth, and the children liked the swaying.

There are many animal rocking chairs made in Zhuangzi for children to play with. "

Li Yi knows what a cow, and what the little guy wants most is the cow's chair.

He said that he took the couple over, and when they found the two children, they were already sitting there and dangling.

The women on the two Zhuangzi looked after, and the children laughed while being shaken.

"Proprietor." A farmer in Lantian County with Guan Xiaotan came to Li Yi's side.

He handed a prescription: "In the morning there were two brothers and sisters..."

He told the story of the matter and let Li Yi look at the recipe.

"Okay, well done. I can't save everyone, at least I have to help with those around me.

Call a few imperial physicians in Zhuangzi, first follow the prescription and grab the medicine in an ordinary pharmacy.

The imperial doctor went over and took a look again, and the money was no longer needed. Both husband and wife fell ill and delayed their work.

The fifteenth chapter can help them through this difficult time.

If their family needs farming and there are no cows, lend them two, borrow the cows according to the rules, and feed them. "

Li Yi looked at the recipe and arranged it.

The farmer went to find someone, and soon four imperial physicians came out and set up two cows in a cart.

They go in an ox cart, and then the ox will be lent to the family and the cart will also be lent.

Turning his head, Li Yi watched the children playing in rocking chairs, and suddenly thought of something.

"You can make a merry-go-round, hydraulically driven, put an oar underneath, and the water will spin as soon as it hits. Then..."

A picture appeared in Li Yi's mind, with gears on the middle shaft of the merry-go-round.

There is another gear that meshes with this gear at ninety degrees, so that the horizontal direction changes to the vertical direction.

A shaft is added behind the gear, and the shaft is connected to an articulated connecting rod.

As it rotates, the above Trojan horse moves up and down.

The structure is not complicated, that is, metal gears are needed. The shaft can be made of strong wood, including connecting rods.

"Brother Xu and sister-in-law take the children to play, I will draw pictures."

Li Yi didn't accompany him anymore, and wanted to make fun children's toys quickly.

In Lantian County on the other side, Chang Sun Xin is still in a state of excitement and excitement.

He thought that he had made this sophisticated bed and gave it to His Majesty.

The idea is good, but the actual situation is that he can't find a craftsman.

The little servant ran to find someone, but the craftsmen all went to work in Zuixianju.

Carpenters, bricklayers, stonemasons, masons, all those who are capable of it are here.

The craftsmanship was not good enough, so I took over other tasks in the county and was busy all day long.

"Using that tune, it's time for them to work." Chang Sun Xin thought of the tune in Zuyong's tune.

Everyone should have 20 days of voluntary labor.

The county magistrate cooperated and arranged for the bureaucrats to find those craftsmen.

When the yamen came back, they brought silk and silk given by each craftsman for twenty days.

Can't be transferred and need to pay money.

The craftsmen gave me a small amount of money. One day in Zuixianju would make up for five days of the increase.

One year and twenty years, nothing more than four days of income, given, continue to make a lot of money.................. ...............................................................??????????????????????;?;;?;;?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

The county magistrate happily put the money in the treasury, and finally there was something, otherwise the daily office expenses would be useless!

Long Sun Xin stared at the money moving in and preparing to use it in the Yamen office.

He wants to go back to Chang'an, where there are many craftsmen, but he left without permission.

What should I do if I can't do something good when I see it?

"Spend money, spend a lot of money, and send people to Chang'an to find artisans, Artisans Alliance." The little concubine gave an offer.

"Spend my own money?" Chang Sun Xin felt distressed. How much would it take for such a big bed, wood, and wages?

Made for your majesty, the wood of a bed can't be spent thousands of dollars.

First make one for your majesty to see, the wood is not good, a hundred 缗 should be enough.

"Craftsman's wages...Qiangong." Chang Sun Xin said it, listening to the name, Qiangong represents one thousand days.

A hundred craftsmen have to work for ten days, and they have to be skilled. Craftsmen who have never done this thing before, I am afraid that not a hundred people will work for a month.

After one month, it is estimated that it will be another 100 yuan, and I have to provide board and to find a carpenter in Chang'an, which is better. "Chang Sun Xin ordered the young man.

The young man hesitated and said, "All the carpenters from the Artisan Alliance ran out to dig wells. They can only find people who have good craftsmanship and do not join the Artisan Alliance."

"Look, find them." Chang Sun Xin gritted his teeth.

Carpenters who don’t join the Artisan Union have superb craftsmanship and an even more touching price.

The young man went, and in the evening brought sixteen carpenters back, only sixteen, each with five hundred dollars a day.

After reading the pictures, the sixteen people discussed with each other and found Sun Xin.

"Inspector Changsun, we looked at this bed... we people, it takes three months, we have to make it while thinking about it."

Fang Hui, the temporarily selected leading carpenter, gave a time.

A number appeared in Long Sun Xin's mind, sixteen times five hundred equals eight, and then ninety, seven hundred and twenty.

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