Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 649: Another new thing to boil water

Chapter 650 Another new thing to boil water (fourth more)

After a short while, the four people quarreled on their own, arguing about what to plant and how much land to plant.

Chen Mo was listening quietly while drinking tea, but he had no idea.

I have to say I want to, I just want to send the four people away in half a year.

Look at the situation, your majesty is making trouble for the village. Everything was fine before the four came and started tossing.

Around the same time, most of the candidates in other counties made jokes.

But it’s really amazing. I cook my own food in the village, report to the villager after finishing my meal, and start walking around the village.

Look at the location, who is rich, and which house is under repair.

Looking at the yard, some people’s yards are tidy and some are messy.

Take out the notebook and the red and blue pencils and write them down. Some messes may not be due to industrious family members. It is likely that there are few people working.

When I went to the entrance of the village to look at the firewood stacks, I met someone and asked which one they belonged to.

Villagers’ large firewood stacks will be stacked outside, and small firewood stacks and firewood houses will be placed in their homes.

In the event of a fire, it is easier to fight the fire.

Firewood stacks can also reflect the number of people in a family and the degree of hard work. Firewood stacks are generally made of wood, and there is no split wood.

The top is covered with grass curtains, so it won’t be all wet when it rains.

Sometimes I passed by someone's house, and shouted outside the yard, and waited for the owner to come out, and went in to look at the barn where coal and briquettes were placed.

Li Family Zhuangzi, Li Yi finished the lesson for the nurses in the afternoon, and Li Longji's family came again.

Today is May 29th, the last day of the month.

Seeing Li Yi, the little guy ran over and opened his arms to hug him.

He usually feels different atmosphere in the palace.

Queen Wang took him on the merry-go-round and rowing boats.

There was a large group of feather forest flying around, even so, Queen Wang did not take the children to the Forbidden Garden.

The little guy lacks the joy of playing in the countryside, mainly because he can't see his little friends.

In Zhuangzi, you can always see children running around, and he will look at others laughing.

"Brother Yi, Luoyang has already built the road. There are a lot of people, and it has been connected to Lantian County. The cement is used, and a car with a wide wheel is deliberately made."

Li Longji said that he would hire someone from Luoyang to fix the track.

The wheels are wide, and the ruts are pressed directly on the road. As long as the wheels of other cars are not wider than this, you can run inside.

There is no concrete in the middle of the track, and the concrete road is too wasteful for horses to run.

This kind of road is equivalent to a fast lane, the mud in the middle is more compacted.

If it rains, the water will flow into the rut first, and then out of the groove next to the rut track.

"Can it be used before this winter?" Li Yi calculated the time, and if it could be used before winter, the economic benefits would be reflected.

The work was not completed before winter and it was delayed for several months.

Li Longji firmly said: "It is possible to delay the construction period due to the continuous heavy rain."

Then he brought up the Jingzhaofu Water Network.

"The water network can also be repaired this year, just in autumn. With the water network, the people will feel at ease when they farm. When it rains, the water network can also help drain floods."

The ministers found the advantage and mentioned it to Li Longji.

If the eight rivers have a lot of water and enter the water network, the water network will eventually flow to the Qinling Mountains.

If there is too much water, it can form a river, walking along the edge of the Qinling Mountains in the lower part.

There is an additional channel for flood discharge, otherwise it will directly rush to Jingzhao Mansion.

After many days of heavy rains, the water will first penetrate the land, and then the main stream can't bear the breach.

The water network is built, and before the water accumulates, it is lined up first, even if it is a flood dike, it is just one place.

The land is washed away, and grain can be transported from other places.

The people’s houses were washed away, but the ground was washed away, and the houses were finished.

Changing to Li Yi's side is called Chonging the countryside to protect the city and Chongtian to protect the town.

Li Yi had already thought about it, and he smiled: "The water network and river channels can clean up the silt every year, and silt and fertilize the fields."

"There are also a lot of fish, especially loach. Put some salt or sesame oil to make them spit out sand. It's delicious."

Li Longji went on to say that he hadn't thought about the question of how many fish the people ate before.

Now he understands that if the people catch fish once with a bamboo basket, they can eat it for two days.

It can also be salted and air-dried for a long time.

Every new good method allows the people to eat a few more bites of meat, and the accumulation of many methods, can the people eat meat every day?

I can't control the distant places for the time being. Jingzhao Mansion will make a sample, and other places will follow the same rules.

"Third brother, the planting of seasonings must keep up. When making fish and meat, when there are more seasonings, the people have more choices.

The price of salt cannot be increased, and even if a large salt merchant sells salt, no tax should be imposed.

If a tax of one dollar per catty of salt is collected, it may increase by five dollars in the end when it reaches the people. "

Li Yi opposes the current salt tax, which is a must for survival.

"Food is also not taxed." Li Longji's knowledge is also not shallow, salt and food are immobile.

"Brother, I asked the workshop to make a water-boiling thing, you take it back and use it when the sun is full."

Li Yi looked at the eunuchs, and the four eunuchs ran out.

When they came back, they moved a pot full of small lenses.

An iron shelf extends from the edge of the pot, and a copper kettle is placed on the shelf.

"Mirror?" Li Longji knew the mirror.

But looking at so many small mirrors there, taking a photo, my eyes are uncomfortable, and a lot of myself.

"In the face of the sun, the light emitted by these mirrors falls within the range of the kettle, and the kettle will be heated to boil the water."

Li Yi watched the introduction of the mirror solar cooker made by the craftsmen.

"What's the use?" Li Longji thought about it and thought it would be successful, but he didn't know the purpose.

"Sea water can't be drunk. Use this to heat and the steam will condense. If you are worried about other things, filter it with multiple layers of cotton cloth.

Bring it to a boil, and the water can be drunk. The cotton cloth can be washed and replaced. It is easier to install cotton cloth on the boat than other things. "

Li Yi once again talked about how to supply fresh water to the ocean-going fleet.

Before he considered distilling with a glass cover, the speed was obviously too slow, but now he took out the solar stove and it was fast.

The key is that this stove can cook, otherwise it will be fried noodles and dry cakes on board.

"Brother Yi, you don't need a glass mirror, you can use gold or copper foil. The glass mirror is easy to break."

Li Longji thought of a substitute, what should I do if the mirror is broken? Post a smaller film?

Change it, replace it with one that is not Li Yi looked at Li Longji in surprise, I wiped it, ancient people are quite smart, I didn't expect it.

The weight of a thin bronze mirror is not light, but it doesn't matter if it is placed on a big ship.

Li Longji went on to say: "The best way for the military to treat trauma is boiling water. Adding a few of the same things to the logistics will reduce the possibility of infection.

If you encounter a place where there is no good water, the swamp water is used to distill or boil it for the soldiers to drink, so that you don’t get sick. "

"The third brother is very true." Li Yi nodded, admiring, yes, the army is outside, there are no normal rivers, only swamps and dirty blisters.

The water in it will kill you if you drink it.

Bring this thing, slowly boil it, drinking a sip of water and not being able to drink a sip of water are two different things.

As for what to do if it rains and there is no sun? Drink rainwater, now the rainwater pollution is not so heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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