Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 829: Never stopped new appliances

The maids are full of little stars, the eunuchs... it doesn't matter whether they have little stars in their eyes.

In the eyes of the ladies of the court, the proprietor waved his hand to see politics and people's livelihood.

You can have a high ambition, and instantly fall to the people.

At the beginning, I talked about administration, but in a blink of an eye the specific situation was involved.

It's a pity that Princess Yongmu didn't come, otherwise the proprietor would be another, very fun kind.

The proprietor changed as soon as she met Princess Yongmu, which was interesting.

That night, what Li Yi said and the copied medical books were sent to Xingqing Palace.

Li Longji turned over the medical books a few times and put them aside. Originally, he had left them all, every one was.

The copied copy was printed and sent to all parts of the Tang Dynasty under the condition that it was guaranteed to be a good word.

Li Yi never cared about the original. Li Longji knew that what Li Yi cared most was whether the people of Datang had studied the content of the book well and applied it to the people.

He picked up the notebook of Li Yi's daily words and sighed after reading it.

"What did Uncle say?" Queen Wang took it and read it: "Isn't it normal? Those who win Li Yi win the world!"

Queen Wang didn't think there was a problem, she always said that, and all the courtiers who were qualified to know the situation agreed.

Whoever gets Li Yi's assistance will be able to stabilize the world. Li Yi's learning is from top to bottom.

He can give pointers today, and he will be able to lower his head and plant the fields tomorrow.

He knows everything, he can be a prime minister, he can be a craftsman.

If he is willing to teach, he will teach, and if he is willing to practice medicine, he will practice medicine.

When he is happy, he still cooks and cooks by himself.

Li Longji shook his head: "No, I think, if I have to meet Yi brother before Longxing, many fewer people will die."

"That's not it. Many more people may die. He is not merciful. I believe that at that time, Webster and Anle could poison Zhongzong, and his uncle could kill them both.

My uncle always likes tooth for tooth and eye for eye. And when killing someone is more aggressive, never caring about other people's life or death. "

Queen Wang knows Li Yi quite well, don't look at Li Yi's appearance all day long.

When he started, he was absolutely decisive.

Seeing him kill, so many people were killed by him at a given point.

The key is that after killing someone, he doesn't look uncomfortable, it's normal.

How strong is this psychological quality? Most people can't do it.

As for many people who have offended him, he did not kill him, because he is definitely not worthy of the other party.

Including Jiang's family who wants to occupy the land of Princess Yongmu, Li Yi is looking at the other party's actions.

The backhand was always prepared. The Jiang family was smart. They hurriedly sold things and lost the shop. They didn't struggle. They looked for Li Linfu, but Li Linfu didn't help.


"Jiang Jiao! Alas!" Li Longji sighed again when he thought of someone he had never known when he was the emperor.

Queen Wang came over and nestled beside Li Longji.

Li Yi didn't see this situation, otherwise he would sneer.

Jiang Jiao knew you when you were the emperor. You got him down with emotion.

The king and queen, when you were not emperor, how bitter your days were.

You can't even eat a bowl of noodles on your birthday, but the queen and his father used the leather clothes as a bowl of noodles for you.

Then the king and queen supported you all the way to become emperor, what will happen after that?


Li Yi does not know that Li Longji and Queen Wang are showing affection. He is designing drawings and designing according to the data on the materials.

All 30,000 recruits were in place and training was carried out in Taibai Mountain.

Taibai Mountain is also snowy in summer, and it is also a royal resort.

There is a royal palace on Taibai Mountain, and all the better places around Jingzhao Mansion are occupied by the royal family.

There are no hot springs among the folks, the only one is behind Zuixianju, which is no different from the royal ones.

In the deep mountains, the royal family can't occupy them. The people know that there are hot springs, and it is impossible to go so far to take a bath.

Li Yi is drawing a picture of a hang gliding wing, flying.

The parachuting has already been done. Yulin Feiqi can jump, and he knows how to fold a parachute by himself, and he must fold it by himself. Others do not worry about folding it.

It's just that parachuting has been done several times on the lake in autumn, and everyone is not skilled.

The lake surface is just a kind of psychological comfort. If there is a problem with the main umbrella and the auxiliary umbrella, it would be a death to fall off the lake surface at that height.

Shoot directly on the water from a height of more than a thousand meters. If you can live, there must be something wrong with the water.

Fortunately, every time the umbrella was opened successfully, the auxiliary umbrella was never opened.

Now it is a hang gliding wing. The hang gliding wing is theoretically always hovering downwards, but there is wind on the front, and if it is well controlled, it can rise again.

Li Yi was going to let Yu Lin Fei ride the parachute jumper to use the hang gliding wing on Taibai Mountain. He didn't want the newly recruited 30,000 soldiers.

Taibai Mountain is more than 3,700 meters above sea level. This is not what we are looking at. You need to jump and glide, but look at the relative height.

The altitude of this area is 700 to more than 1,000 meters, that is to say, the relative altitude is about 3,000 meters.

Otherwise, in one place, the altitude is 10,000 meters, and then the local average height is 9,900 meters, which means that it is more than 100 meters from the highest place to the platform.

If you parachute, you may not be able to open the umbrella and you will fall to death.

Parachuting and hang gliding require relative altitude, and it has nothing to do with altitude.

"With a parachute on your back, first wear Hu's eyepieces, find a suitable location and use the hang gliding wing to glide.

Li Yi muttered, carefully drawing according to the data, but didn't dare to neglect.

When the hang glider is paired with a parachute...

He knows that there are many mountains in Tubo, and if a team of 1,000 people slides down, it will get stuck in a key position...

The most frightening thing is the paratroopers. The paratroopers never fall in front of the enemy's main force, and they are guaranteed to be behind.

Like the Normandy landing, the role of the airborne troops is the greatest, even if the casualties are not small.

The enemy was tired of coping, and strategically important areas were occupied by paratroopers.

Of course, another place that cannot be ignored is the Calais Peninsula.

Prior to Operation Overlord in Normandy, the Allied forces had been adopting another deception plan called Operation Ghost.

It was aimed at the Calais Peninsula, including the extras who played Montgomery, and there was a large number of artillery attacks.

Most of the enemy's forces were constrained to make the Normandy landing successful, even at a heavy price, the strategic goal was achieved.

"So our Datang hang gliding unit must also be coordinated from the ground. The airborne must directly hit the enemy's important Li Yi thought about the classic battle process in the war, as well as the tactical deployment and The strategic goal is to give Habayashi Feiqi a new position.

As far as he knows about the classic combat airborne application and technology, as well as the strategic and tactical deployment, people in the political affairs hall today dare not even think about it.

"Frame support issues, frame material issues, hang gliding wing wing angle, wind direction and wind height issues, Taibai Mountain must choose a suitable place..."

Li Yi marked the data and graphics, and kept muttering.

He believed in the other troops, but it must be Yulin Feiqi. Last time, Yulin Feiqi did not fight well, and dozens of people died and command errors.

The main reason is that they are not familiar with the battlefield and cannot make the same mistakes in the future.

"It's almost done, let the workshop be built, I will fly, I will, I will fly." Li Yi put down his pen and clenched his fist.

He skipped an umbrella and played hang gliding, but those things were made by others, and now they are made by Zhuangzi.

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