Chapter 20

“Birth!!!” Raikage Ai tears in tears, the blood vessels in his forehead burst and blood spurts.

How dare… How dare to hurt the old man’s brother like this! ! Hurt my Cloud Shinobi’s family! !

“Unforgivable! Unforgivable!!” Ai smashed the wall with a punch, which could not relieve the pain in his heart, only to prevent this kind of future…

Correct! Must stop! !

“All the information for the old man “Xiao”!! Immediately, now, now!”

Water Country · Kirigakure——

“Master Yakura was hit by a illusion?”

“So Yakura-sama’s incomprehensible policies are…”

Thinking of the title in the Blood Mist, thinking of the blood of the companion that has been on his hands, Mist Shinobi’s ninja is so painful that he can’t breathe…

“What did we…do?”

Over the years they have been using Mizukage’s orders. Mizukage-sama has their own considerations. Hearing what the leader said is correct. Ninjas need to obey orders to paralyze themselves. However, they wake up at midnight. Those companions who died in their hands, those who died The smiling faces are like life-demanding ghosts, entangled, swallowed, and tortured their souls.

“Ah ah ah ah ah……”

Immediately there was a ninja from Mist Shinobi clutching his scalp, kneeling on the ground and wailing hysterically.

They rushed to the Mizukage building.

They want to kill the controlled Mizukage and liberate his painful soul!


Shinobi rushed to the Mizukage building and was stopped by a beautiful long-haired girl Shinobi, and several prestigious Mist Shinobi ninjas emerged from behind her.


“It’s not the time yet. First, watch the video and gather information to find out how much Konoha knows first!”

“Yes… Yes… Although it is reasonable, but what if this is Konoha’s conspiracy?”

“Yes, immediately collect all the information on Konoha, Uchiha, Sharingan!”

[The bleak music happened to cater to the heart that hadn’t completely emerged from the pain. 】

[Gaara said again: “At this moment, there are no enemies here! There are no Sand Shinobi, Rock Shinobi, Konoha, Mist Shinobi, Cloud Shinobi! There is no country of wind, land, fire, water, or thunder Kingdom!!”】(Read more @

[“Some are only hurt by “Akatsuki”——”][“Ninja!”][The Nin Lian people who were immersed in painful memories woke up like a dream, their eyes condensed on Gaara as the captain, endless pain and hatred condensed into war. 】

[“If you still can’t forgive Sand Shinobi even then, please come and cut down my first level after the war is over!”]

Morino Ibiki: “That’s what Sand Shinobi really said. Is that kid named Gaara really the captain of the future Ninja Allied Forces.”

Gangzi Tetsu: “It’s really unexpected. The Ninja League captain in question is actually Sand Shinobi’s kid.”

Kamizuki Izumo: “It’s not quite right. Although he has the figure of the blond boy in his memories, he should have said revenge to the “Akatsuki”, “Come and cut down my first level after the war is over.” !’right?”

Gangzi Tetsu: “Yes, Uzumaki Naruto said such a long story, what is the answer?”

[In the video, Gaara’s words shocked every ninja in the 80,000 Ninja League. They had never heard a movie like this. What made him such a pattern? What kind of pain allows him to understand the pain of this world, and who can lead such a person to the right path? 】

[Kakashi: Everyone’s expressions have changed. 】

[Gaara: “Now! The enemy is trying to take away who saved me, my friend!”]

Izumo and Tie: “Ah! As expected!!!”

Naruto tilted his head stupidly: “Huh?”

Sasuke subconsciously grabbed Naruto’s arm and stared at the image, facing the strength of the enemy, he was deeply aware of his weakness.

How to protect them like this? !

Naruto next to him, the mother behind him, he wants strength, he wants to protect their strength!

Thinking that he couldn’t even hit the thick eyebrows called ‘Lee’, Sasuke seemed to be swallowed by darkness, and all his obsessions were condensed into two words of strength.

He is afraid!

With deep fear!

He was afraid that the news that Naruto had resurrected his mother would be known by Itachi. He was afraid that the cruel man would appear in front of him again and take his mother’s life!

He was afraid that the person who destroyed the Akatsuki organization of Konoha Shinobi Village with one blow would arrest Naruto…

Why is it so weak?

So let alone revenge, he will continue to lose!

Such a dark future, such a cruel future! !

correct! Where is he in the future? Why does he Uchiha Sasuke never appear in the video? !

Could it be with Naruto as Akatsuki’s last line of defense?

Thinking of this, a growing obsession and sense of responsibility have become chaotic in the mind of the young Sasuke, and his dark eyes have also appeared to hate his smallness and weakness, and a crazy desire for strength!


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

did you see? ! did you see? ! !

I have the first rich fan in my life! ! 1000 VIP points! ! ! ! (Manually bold)

Hurry up and update the saved manuscript~ hehe~ (manually brightened)

Decided to have another chapter in the evening, and whispered: “So this one is a bit short.”

Today’s update progress-(2/2) forced to become (2/3)

Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward!

I will continue to work hard.

*Another question for the weak. For Sasuke, when he calls his mother, he says “Kasan”. Do you like it better or suggest that you change it to “Mother” or “Mom”? I want to hear your suggestions~~.

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