Chapter 83

[The beginning of the image is in the country of grass, in a small and dark thatched house. 】

[The girl cried and quarreled with her sick mother. 】

[It’s not that she is ignorant, but the young girl is too sensible. She knows that her mother is not feeling well and should not complete those tasks anymore. 】

[“Hey! Hurry up, don’t waste time.” Cao Ren was cold and cold at the door. 】

[Mother can only rub the girl’s cheeks and tell her that she can use this ability to help Cao Ren in exchange for the qualifications to stay in the village, so she cannot refuse. 】

[But she also promised the girl that she would be back soon. 】

Seeing the woman in the video turning and leaving, Naruto suddenly became a little worried and spoke subconsciously:

“Really…Can you come back?”

Anyway, his mother never came back, and his dark room was never patronized by anyone he could call his “mother”.


The fragrant phosphorus next to him lowered his head.

[Just as in the video, the new moon is hanging in the air, and the girl with her head buried in her knees has been waiting for a day, but her mother still has not come back. And she herself was forcibly pulled away by the Kushinin who took her mother away…][Girl: “Where is this?”][“Hospital.” Cao Shinobu: “Because of the sneak attack, our side suffered heavy casualties. There are countless casualties in the village. Your mother alone is not enough.”

[Later, the girl saw her mother again in a certain ward… To be precise, it was a morgue… Only then did Xiang Pho know that there were so many teeth on her strict mother who had been wrapping herself in thick clothes. She vomited dimly. 】

“What is this, I said?!” Looking at the tragic death of a mother, Naruto’s anger still had some fear of what she had encountered. “Why are there so many injuries on Xianglin and her mother?!”

Gaara, like Naruto, was also very angry. The thin sand was slowly flowing around, ready to grab the door at any time according to the owner’s request, and shred the grass that was still alive and left to other Chūnin’s care.

Sasuke and Little Sakura knew it.

The two of them saw with their own eyes how the two Kushinoba treated the red-haired girl, and the girl even made her bit herself in order to save Sakura.

Seeing Sasuke and Little Sakura do not start, they couldn’t bear to tell him, Naruto didn’t understand it even more, so he could only sit down and watch the video with anger (bceg).

The Uzumaki Mito next to him is just not as noisy and childish as Naruto. In fact, when he saw the death of the Phosphorus mother, Chakra Sen was so cold that Senju Tobirama next to him recalled his and his elder brother under the terror of Mito sister. year……

[In the video, in the ward of Cao Yin Village, the medical ninja is decisively decisive: “Come here to transport Chakra! Don’t worry about that guy, it’s useless! Hurry up, don’t fudge, next one !”】(Read more @

This way of letting go of companions in the vastness and measuring life and death by value is too suffocating.

At least among the Konoha Shinobi people here, there is no such thing in their education.

[In the video, one after another wounded bitten on the fragrant phosphorus, and quickly recovered from their injuries by sucking on her Chakra. 】

Naruto finally saw it.

This girl of the same race actually possesses such a special ability.

However, this ability brought her and her mother a disaster!

A small dark seed germinated quietly in Naruto’s heart…

Xianglin’s mother died of this force.

What about him? Why did his Uzumaki Naruto’s mother die? !

Here, only three people discovered that Naruto’s sky-blue eyes had lost their former glory, namely Iruka, Sasuke and Gaara.

Naruto’s rare choice kept the problem in his heart, and did not carry out his honest belief. And afterwards, when he watched the video again, he became silent a lot, no longer screaming like before.

Haruno Sakura: “It’s cruel.” She was referring to the war mission in the country of grass, and a large number of wounded with mutilated limbs were waiting for rescue in pain.

Kakashi told her, “This is what Chūnin and Jōnin had to face during the war.”

Then she smiled and comforted little Sakura, “Well, anyway, there have been very few missions in the War of Fire in the past ten years, and you, as Genin, have not been able to reach it.”

[In the subsequent images, Xianglin is like a breathing medical kit, and was rushed to various battlefields by the Kushinin carrier. 】

[Cao Ren tugged at her clothes, escaped the many crises, and brought the fragrant phosphorus to the core of the battlefield. 】

[The scene shocked Xianglin. At least Jōnin from Ji Shiwei’s grassland fell here dying. Some didn’t know how many stalks were stuck in their bodies, and some just fell on the ground and didn’t know if they still lived. 】

[“Go!”][I opened my mouth again, biting on the fragrant phosphorus. 】

[When I went back, the whole body of Xianglin was covered with tooth marks, I don’t know how much pain I experienced. 】

Little Sakura looked at the tooth prints on Xianglin and realized that the actual situation was more difficult than she thought. Those tooth prints may have been cured a long time ago. Now the countless tooth prints on Xianglin may be in the past year or even a few years ago. Made in months.

“How can this be…” The same girl, little Sakura choked up and asked incredulously: “How can this be?”

“That’s not the truth!”

Sasuke, Little Sakura, Gaara, Iruka, Kakashi and others quickly turned around, because they hardly expected that such angry and rational voices would come from Naruto.

Xianglin found that Uzumaki Naruto’s Chakra had changed, like a forest under a moonlit night, an unknown cold.

Naruto was angry because of what happened to her, very angry.

[Caoyin Village·Caonin: “Next time Chūnin exam, I am going to let you participate.”][Fragrant Phosphorus does not understand the other party’s intentions. 】

[“Judge the strength of the Ninja Village based on the strength of the Genin in each village. This is one of the important purposes of this Chūnin exam.” Kushinin explained: “You can also regard this as a battle for arms, supplies and Ninja Prestige game!”】

[“Your mission is to treat the other two people.” In the video, there was a scornful look in the video: “The village raises outsiders like you and your mother, especially you. After your mother died, the village raised you Great, if you know it, you will come up with good results! You outsider in the village!”][In the video, the incense phosphorus seems to have been brainwashed to make it even more inferior. 】

Outside the video, Uzumaki Naruto, who was sitting cross-legged, stood up and kicked over the decorative flower pot next to it.

“Those Kushinoba!! I want to beat them up! Until I wake them up!!”


Update today (2/Big Ball Rasengan), please order.

Huahua, monthly pass, okay~.

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