Chapter 87

Sasuke: “Make it clear! Itachi, brother, his purpose is to let me get Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan what does it mean?!”

“Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan…”

Speaking of this, it’s hard for Senju Tobirama to think of that person, his opponent, the second master of the Uchiha clan——

Uchiha Izuna!

“As mentioned earlier, long-term use of Mangekyō Sharingan can cause great damage to the eyeball nerves. Even a guy like Uchiha Madara has gradually reduced his vision in the long-term battle with his eldest brother.”

Sasuke can’t wait: “Then what?!”

“His brother, Uchiha Izuna…gave his pupil power to Madara.”

Sasuke did not ask what would happen to Madara when he got the pupil power of the other person. What’s more disturbing in his heart is what will happen to the person who gave the pupil power? !

Second Hokage: “Dead.”

“In the Sengoku era, Senju and Uchiha were enemies. Whether it was Madara’s brother or the old man’s younger brother, they died at the hands of each other.” He said: “Once the old man severely injured Uchiha Izuna, he took the opportunity to ask for his pupil power to be given to him. Madara… After his death, Madara became more extreme, stupid and easy to be deceived because of the pain of losing her last brother and the long-term use of Mangekyō Sharingan.

Ignoring what the eldest brother said, Madara was easily deceived by him since he was a child.

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama believes that if Madara is not thinking more and more extreme, eager to surpass his big brother and be recognized by his big brother and others, a man like him would not believe in Black Zetsu’s Project Tsuki no Me. Attempting to rely on a large-scale illusion among all mankind to achieve the so-called’real’ peace…

Sasuke: “…dead?”

Ever since I watched the video, I know that I have been kept in the dark by everyone in the name of ‘protection’ and I know Itachi’s experience. Although it was still unable to forgive Itachi, and Uchiha and Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke never thought that Itachi would die.

Sasuke’s fists were clenched tightly, and hearing this news made him more angry than hearing anything else.

Not angry with others, or angry Uchiha Itachi! !

Why, why should Itachi always try to arrange him clearly? !


Sasuke punched the wall next to him, trembling with anger, but didn’t know what to say.

At this time, itachi who was staying here as a crow: “…”

“The old man doesn’t think that the path Uchiha Izuna chose was the right one~ˇ,” Senju Tobirama said, “It’s nothing more than being cheated.”

Sasuke: “?”

Itachi: “…”

Obito in Kamui Space: “?!!!”

“By the way, where did you Uchiha’s blind confidence in that ancestral stone slab come from?” Second Generation sighed: “Izuna, Madara, your brother, and the kid who was used by Madara to engage in the moon eye.” Didn’t you think about it one by one, it’s been thousands of years, that Uchiha’s inscription might have been tampered with?”

Sasuke didn’t know what the Uchiha inscription was, and when he faced Second Hokage’s disgusting question, he seemed inexplicable.

Itachi, who used Sharingan to read the inscription, and Obito, who understood the contents of the slab in Madara’s memory, were greatly impacted by this passage!

Just when Itachi was hesitant to send a monthly reading to Second Hokage to discuss this topic in depth.

Knowing that the crow is Itachi, Mito Ji said, “It’s getting late. Why don’t I help seal the curse first? By the way, Tobirama, besides you and me, is anyone known to have been resurrected?”

Senju Tobirama: “And that Uchiha kid’s mother, Uchiha Mikoto, and my eldest brothers Itama and Senju Itama.” Shisui’s affairs are kept secret for the time being, and no one will tell Mito again afterwards.(Read more @

“The board room?! That’s not…”

“The Senju ninja who died in a war mission in the Sengoku era.”

“I heard Hashirama said, it’s the regret of your brothers in your life.” Mito looked a little lonely: “If Hashirama is there, you will cry with joy.”

“…Big Brother,” Tobirama smiled, “I’ll really hug the board and cry.”

When Itachi heard the news that Mikoto was resurrected, his whole body was dull.

Seeing that Sasuke didn’t respond, he obviously already knew it!

The current Itachi can’t wait to leave here, the mother he hasn’t seen for many years since he personally slaughtered the tribe.

It’s just that he didn’t wait for him to flap his wings and prepare to fly away.

The belated image of the “horror question and answer” he encountered was activated at this time—

It is a record about Itachi.

[In the video, there are probably only four or five-year-old children, but there are sorrows written in the eyes that seem to understand the pain of the world, and he asks himself——]

【”what is the meaning of life?”】

[Then he got the answer from Orochimaru——][“Life has no meaning.”][In the third Ninja War, Uchiha Fugaku brought Uchiha Itachi, who was only four years old, to the battlefield! 】

[The corpses are everywhere, even the ground is full of scars. 】

[That gentle child realized another important point of life——][“Life…will die.”][“Life will fight!” The atmosphere suddenly intensified. Ninja wars, Chūnin and ninjas are fighting. Are the ninja preparations in Ninja school all fighting to survive on the battlefield later? ! 】

Is this the fate of life, or their fate as ninjas? !

[The younger brother was born, and the infant Itachi looked a little excited, and happily wrapped the infant Sasuke from his mother’s hands, as if the child in his hands was his salvation…]

Sasuke, who was watching the movie, saw this with mixed feelings in his heart, flat his mouth and staggered his eyes.

[“Life will be born.”][The boy found the bond in the task of the team, and then the bond disappeared. In the image is the memory of Itachi. A masked man who looked like a young but was bigger than Itachi appeared and killed all of Itachi’s companions. 】

[Itachi started Sharingan in this pain. When sitting in the courtyard of the house and crying silently, it was his brother’s hug that gave him warmth. At this moment, he realized the new essentials——]

【“. ¨ Losing one’s life is painful.” But this pain is not on oneself, but on those who are left behind. 】

[Itachi touched his brother’s cheek, bitter tears welled up in his eyes——][“Sasuke, will you have such a pair of eyes someday? After experiencing this pain.”]

The depressed atmosphere in the video makes Senju Tobirama, who has been on the battlefield since childhood, feels depressed.

“Sharingan’s power is in the loving Uchiha clan…”

“I want strength to protect what I want to protect, but only by’losing’ can the strength increase. This kind of contradiction crosses until the end, Uchihas have nothing but madness except strength.

[When they were young, Shisui and Itachi saved Hokage’s Anbu from Danzo’s “Gen” Shinobu during field training. 】

[At that time, the two swear together: “I, Uchiha Itachi, will never betray Uchiha Shisui, and will always fight side by side with him!”, “Then, I, Uchiha Shisui, will never betray Uchiha Itachi, and will always fight side by side with him!”][Itachi’s bun’s face is bulging, and Uchiha Shisui is carried on his back. (Good promise) Shisui, who was also a teenager, told Itachi: “Anyway, I treat you as my own brother.”][However, under the persecution of fate and Danzo, Uchiha Shisui had to goug out his eyes and hand it over to Itachi. Before dying, he entrusted the unfinished mission to this younger brother together with Sharingan’s pupil power: Nowadays, you can only ask for your best friend. Itachi, please protect this village and the name of the Uchiha clan anyway.”][“Don’t stop me, Itachi, if we are friends, you should understand me.”][“Shisui——!!!” system]

【Itachi awakens in pain and gains the power of Mangekyō Sharingan, but what is it that he once wanted to protect is getting more and more vague. 】

“Brother…” Seeing it again, Sasuke still felt pain for what his brother had experienced.

Not to be able to immediately and agree with his approach.

Naruto opened the door silently when everyone focused on the image.


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