Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 21, Russia-Bulgaria Relations

There is no free lunch in the world!

After the Bulgaria-Russia alliance, Bulgaria's comprehensive national strength has achieved considerable development, which has at least tripled compared with the same period in history.

Now I have to be controlled by others. Without this alliance, Bulgaria's national strength will be abolished by at least three layers!

Since he was going to be slaughtered, Ferdinand also decided that the lion would open his mouth. Anyway, no matter how much he paid, he could get it back from the Ottoman Empire later.

Aren't the French rich and powerful? Well, let's borrow more. It's no problem to mortgage, whether it's the right of way or tax, we can discuss it!

One billion francs, as long as you are willing to borrow, Ferdinand said, even the Sofia Palace can be used as a mortgage!

What? You want to repair the railway, yes! Can you see which roads can be repaired in Bulgaria now? You guys go fix it! Anyway, the main roads are almost repaired, and it is none of our business to lose money on other routes!

What? Want a tariff mortgage? sure! Now Bulgaria's most important trading partner is the Russian Empire, which is basically equal to zero tariffs.

As for trade with other countries? The biggest item is the export of agricultural products, which is directly tax-free! The largest imported goods are mechanical products, and those that are urgently needed in Bulgaria are also duty-free!

In fact, the proportion of Bulgaria's tariff revenue in the fiscal revenue is already very low! It's only seven or eight million levs per year, how do you do it, the Bulgarian market is so big?

A typical dead pig is not afraid of boiling water!

This is the current state of Ferdinand. Anyway, Bulgaria's plate is so big now, and it is attached to the Russian Empire in international politics. If the French have too much appetite, it will definitely affect the interests of the Russians!

Obviously, the French-Russian joint group this time, the Russian banking consortium is limited in strength, and the French are the funders. The purpose is obvious, which is to use the loan to control the Bulgarian economy.

France and Russia are likely to reach an agreement, the Russians will further expand their influence in Bulgaria, and the French will gain economic benefits!

In this regard, Ferdinand has no pressure at all. Now the main industries in Bulgaria have been controlled by himself, and the railway is completely owned by the government.

Any foreign capital involved must abide by other rules, otherwise you can feel what it means to be unable to move an inch!

Unless the French create a "French Concession", but this possibility is infinitely zero, and the Russians will be the first to refuse!

After the Bulgaria-Russia alliance, the business circles of the two countries were the first to move closer together, and the tariffs were lowered again and again. If France was allowed to establish a concession, wouldn’t it create opportunities for French products to enter the Russian Empire and evade tariffs?

Unlike Bulgaria's small arms and legs, France at the end of the 19th century was an industrial powerhouse. If there was no tariff protection, it is estimated that the nascent national bourgeoisie in Russia would not be able to withstand the impact!


Nicholas II, who was far away in St. Petersburg, also had a headache for Bulgaria's loan request. It's actually quite funny to say it. Apart from direct economic benefits, the Russian government doesn't know what to ask for?

Talk about tariffs! I'm sorry, but the tariffs between Bulgaria and Russia are still tariffs? Even the salaries of the customs staff are not enough. If it is not for the inspection of illegal businessmen using this channel to smuggle goods from other countries, the customs will not bother to investigate!

Taking charge of other countries' tariffs is to facilitate the export of their own goods, but it is completely unnecessary for Bulgaria!

As for opening a factory? Well, Bulgaria welcomes Russian businessmen to invest in the past. As long as you have money, you can invest in an arsenal. As long as you can sell it, of course the Bulgarian military will not buy it!

mineral resources? Nicholas II expressed his disdain. Is Bulgaria still the largest importer of Russian minerals?

As for other religious and cultural exports? Is this a condition? Now the folk culture exchanges between the two countries,

Is there still less? On the streets of Russia, Bulgarian novels are still sung; on the streets of Bulgaria, the poetry of the Russian Empire is indispensable!

The languages ​​of the two countries are similar, the characters are similar, and even the religious customs are similar. There is no problem in the communication between the two sides, and even translation is not needed. There is no need for the government to intervene!

You can't blame Bulgaria for being too cooperative, right? Russia exports culture to Bulgaria, and Bulgaria also exports culture to the Russian Empire. So is Sofia the birthplace of ancient Russian?

Sometimes the little brother is too cooperative, which is also a problem! At least for now, the Russian Empire must consider Bulgaria's feelings, and should not raise excessive conditions and destroy the friendly relationship between the two countries!

"Prime Minister, what additional request do you think we can make now?" Nicholas II asked depressedly

The prime minister said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it seems that we don't need to mention any conditions now. As long as we continue to maintain friendly exchanges between the two countries, maybe 30 to 50 years later, there will be a highly autonomous Grand Duchy of Bulgaria under the Russian Empire!"

Everyone roared with laughter. That's right, in theory the economies of the two countries are tied together, cultural exports and immigrants, and a new generation will grow up 30 to 50 years later, so it is natural for the two sides to unite as one!

Since it will be part of the Russian Empire sooner or later, it doesn't matter if the Bulgarians take advantage of the time. This will serve as a benchmark for unifying the entire Slavic nation!

At this time, the Minister of the Navy suddenly said: "Your Majesty, in fact, we can strengthen the military ties between the two countries, and even support the Bulgarians to control the Black Sea Strait when the time is right!"

Nicholas II knew in his heart that the navy had always been attached to the Black Sea Strait, but after the strategic center of gravity of the Russian Empire moved eastward, it no longer had the energy to fight for the Black Sea Strait.

After all, the European powers, except for France, probably did not welcome the Russian navy into the Mediterranean!

Don't look at what the British said, carve up Ottoman, and the Russian Empire will get the coast of the Black Sea Strait. Once the Russian Navy really rushes out of the Black Sea and enters the Mediterranean Sea, it will be another situation!

Whether it is the British, Italians, Spaniards, or Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they will all become obstacles to the Russian Empire. Although the Mediterranean Sea is large, it cannot accommodate so many forces!

Nicholas II did not carve up Ottoman with the British before, because he knew that he would face too many enemies when entering the Mediterranean! Once you're in, it's hard to get out!

Maybe they were beaten up by the British group again, and the beating back is a trivial matter. If the British or any powers control any section of the strait, the life of the Russian Empire will be difficult!

The Turks can control the strait because the Ottoman Empire is weak and has no courage to cut off the sea artery of the Russian Empire! Try a British one? If one is not good, the Russian Empire will be cut off from the world in minutes!

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