Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 160 The Meeting That Changed The World

Many people below have some pain in their heads. This is such an obvious carrot and stick.

By agreeing to join the association, you can save a lot of money at once, ranging from tens to 100 million a year, to billions of dollars.

If you don’t agree, why not use it? Without wireless power technology, domestic electricity costs will definitely increase by 5 to 10 points again.

Who dares not to raise their hands, not even the Lighthouse Country, those consortiums will never give up on this fat piece of food.

What's more, the use of wireless power technology has reduced industrial costs across the country a lot.

Prices have stabilized. If you dare to let prices rise again, prepare to step down.

Liu Sen stood on the stage and waited for a while.

Many country representatives have raised their hands, but many are still hesitant, especially those from the pickle country, Xiaori, and Europa who have no independent opinions. They all look at the representatives of the lighthouse country from a distance.

Seeing them grinding and chirping, Liu Sen couldn't help but look over.

The national representatives who were hesitant at first showed uneasiness when they saw Liu Sen looking over.

Liu Sen watched for a few more seconds, and they also raised their hands. In fact, their family had communicated with the senior officials of their country, but they did not dare to raise their hands directly due to the feelings of the lighthouse country.

He just made a gesture to let everyone see that they were forced to do nothing.

After all, this meeting is live broadcast and can be seen by everyone around the world.

The external network is also live broadcasting.

The Internet has long been abuzz. After all, wireless power can be used at a reduced price, and all the people support it.

Moreover, the cost of domestic industrial manufacturing can also be reduced, and the prices of consumer goods will fall.

Their lives would be much easier.

Witnessed by people all over the world, more and more country representatives raised their hands.

As long as the representative of his country raised his hand, the people watching the live broadcast in the corresponding country cheered.

Not only in the live broadcast room, but also in reality.

In the end, only Lighthouse Country, Kimchi Country, Little Days, Europa, and Kangaroo Country were left without a statement.

People in these countries are also anxious and have even begun to contact each other to gather together, start demonstrations, and attack government institutions.

Requires consent to join the Wireless Power Association.

The remaining people at the venue who had not yet voted quickly received the message.

All of them raised their hands with ugly faces to express their support and joined the Wireless Power Transmission Association.

Liu Sen smiled when he saw that everyone agreed to join the association.

"It seems that everyone is very eager to join the association, so let's start signing."

Soon everyone signed, and finally everyone came on stage one by one to take photos.

"Now I solemnly declare that the world will now officially enter the wireless era."

Liu Sen looked at everyone below and announced loudly.

At the same time, I silently added: Welcome everyone to my era.

At the same time, the country can also take advantage of wireless power and enter a new round of industrial revolution, and electronic renminbi has officially entered the world.

The RMB will become the mainstream currency in the world.

Because everyone who uses wireless power has opened an electronic RMB account and can make payments.

The circulating funds of the Wireless Power Association are also electronic renminbi.

Through the internal approval of the association, it can have a considerable impact.

After all, a reduction of one point or 0.5 points will involve a lot of money.

For Liu Sen, money really doesn't matter. Although it will be less, the remaining money is enough for the company to develop any industry.

Even if all countries reduce it by one point, it will only be 10 billion a month, but with the association's subsidies, each country will definitely speed up the promotion.

This will generate more new users and fees, and everyone around the world will start using it. Calculated at 8% a year, there will be 12 trillion a year.

Liu Sen silently calculated in his mind and was shocked.

But it’s definitely not that many. The proportion in China will definitely be reduced. You can apply once a year and it can be reduced every year.

In foreign countries, it depends on the relationship with China. If the relationship is good, the relationship will be reduced. If the relationship is not good, the relationship will not be reduced or the price will be restored to the original price.

Part of this money is used for research, and part of it will be returned to the public.

He really doesn't make money from this, and his next plan will soon replace this licensing fee.

He will keep sending satellites into space, covering the whole world, transmitting all of them to energy storage power stations in China, and then providing power to the whole world.

This profit and influence will increase many times instantly.

Directly replace the original energy status, allowing oil, natural gas, and coal to directly become industrial raw materials.

Liu Sen has great ambitions. From the beginning of his slow deployment, he is now leading the world into the next energy era.

Finally achieved his first goal.

Various companies have since uniformly adopted the latest standards of the Wireless Power Association.

In fact, the standards have not changed much, they are still the same as before by Liu Sen.

Just changed the name and let people from abroad join in.

To complete the upgrading of global electrical appliances, even if some countries agree to it on the surface, it will not be effective if they secretly hold back.

As appliances all over the world are adapted to receive wireless power, they are unlikely to be organized either.

After all, all wired lines will gradually be eliminated, and it is impossible to change and go back to the past.

Of course, Yidian Group has also been restricted. As long as the association's member states do not violate the association's standards, Yidian cannot withdraw the right to use technology from any country.

Regional wireless power facilities built by each country are maintained by each country.

Liu Sen doesn't care what other countries think, they are afraid that Yi Dian will interfere in their country.

Liu Sen dismissed this. He just wanted to say, I have no interest in you. Just like China, we only want to develop ourselves.

As long as you don't come here to provoke us, that's fine.

But if it really pisses him off, he will let those clowns know.

What the hell is a surprise.

After Liu Sen finished speaking, he slowly walked off the stage.

The host lady immediately announced the next part of the meeting.

As the host official stood on the stage, looked around and saw that everyone was looking over, he began to speak.

A brief introduction to the significance of the establishment of the Wireless Power Association, the origin of technology, current energy forms, and prospects for the future.

The representatives from some of the countries below all looked livid, but they still had to sit back and listen.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that the second conference of the Wireless Power Association will be held at this time next year.

At the same time, the association will receive all applications from attendees.

At the end, Liu Sen walked onto the stage.

"Now in front of the whole world, I will announce something again."

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