Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 477 The Titan Rocket Hovers And Lifts Off

After a while, the three-dimensional virtual images in everyone's smart glasses have all turned green.

"Report, all inspections have been completed!"

Li Tianqi nodded.

"Everyone evacuate the rocket now!"

Everyone left the rocket, and the aerial escalators were retracted into the surrounding walls.

The entire center is only 168 meters high and the rocket is almost 15 meters in diameter.

The entire space is enclosed.

Liu Sen and others looked at the giant rocket in front of them through the transparent glass in the circular wall.

"Now let's start the first complete test!"

"Attention all personnel."

"Start the force field drive engine!"

"The force field drive engine has started!"

"Get ready to light the fire!"

"3.2.1, ignite!"

Instantly, a large amount of flames appeared at the bottom of the giant rocket, and the entire space shook slightly.

"The rocket is in normal condition and its attitude is stable!"

Li Tianqi heard the voice from the radio, and then said: "Increase the fuel output, increase the thrust, and let the rocket soar to 10 meters!"

"The power team has received it and is executing it!"

The flames ejected from the bottom of the giant rocket in front of me increased, and the rocket slowly flew upwards with the thrust.

"The rocket has now risen 1 meter, and the thrust has reached 1.5%!"

"Currently rising 2 meters!"

"It has now risen to 10 meters, the demand has hovered, and it maintains an upright flight attitude. The current thrust remains at 1.0%!"

The giant rocket of more than 1,000 tons and 55 stories high was hovering in the air, with flames constantly spraying from the bottom.

Dozens of small holes in the middle and upper parts of the rocket are constantly spraying tiny flames, and constant adjustments are made to stabilize the rocket in the air.

Doesn't tilt to either side.

Li Tianqi looked at the scene in front of him and said calmly: "Keep the status, each group will report the status of various instruments in the rocket!"

"There is nothing wrong with the instruments in Group A!"

"There is nothing wrong with the Group B instruments!"

"There is no problem with the G-group instruments!"

"Report again in a minute!"

Following Li Tianqi's report, everyone stared at the screen.

Liu Sen was very happy when he saw everyone operating in an orderly manner.

It seems that after such a long period of training, everyone has gained a lot of experience and is able to remain calm and composed when facing the giant rocket that is now running for the first time.

The rocket just hovered in the air for 1 minute.

"There is nothing wrong with the instruments in Group A!"

The report was completed quickly without any problems.

"Very good, increase the thrust and let the rocket rise to 20 meters!"

Following Li Tianqi's order, the rocket soared upward again, and soon reached a position of 20 meters, continuing to hover.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, it was really beautiful.

Countless flames shoot out from the engine at the bottom, which is extremely cool.

It just hovered and flew for 5 minutes.

Li Tianqi's voice sounded again, "The rocket recovery process will begin immediately. Attention, all groups!"

"Preparations have been completed and can be recycled!"

"Very good, start recycling!"

The flames from the rocket in front of me began to decrease and slowly fell. After about 10 seconds, the rocket stopped and stopped in the launch silo.

Although the rocket landed successfully, everyone did not cheer.

"Already landed, start checking the status of various systems!"

Li Tianqi's order came.

Everyone silently checked various systems.

"There is no problem with Group A!"

"There is no problem with Group C!"

"There is no problem with the engine unit!"

"Fuel usage is as expected!"

"The outer casing is inspected and there is no problem, no need to repair or replace!"

The inspection results were summarized one by one to Li Tianqi.

Li Tianqi picked up the microphone again, and then said loudly and forcefully: "I declare that this trial run was successful! The Titan rocket was successfully developed!"

After Li Tianqi finished speaking, everyone cheered.

"We made it!"

"We have successfully developed a world-leading rocket!"

"We have a giant rocket!"

Liu Sen applauded from the side, and then everyone started to applaud.

The applause continued and became more and more enthusiastic.

Many people shed tears silently. They started from scratch and made progress bit by bit.

Many people only have some basic theories at the beginning, and gradually learn advanced knowledge.

From 0 experience at the beginning, it has completed dozens of launch missions.

They have made so much progress in Yidian Aerospace.

It can be said that any one of them now can be regarded as the top talent in the industry.

Li Tianqi glanced at Liu Sen, and then said into the microphone: "Everything we have today comes from Mr. Liu. Now I would like to ask Mr. Liu to say a few words!"

After speaking, he handed the microphone to Liu Sen.

"Everyone has worked hard during this period, and you have done a good job. Although I have provided a lot of technology, I still need people with strong professional knowledge to help complete it. You have done it, and I believe we will make history. Every time you Everyone will be remembered in history.”

Liu Sen paused for a moment, then looked at all the people in the hall.

Most of them are still very young, many of whom have just graduated within two years.

"I want to show the current results to the whole world. It will be a new year in a week. We will broadcast the launch of our Titan rocket on New Year's Day."

"When the time comes, you will be remembered by the world!"

"In the future, we will further complete new research. We will not wait for others to catch up. We will continue to make history! Next, we will complete further training of space astronauts, and we will prepare for space flight. Get ready for the moon and get ready to reward yourself with a lunar base!”

"I hope that next year, we can start from the moon and develop towards the entire solar system! Are you confident?"

Although everything Liu Sen said is relatively far away, it does feel so close to everyone.

It seems that as long as they work hard, they will definitely be able to do it.

At this time, they saw the giant rocket through the huge transparent glass behind Liu Sen.

They were instantly filled with confidence.

"We are confident!"

Everyone shouted loudly.

Liu Sen looked at everyone with a smile, and then gave the microphone to Li Tianqi.

"Now you can direct the loading of cargo into the Titan rocket. I have other things to deal with!"

Then Liu Sen left the underground rocket silo.

Li Tianqi glanced at Liu Sen, and then directed people to start loading the rocket.

Giant platforms extend from the circular wall directly to the Titan Rocket, and the door corresponding to the Titan Rocket opens directly.

Large electric scooters carried satellites and other objects one after another into the interior of the Titan rocket.

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