Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 915: Two Is Born, Two Is Born, Three, And Three Is Born.

Liu Sen tidied up a little, put on the Space Guard uniform, and walked out of the bedroom.

After going downstairs, I saw my parents drinking tea and chatting.

"Mom and Dad! I have something to do and need to go to work! I won't be back in the next few days!"

He said as he walked outside.

"Asen, this is not the National Day holiday! You are not resting at home!" Liu's father frowned when he saw the military uniform Liu Sen was wearing.

"It's not easy for you to go home once, rest at home for one night, and then you have to leave again?" Mother Liu's tone was also a bit complaining at this moment.

This time is a little short, it should be at least 3-5 days.

Liu's parents actually have some complaints about Liu Sen's current situation.

Although Liu Sen now has great achievements and status, it is a pity that he spends less and less time with his family.

This National Day, I thought I could stay at home for a while longer.

"Mom and Dad! This matter is really important. How about I ask Liu Ying and the others to come over to see you more and chat with you more!"

Liu Sen also knew what the second elder was thinking.

Originally, after two years of hard work in his plan, the global situation has basically stabilized.

China has firmly ranked first in the world.

Yidian Group is developing steadily!

In the later period, he can completely relax, enjoy life more, and spend more time with his family.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned, and traces of extraterrestrial civilizations were discovered during the last lunar landing.

He knew why the satellite civilization disappeared for a period of time and never appeared on the modern earth again.

But he knew that the collision between civilizations was the most dangerous.

Anything can happen.

The biggest possibility is that one party will be destroyed.

The recent collapse of earth civilization one hundred thousand years ago gave him a warning.

Many other things have been prepared, but now the computer that limits the development of future technology has become the biggest shortcoming.

After all, when it comes to space and other aspects of technology, the technical amount of data will be astronomical.

It has improved geometrically.

There are countless more variables, as well as the improvement in the sophistication of equipment and the integration of technology. The potential of today's computers can no longer keep up with development.

Looking at the various technologies currently owned by Yidian, it has been several days and only 3% has been completed.

This is just sorting out.

The new computer can only be produced by him, and it will take too long to rely solely on the researchers in the base.

They don't necessarily have that time.

Now we must race against time.

Therefore, Liu Sen walked directly to the yard without waiting for his parents' reaction.

A ray of light flashed across Liu Sen's silver Space Guards uniform.

The force field engine that came with the military uniform began to work, changing the force field around him.

The body slowly began to fly towards the sky.

Liu Sen waved to his parents in the air, and soon a hole suddenly appeared in the sky a hundred meters above him.

A few seconds later, Liu Sen flew in and disappeared into the air as if traveling through time and space.

Liu's parents were very shocked watching this scene below.

Suddenly it flew up and disappeared into the air.

"Cuilian, did I have a hallucination just now? My son suddenly disappeared?" Liu's father turned to ask Liu's mother.

"Ah! Why are you pinching my thigh!"

Father Liu screamed.

"Aren't you looking to see if you're dreaming?"

Liu Mu Cuilian murmured.

"Oh, my son's abilities are getting better and better! He has his own ideas. There must be something wrong with him being so anxious! We won't hold him back."

The two returned home and sat on the sofa, still thinking about the scene just now.

On the other side, Liu Sen sat in the control room of the Dream.

He did not travel through time and space just now, but entered the Dream that had been suspended above his home.

Meimenghao will always follow Liu Sen’s footsteps!

Wherever he goes, the Dream will be there, always floating invisibly.

Waiting for Liu Sen's instructions at any time.

"Go to the Guardian Base!"

The Dream flew silently.

Liu Sen then made a call.

"Ying'er, I've been busy lately! Many things in the group have become relatively stable. I don't have time to accompany my parents, so I need you to spend more time and take turns to accompany them!"

In fact, all old people are like this. When they reach a certain age, they want nothing more than to have their children come home to see them more often and talk to them more often!

"Yes, I will! I will go from home in the next two days!"

As soon as he entered the office, Liu Sen immediately issued an order: "" Xiaodian reported the current number of people in the base. "

Liu Sen originally thought that there would be very few people in the base during the National Day.

"Xiaodian, show me the principles and drawings of photonic computers, quantum computers, and electronic computers in the office!"

Therefore, during this National Day, all base personnel, except those who need maintenance, can go back to reunite with their relatives.

Binary simply can't do this.

Liu Sen sat there thinking silently.

It only took a few minutes to arrive at the Guardian base.

At the same time, the binary system of computers will be very cumbersome to express many things, which is not conducive to the development of artificial intelligence.

The advantages of both can be invoked from each other.

Liu Sen made no move to praise those who stayed and worked.

If these people knew that there was a threat from alien civilization, they would probably be even more desperate.

After all, those more than 30,000 people who went home for the holidays were not wrong either.

Each has its own advantages and needs to be combined. The current framework has disadvantages.

There are still so many people who haven’t left.

As the world situation changes, China rises.

Suddenly he thought of a Chinese philosophical language: "One gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!"

The Guardian Base is no longer under fully closed management like it was during the previous period.

Even base 2 has hindered the possibility of further development of computers.

Corresponding drawings appeared in the space in front of you, as well as simulated computer transportation diagrams!

It seems that countless people are struggling on the road to China's rise.

And this similar architectural system is also more suitable for the formation of artificial intelligence, which greatly enhances the thinking about things.

Machine language needs to be re-architected from the bottom up.

"Boss, the total number of people in the base is 172,213, and the number of people who went home during the holidays is 31,101. There are currently 141,122 people!"

After all, many things are not just yes or no.

Let photons and quantum computers form a Yin-Yang Tai Chi pattern.

Liu Sen flew out from the opened hatch.

Is it possible to find an intermediate design?

If he gave praise, it would make those more than 30,000 people feel guilty, which would be equivalent to encouraging them to give up their families in the future.

They haven't been home for a long time.

When Liu Sen heard this, he paused while making tea.

But Liu Sen now discovered that there were still many people in the entire base.

Liu Sen then notified several other people, as well as his sister, brother-in-law and others.

"The destination has been reached!"

He is not alone.

Liu Sen's thinking began to diverge.

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