Frost, the acting head of the Gattuso family, is a calculating businessman.

Genuine owner, never tired big stallion, Pompeii.

The only heir, the noble son of Cassel, Caesar.

Chief Secretary, Kill Matt Persian, Percy.

Four contemporary facade figures of the Gattuso family gathered on the outskirts of Rome. Amidst vast alfalfa fields sits a quaint monastery.

The monastery has an obvious ancient Roman architectural style, with thick brick walls, tall iron gates with spires, and heavy cross vaults inside.

The last time Caesar came here, it was the day his mother died. He rode his Harley across alfalfa fields and painted red paint on the walls of the monastery with polite greetings.

According to Caesar's outlook on life, when a person lives to a certain age, it is best to collapse himself before being intubated. Lying in a dormant warehouse and lingering on, will only become a ghost or a ghost.

In Caesar's eyes, these old monsters are not as cute as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.

"Although it is a pity, Mr. Romulus is still alive, not demented, nor has he lost his ability to speak."

"Pompeii! Respect!"

Frost pounded on the cane. In fact, his feelings for Mr. Romulus were very complicated.

To this day, no one knows Romulus' real name, leaving only the honorific title of "Empire Builder". Because of him, there is today's Gattuso family, a modern empire.

But Frost was just a "civilian" in the empire, and he was in a different class from Pompeii, Caesar and others long before he was born. Because of this, he cherishes the status of the current acting head of the family very much.

Today was the first time the Senate had summoned the three of them at the same time, and Parcy accompanied him to record. Frost was uneasy, thinking carefully whether he had done something wrong recently.

Throughout the Hunter Net incident, he was just an emotionless execution machine. As for the insider, there is no benefit to inquiring so much, keeping your position is the most important thing.

The iron gate creaked closed, and the monastery was green with grass, but there were some unpleasant smells that Caesar could not explain. Not the smell of iron or paint, but a deeper discomfort.

Over the years, Pompeii has not thought about doing the senate, unplugging the power supply of the dormant chamber or blowing up the monastery, and from now on be a happy stallion.

In fact, he thought about it many times, but Pompeii couldn't do it.

This monastery is actually a military fortress, and it is responsible for defending the direct forces of the Senate. There are also two-digit immortals hidden in the basement.

In addition to these dominant forces, what is more important is the elders' own network of influence, each of which holds part of the lifeline of the family's huge industry.

The elders have never forgotten their origins, and the internal vendetta in the Mafia family is fiercer and faster than the war against the enemy.

The doormen in front of the church, there is a problem of blood, Caesar found that their heart rate did not exceed 30. The Senate seems to be showing the young heirs of the family the power of the elderly.

The four unloaded all their weapons in front of the gate, and the guards whispered:

"LaCosaNostra (To our cause)."


The layout of the interior of the church made Caesar even more uncomfortable.

The six founding elders, α, β, and ζ, are on the left. They are the rulers of the era when the Gattuso family walked out of Sicily and rose in the secret party, and they know the darkest secrets of the family.

The six elders from Ita to Misa are on the right. Although the Gattuso family was originally from Italy, they made a lot of money in World War II, and these six were the leaders of that era.

The twelve elders looked down at the four people in the center of the hall, expressionless.

Except for three chairs, there was nothing on the luminous marble floor. Coupled with this special spatial orientation, Pompeii and others are like prisoners on trial.

The front and center position is still vacant, and the "judge" has not yet arrived.

"Hello, can you hear me? Hello?"

Pompeii twisted and twisted in his chair with a smile on his face, and Caesar tried to avoid Papa Stallion with a serious expression.

Itachi fears these rotten humans. Their appearance is fragile like a pile of freeze-dried vegetables, and their bony and straight bodies naturally exude a mighty might.

The senators were not as young and energetic as Angers, Caesar had thought it was because of their lower blood. But looking at it now, the actual situation may be that the bloodline is too high, and the high concentration of dragon blood erodes their bodies.

A strong waiter, pushing a wheelchair with life support, came to the center.

The legendary Romulus took off his oxygen mask, revealing a face full of ravines and nicks, and his body was still cold. Caesar felt that his weight may only be more than 60 pounds.

"Drink, drink..."

Excessive gasps.

"Pompeii, Caesar, it is a pleasure to meet you, my boy. Nice to meet you too, Frost."

Who the **** is your child!

"The family's eternal friend, Mr. Friedrich von Long, unfortunately died the day before yesterday. The family has lost another ally in the world."

Frost and Passy wondered at the same time, wasn't that an important informant pretending to be buying antiques in Beijing?

"But the glory of Gattuso's name will continue, and our empire will be immortal. Therefore, the Senate will take over all affairs within the family from today."

Romulus made an important decision out of the blue.

Frost was stunned. There is an idiom called the picture is poor and the dagger sees. I didn't see this picture, and the knife was on the neck.

Pompeii hugged his bewildered brother, "Frost, you are going to live a happy retirement."

"Next, the Senate will vote on whether to transfer all the powers of the head of the family to the Senate peacefully."

Passed unanimously.

Passy carefully recorded the meeting agenda, expressionless.

"You look like a bunch of wild monkeys waving their tails fighting over the ownership of a banana."

Caesar commented.

Romulus did not respond, and calmly followed the script, reading out the decision of the Senate and the changes in various family affairs at a slow pace.


The heartbroken butler heard Romulus' call, and a little hope ignited in his heart.

The waiter in black came to Frost with a silver plate in his handkerchief.

"Thank you for your long-term hard work to the family. This is a merit you deserve. The Senate has unanimously decided to baptize you."

Frost lifted the lid on the plate, which contained a beautifully decorated 10ml syringe. The alchemical power maintains the activity of the injection, the silver pattern wraps the needle tube, and at the end is the family crest of the Gattuso family.

The translucent liquid was a faint pink with what seemed to be a hint of cyan in it.

"The fetal blood of the first-generation species is enough to make the hybrid species evolve by leaps and bounds. The Gattuso family has undergone several generations of genetic screening, and each clan can withstand the detoxification of fetal blood. There is only a difference between good and bad evolutionary effects.

After the baptism is complete, your name will be Noble Lycines. "

The amount of information received at a time was slightly larger, and Caesar's brain was a little down. First-generation fetal blood? And 100% successful evolution?

There are only a handful of successful fetal blood evolution cases in history. Fetal blood is only the least toxic, but compared to dragon blood, it is only the difference between dichlorvos and potassium cyanide, and it is easy to poison people.

Why is the Gattuso family special?

Caesar tried to hold Frost. Although he has always hated this uncle, there is still some affection between the two. After the death of her mother, it has been a routine concern that Frost often sends.

But Lao Fu grabbed the syringe with both hands like a drug addict who had been withdrawn for a few days and went mad. He ignored the help of the waiter, and without sterilization, injected the fetal blood medicine directly into the vein.

Caesar looked at Daddy Stallion and found that he was picking his nose, holding a mobile phone in one hand to take a precious image of his brother's evolution.

The itachis brought back a lot of loud noises. The banging of bones, the tearing and regeneration of muscles, the sound of new blood flowing, the violent heartbeat of more than 280 a minute... This is the symphony of evolution.

Evolution stops when Frost develops cyan scales on his hands. Caesar looked at his uncle, who was twenty years younger, and felt a sense of depression under those golden eyes.

Romulus was slightly disappointed. Frost is indeed a useless race, and only to this extent after using the potion. But also in the plan, he was just a bait.

The second potion was brought to Caesar.

"Caesar, your potential is unparalleled. Complete the baptism of blood and gain the glory of Caesar's name."

Caesar noticed that the heartbeat of the Twelve Senators was racing, and only Romulus remained silent. In ten seconds, this place has changed from a nursing home to a monster paradise.

All of them have been "baptized", and the superimposed dragon power makes Caesar feel that there are twelve ancient dragons inhabiting the church. They themselves are the most important garrison of the Senate.

Caesar looked at his father, the **** raised his legs and spread his hands. Pompeii was also baptized.

"I don't need your gift. What is the source of this fetal blood?"

If you think about it for the better, it may be that the family quietly hunted down a first-generation species, found his cocoon, and bleeds blood from it.

And if you think about it badly, Caesar shudders at the conclusion. He realized that the proportion of the Gattuso family's clansmen possessing wind-type words and spirits was too high. Such as his scythe, Parcy's dust-free land, and Frost's shadowy thunder.

This is an absolute abnormal phenomenon in the mixed-race world, and it cannot be fooled by the purity of the bloodline.

The blood inheritance of the mixed race is generally chaotic and complicated, and this phenomenon did not even appear in the Beowulf family, let alone the Gattuso family, which has a long history.

Romulus did not answer Caesar's question.

"Sicily is a paradise on earth, but it is always trampled by strangers.

It was us, chanting LaCosaNostra, who drove away Arabs, French, Spaniards, including Mussolini, with gang laws and double-barreled shotguns.

But after years of violent revenge, I realized that I could not protect Sicily by staying in Sicily.

Of all the families, we were the first to set foot on American soil, taking off the Mafia identity tag with the arms, boats, and liquor business, known to the world as Gattuso.

And what about the others? Don Vito died in Sicily, Gambino's descendants degenerated into white powder and red-light district businesses, and other families degenerated into turf wars with African-American and Russian gangsters. "

Romulus gasped violently.

"The family knew that Mussolini was an idiot, he was no match for the French, so our family went to Berlin to join the army.

After the unfavorable situation, the family withdrew its investment in the head of state and achieved a number of important research results. We turn to support America and grow here.

Always remember, CosaNostra! Remember, Caesar, our business! Only the family is credible, and no power or thought is permanent.

Only the connection of blood vessels is reliable. The day we built our empire, Sicily was the new Rome! "

This guy is totally crazy.

Caesar listened to Romulus' rant and realized that there was no pride in it.

This is the ultimate warmonger. All disputes, whether about ethnicity, belief, or interests, in his eyes are just opportunities to grab interests and **** blood from them.

In fact, not only the disputes in Sicily and World War II, from the Great Depression, the Cold War, to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and even the war between dragons and humans, Romulus thought it was just an investment.

Find the right spot in it, place your chips, and make big profits. That's all, as long as the family gets the benefit.

Caesar almost vomited, and stood up.

"I'll ask again, where did the fetal blood come from?"

"Caesar, only when you understand the pride of your family can you be qualified to be the master of this empire."

Caesar was too lazy to listen, he was going to report to the headmaster about the situation of the Gattuso family. It is best to set up a task force to conduct a thorough investigation of the family's problems.

As for himself, it would be better to drain the half of Gattuso's blood.

Romulus tapped the table lightly. In front of the opened door, four strong men in black appeared, and three immortals stood silently among the clover bushes, with seven pairs of golden eyes staring at Caesar.

Caesar stepped out of the door with his right foot, and the terrifying murderous intent locked his whole body.

The fear that the blood is about to freeze. He felt that there was an ancient dragon staring at him behind him, how high was Romulus' bloodline...

The moment his body walked out of the gate, Caesar had an illusion of death, and the superimposed dragon might caused serious problems in his mental state.

Three immortals appeared five meters away like ghosts and surrounded him.

"Young people are ignorant, the rebellious period, the rebellious period, you have also experienced one or two hundred years ago. My son can listen to me, and I will educate him when I go back."

Pompeii jumped up from his chair in a comical gesture.

Without waiting for Caesar to refute, Pompeii, who turned his back to the elders, lip-mouthed the countdown. Among the elders, there is also the manipulator of Kama Itachi, who cannot speak.

"From now on, abolish Caesar Gattuso's heir and deprive him of the name of Caesar."

Romulus ordered indifferently.

"Guards, take him to the confessional in the church, and he is not allowed to leave until he has repented."

Passy noticed that after Romulus gave the order, the six founding elders on the left did not respond, while the six on the right were very dazed, and Ita was even a little angry.

The Senate is not a one-man hall of Romulus, and they have not discussed this order beforehand.

Li Wuyue stared at Caesar, this human being has no value. His original plan was to let "Romulus" die naturally, kill Caesar, and inherit the Gattuso family after disguise.

"Baptism" is a necessary step. The chemical indicators of the dragon's body are too different from those of the mixed race. After using his fetal blood to evolve, he can confuse the audience.

Lin Fenglong died so suddenly that even the cocoon died directly. Li Wuyue suddenly lost the main source of intelligence, and the external forces to check and balance the Gattuso family.

He didn't have the patience to take it slow, and decided to rely on Romulus' identity to directly control the Gattuso family and crush all enemies who stood in his way.

Caesar was surrounded by the guards who were walking like tigers. Their strong blood made Caesar a little discouraged. A-level is actually bad street stuff, it's numb.

Pompeii continued to count down to five, while holding out his pinky to Passy.

Passy looked solemn, is this moment finally coming? Pompeii had told him that when the plan was launched, he was the only one who could help Caesar.

"3, 2, 1, bang!"

Pompeii pressed a number on his cell phone, and the call hung up as soon as the call came through. Hope your teammates are reliable.

The **** winked at the Guards and the Immortals, and traded the bottom line for time, and Parcy's dust-free land was ready to go.

Li Wuyue lost her patience and got up from the seat. The rushing dragon blood activated her "decayed" body, and her bark-like face was covered with green and black scales.

Suddenly, there was a shrill wind whistling in the sky, two Tomahawk missiles hit the dome of the church, and the explosion made the eardrums tremble.

After the explosion, although the church was broken, the main structure was intact, revealing the thickened bulletproof armor on the top.

The twelve elders turned into dragons at the same time, glaring at Pompeii. And "Romulus" actually flew in the air, releasing the kingdom of sky and wind.

"What's going on, it's impossible..."

Ita found that he seemed to be controlled by Romulus and could not move, as were the other five people around him, but the six founding elders such as Alpha were very calm.

He seemed to understand something.

"Alpha! You already knew that!"

"I am your ancestor, just not who you think I am."

Li Wuyue said, her voice changed from old and rough to young, elegant and majestic.

Pompeii looked embarrassed when he saw that the missile didn't work at all. Passy carried the incapacitated Pompeii, Caesar hesitated, but carried his uncle Frost.

Li Wuyue's expression is puzzled, why are Caesar and Passy still able to act? The people of the Gattuso family, according to ancient sayings, are all dragon servants and absolutely cannot act in his spiritual realm without permission.

He waved his order, and the Guards and Immortals chased Caesar and Passy who were running, just ten seconds before the missile strike.

The defense system of the Senate was activated at the highest The bulletproof armor several meters thick wrapped the entire church without warning, and Li Wuyue's expression changed suddenly.

In the affairs of the Senate, Pompeii can participate very little, but this does not prevent him from strongly supporting the construction of a defense system to protect the elders.

The problem is that his support is too strong, even Li Wuyue can't quickly break through the bulletproof armor several meters thick.

Dustless eruption.

At this moment, Passy finally understood that he was not the sword of the family, but the shield that protected Caesar.

The two fled with Pompeii and Frost on their backs, and the vacuum field forcibly resisted all enemies.

Passy handed the phone to Caesar, showing a sharp sword on the screen.

"The Damocles system welcomes your visit. Caesar Gattuso, please enter the system password."

At this moment, the satellite loaded with six tungsten rods happened to run over the church.

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