The wooden spear sucked Li Wuyue's blood, and the field that came with it was fully activated.

Silver Mistletoe, Mistertin.

A few nascent young leaves on the spear grew crazily into jade-like vines and thorns, and the spear was shrouded in a strange blue light.

That light is full of hope and new life, exuding an innate noble aura.

Mistertin's spear pointed at Odin's one eye, but he still didn't respond.

For thousands of years, Odin's whereabouts have remained elusive.

With Lin Fenglong as the medium, Li Wuyue and Odin have had some cooperation, such as Hunter Network. But the cooperation between the two lacks the most basic trust.

The so-called cooperation has always been dominated by Odin, and Li Wuyue didn't even know when Odin contacted Lin Fenglong and how he successfully obtained the allegiance of Dragon Servant.

After Lin Fenglong's death, this bizarre cooperation model was broken. The current Wind King just wants to know the question that he has been confused about and Odin has been avoiding: who is Odin.

There is no place for Odin in the history of the dragon race. He suddenly appeared in the most chaotic times, and since then he has been invincible, and no one knows how much power he has inherited from the emperor.

Li Wuyue's coercion continued to rise, and her power seemed to be endless.

It was difficult for Luo Yin to judge whether it was the Wind King who still hid his strength before, or whether the wooden spear was strengthening his strength.

The wind king stirred his long, narrow and powerful wings, which were as full as sails. With him at the center, a huge storm is taking shape.

The center of the violent battlefield fell into a brief, eerie silence at this moment.

Everyone could clearly feel the surging killing intent in the sky, as strong as old wine mixed with blood.

Li Wuyue wanted to kill Odin, wholeheartedly, without any reservations, and concentrated all her strength with Mistertin as the center.

If Odin admits that he killed Li Wuyue's twin and eliminates the traces of the dragon king's existence, he will retaliate with great anger.

"The world is amazing."

It feels so weird. At a critical moment, an enemy temporarily helped them clear the siege.

Unlike Luo Yin, Constantine's attention was completely attracted by the activated wooden gun. Mistertin's spirit had an aura that made him extremely familiar and a little distant.

Constantine didn't react at first, but as Mistertin's spirit became stronger and stronger, he finally remembered the memory of that breath.

Memories of sleeping in a cocoon.

Cocooning is an experience that hybrids absolutely cannot comprehend. Cocooning is a long raft, where the soul trudges alone in dark river waters.

It felt like a long sleep, but also like a arduous, complicated dream. Little by little, the soul is inexorably washed into a blank sheet of paper.

Lonely in the cocoon, there was always a faint scent accompanying him during the long journey. That feeling was gentle and kind, and it made him awed.

Mistertin is a weapon made from a branch of the World Tree. And, it's sprouting, it's resurrecting.

This is impossible, absolutely impossible. The world tree is unique.

The huge Chilong's eyes froze, and Constantine thought of a possibility that terrified him.

"Praise my king, destruction is new life, destruction..."

A pale storm swept the sky, and there was a hint of blue light in the storm's eyes, and the light was indestructible.

The one-eyed deity remained silent.

Odin raised Kungunnir. Muscles bulged like hills, arms outstretched like a big bow, and the blue cloak behind him was blown up by the violent wind.

"I think this is the answer."

Li Wuyue's low voice was full of chills, with a desperate killing intent.

Mixed with a huge amount of wind element, the power of Mistertin expands the field tenfold. He held a natural disaster in his hand, but that peerless weapon had a strong sense of life.

Odin's burly body bent back and charged, and the armor made a strange noise that was overwhelmed. The golden light on Kungunir's surface slowly faded away, revealing its inconspicuous body, a dead branch entwined with a strong aura of death.

"Everyone, take shelter in place! Hurry up!"

The appearance of the two long spears is almost the same, and the shape is life and death, but they both contain inestimable power.

The last time Luo Yin felt this level of power was the Rhine released by Norton.

Mistertin and Kungunir shot out at the same time, and two thin green and pitch-black lines collided in the center of the sky.

After the weapons were released, Li Wuyue and Odin both lost their strength and fell into a weak state.

Kungunir carried the supreme death order and stabbed Li Wuyue's eyebrows along the already doomed line of fate, but the tip of Mistertin's spear resisted the tip of the holy spear without the slightest deviation.

This moment was like a fateful meeting.

The collision point of the two spears is like a black hole, swallowing all the surrounding matter, and sound and light no longer exist. Elements are repeatedly compressed, transformed, exploded, repelled, and finally form a vacuum field of elements.

"What a day of nuclear peace."

Luo Yin expanded the realm of the original world to the extreme, sheltering as many of his own personnel as possible.

He couldn't judge whether Kungunnir's unsolvable fate of death could be solved by its "clone". But Luo Yin knew very well that the big bang was coming.

The collision continued, and the two spears did not move in the slightest, destroying everything around them with their violent power.

Mistertin suddenly began to tremble violently, as if close to collapse. But then, Kungunnir also began to tremble at a high degree of synchronization, making an extremely depressing and chilling roar.

resonance? Do they resonate?

The different swords of the seven deadly sins will resonate strongly with each other when the alchemy realm is activated. Kungunir and Mistertin produced the same phenomenon, but dozens of times more violently.

Something's wrong, Odin and Li Wuyue have an affair?

Luo Yin only had time to complain in his head, as if the blazing white light that destroyed the world engulfed everything.

Through the deafening roar of metal, he knew that the two cheat-level weapons were still colliding.

It is estimated that those world-destroying language spirits are at this level. The edge of the original realm was extremely dazzling in the impact, and every time the realm collapsed and regenerated, his heart almost stopped beating.

Endless power kills all without distinction. Overgrown sea snakes cracked in the intense heat, their bones twisted and turned to ashes.

The Corpse Guard and Dead Servant, who bit and devoured each other, glanced in the direction of the sky under the influence of intuition, and their bodies twisted together towards death.

The mighty Heroic Spirit Legion was running around in the aftermath of the out-of-control collision, looking for cover.

The shock of unknown nature lasted 1.9 seconds, but felt as long as it went from sunrise to sunset.

The corners of the light were still blazing, and Luo Yin had the urge to cry.

In the blurred vision, the two long spears have lost all "special effects" and are as simple as two burning sticks.

The two branches flew back into the hands of their respective owners, cracked everywhere, and the buds and leaves on the surface of Mistertin had turned to ashes by this time.

After Mistertin's spirit collapsed, Li Wuyue seemed to be extremely weak, and the large-area burns on his body healed very slowly.

This dormant weapon devoured thousands of souls before it woke up to its previous state and died again. Eighty percent of the lives of vicious gang members in Honduras were consumed in one blow.

Wind King and Odin looked at the deformed water dragon on the ice at the same time. It was no longer active, and the regeneration process of the body almost stopped.

However, there is neither the phenomenon of condensing the keel cross, the spiritual entity, nor any signs of life in the cocoon.

A flash of fluctuation flashed in Li Wuyue's eyes. He stared at Odin's mask, the strange and majestic vertical pupil, and there was no way to see the soul in it, as if it was just an empty shell.

The people who survived the catastrophe relaxed a little and watched Li Wuyue's movements nervously.

The scales of this war are swinging from side to side, and the Wind King's actions may be the final word.

In the extremely tense atmosphere, Li Wuyue's activation time was zero and disappeared from the sky. He left the battlefield.

Li Wuyue will not cooperate with the mixed race to fight against Odin, and these humans may turn to attack him in a weak state at any time.

Constantine glanced at Luo Yin deeply. Your fighting style with the Wind King is somewhat similar in some respects.

Odin inserted the cracked holy spear behind his back, and pulled out an extremely heavy straight sword from his side, the material looked like steel.

The scattered heroic spirits flapped their wings, flew behind Odin, and regrouped.

The collision just now almost "cut off" a layer of the entire battlefield, and the melted ground was full of depressions caused by deformation.

The sea water near the sea is still boiling, glowing a scary dark red, and there are corpses of unknown origin and various organs of unknown function floating on the water.

The remaining Corps of Corpse Guards are twisting the huge snake body and swimming towards Platform 1. The King of Corpse Guard and the Fire Dragon Heroic Spirit flew out of the sea and continued the unfinished battle.

The war continues. But now, Odin has temporarily lost his invincible holy spear.

The cyan aurora converges and transforms in the sky, like a spectacular door made of light. Surrounding Constantine with heroic spirits may not be worth the gain, and Odin, who has no keel, decides to retreat.

The red dragon soaring to the sky was blocked between Odin and the heroic spirit, and the white dragon that fused the sacred and ferocious into one was blocked in front of the door of the aurora.

Luo Yin swallowed ten times the dose of Dragon King Serum in one gulp, his heart was full of burning courage, and he had nothing to fear.

Odin can't use Kungunir, and now is a good time for his boss Luo to attack. A certain dragon king didn't have the time to comment on the person's sudden expansion of courage, and the rage of the dragon's roar slashed across the heroic spirits.

In the command hall of the executive department at this time, the stand-in Luo Yingzheng listened to the big bosses analyzing the battle situation with a serious face, although the information obtained by the headquarters at this moment was almost zero.

Only Norma was intermittently able to send back some high-definition photos and murmur-filled audio, and the rescue team was still a dozen nautical miles from the battlefield.

"Mr. Luo, Norma reported that you just used the highest authority of the black card. Excuse me, what order did you give?"

Black card rights holders cannot obtain each other's information, but can see the access time and records.

Hearing Elder Vanderbilt's question, Luo Ying's forehead suddenly burst into cold sweat. He didn't have a black card, how could he know what order he had given.

Luo Yin temporarily requisitioned Norma to command, and blew up the stand-in thousands of miles away.

"Hahahaha, I've been sitting here all the time, how can I order it. Maybe the data is wrong, or my black card has been stolen."


In less than 10 seconds, Luo Yin was chopped like a knife carp that was about to be fried.

Constantine resisted the siege of a group of heroic spirits alone, while Luo Yin fought against his old enemy alone.

I haven't felt this pain in a long time, my body was ploughed by the sword from top to bottom, and the blood rushed out like I didn't want money.

But Odin is by no means better than him. On the Dragon King-level battlefield, Tian Congyun definitely belongs to the first-level weapon.

Its nature is very simple and rough, but it is very easy to use, and every hit is a penetrating injury.

Dragon King's fighting style is completely different from that of humans. Their regeneration ability is too strong, except for bugs like Kungunnir, "one-shot fatality" is purely delusional.

Luo Yin's pseudo-white king dragon body and Odin's huge humanoid body are almost perfect, with only relatively fragile areas, and there is no concept of fatal injuries.

They just kept swapping wounds for wounds, with hundreds of scars visible deep into the bone, shattered scales, fiery dragon blood shooting out in all directions, and even white bone marrow.

Luo Yin is a novice in Dragon King-level combat. His fighting skills are superb among humans, but he is very naive in the face of Odin.

In the 14th second of the fight, Luo Yin understood something in the maddening slash, and completely gave up all complicated tactics.

He has always liked to think more and calculate a few more steps to gain an advantage. But this kind of thinking is useless at this time, it will only push him to death.

Luo Yin covered his head with one arm, abandoned all unnecessary movements, and Tian Congyun kept stabbing.

Faster and fiercer! Every blow must carry the ultimate killing intent, tearing apart the opponent's desire!

The golden pupils were bloodshot and glowed with blood red light.

Two monsters fell from the sky to the sea, and then rose from the sea to the sky.

Every time Luo Yin stabs a sword, Odin can return two swords, or even three swords. But his strike was more ferocious than ten consecutive swords.

To the end, man and **** seemed to embrace each other, and the black and white swords kept piercing each other's bodies.

In the 29th second, Luo Yin took the last dose of Dragon King Serum, but the suppressing effect on the poison of dragon blood had been reduced to a minimum.

The arm has almost lost consciousness, just mechanically continues to draw the sword. He didn't know how much time he had, maybe 3 seconds, maybe 4 seconds.

Heck, this is the best time. If you want to encounter such a good fighter again, it may take 100 years.

"System, open and hang! If you don't open it at this time, how long!"

Luo Yin shouted in his head.

【Won't open】

I don't know if it was due to the erosion of dragon or because of the crumb system, Luo Yin's movements distorted a bit.

The scorching iron sword broke through the defense and cut off the dragon wing on his left. Luo Yin's balance suddenly became unstable.

The two swords penetrated each other's bodies again and fell to the ground together.

Constantine has not yet escaped, and the action team is still fighting hard against the Heroic Spirits. The three black swords flew towards Odin's back, but were engulfed by the flame of the word spirit in the middle.

The seriously injured Odin finally had a humanized expression in his eyes.

You lose again.

Your uncle's. Give him another ten seconds and he can stab the **** Odin to death.

Luo Yin, who was confused, suddenly felt a coldness in his chest. Sashimi! He still has a piece of sashimi left!

Luo Yin swallowed the ice-blue flakes in one gulp, and a burst of vitality poured into his body.

A continuous stab like a storm.

Luo Ying smashed Odin's broken mask with a punch.

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