Call of the Legion

Chapter 43: Professional heritage

The box is opened and the rewards are taken. Only the last universal store is free.

This thing is the big head. At least you can choose it yourself. Fang Huan's only hope now is to have an output-type skill or equipment. Don't defend it anymore. He extremely rejects all non-output behaviors and Means!

找到 Find the universal store in the operation menu. After opening, you can preview the coordinate world that the player has experienced. Select a coordinate world, and the item menu will display the items, skills, attributes, etc. that you can purchase.

"There are two coordinate worlds?"

Fang Huan's pupils shrank, and she became nervous again!

Reasoning, he has only experienced the 9527 coordinate world since entering the game, but in addition to the 9527 option, there is another: the hanging city world!

Fang Huan is familiar with the name of Xuankong Cheng, which is where Fang Huan was teleported three years ago ...

Sui Fanghuan opened the option of Suspended City in suspicion.

Sure enough, the goods inside were all the skills, items, and even arms that he had encountered before. There were also exchanges for him. What made him most surprised was that there were also a few heroes he had encountered that could be exchanged!

"The goblin's epic hero Musada, the legendary craftsman Dadar, the grotesque, the goblin super military airship factory [architectural drawing], how did this thing appear! Uh, the goblin's Crystal Magic Technology Institute program, Dafa It's big! It's big! "

Fang Huan was breathing fast, blushing and browsing the dazzling array of goods, props, skills, goblin technology, arms, and even architectural drawings and heroes in the universal store!

He had long forgotten the weird feeling that the name of Hanging City had given him before, and turned into a great joy!

Hanging city!

That's the top area! At first, Fang Huan entered with a full-level role, and was initially abused by the local indigenous people. He could barely clear the customs because of his ability to quickly understand the game.

The high level of NPCs and monsters in Xuankong City is placed in today's new game, and the gods of heaven have fallen into the ordinary world!

For a long time, Fang Huan escaped from the huge surprise. Of course, what finally made him wake up was the price of the goods in the store ...

"The exchange price of a super military airship factory program drawing is 100,000 Legion Points? Do you still need Goblin Crystal Magic Technology to reach advanced levels? Hiss, so much mineral?"

Fang Huan looked at the exchange price, and he was speechless. Compared to 100,000 Legion Points and Crystal Magic Technology, the list of minerals behind Fang Huanjue is the most terrifying. , I have never heard of it, but I know that it is very high-end just by looking at the name!

"It's scattered, this thing is not something you can touch at this stage ..."

Although Fang Huan had a chance to exchange for free, he converted a super military airship factory and had to produce it by himself. The materials needed for production were by no means what he could afford now. The price was extremely high, and he had no territory to build. The factory!

The reason why there are so many goblin technologies in Xuankong City is also because it is a holy place for the goblins. It is not surprising that Xuankong City itself is a miracle city created by the cutting-edge technology of goblins.

In addition to goblin technology, there are many goblin arms that can be exchanged. The price is not expensive. There are 20,000 to 30,000 and there are no special requirements, but Fang Huan does not intend to exchange it because the value is too low. ...

Free coupons!

One for 100,000 points and one for one thousand, but the preciousness of the two is not at the same level at all! Waste a free voucher for something worth thousands of dollars? He also looks down on two or three thousand.

What Fang Huan dreams of must be something of high value that can be used at this stage!

Then he saw a gadget that made him stumble.

Qiongqiong's professional heritage!

【The dome of professional inheritance scroll】 (red item)

Function: After using it, get the sub-profession-Dome.

Demand: Get the main occupation-Cang.

Weight: 0.01

Sale price: Untradeable and cannot be dropped.

Big hair!

This is the biggest thing!

It is not a professional hand scroll or a career clue, but a professional heritage! Use it directly to get the heritage of your career!

Need the main occupation Cang?

Are you asking for this? Even if he doesn't have Qiong's professional heritage, he still has to fight for the job!

Wu Cang was originally a name, but now it is considered a profession, which means that this profession is often unique and is also a so-called hidden occupation.

的 Everyone who has played Destiny knows that hidden occupations are not necessarily powerful, but they all have their special places.

However, there is a little trouble. Hidden occupations are not as powerful as orthodox occupations in the middle and late stages. Orthodox warfare and other occupations have professional talent trees to strengthen themselves. Most hidden occupations do not have talent trees.

The talent tree is different from the talent skills. The professional talent tree is just like the technology tree. When the player reaches a certain level or the attribute reaches the standard ~ ~, he can get talent points, strengthen his attributes, professional skills, etc., and the system The given orthodox occupation reaches a certain level or condition, it can awaken the new occupation, and it is possible to awaken the hidden occupation. This hidden occupation is truly powerful and comprehensive.

This is also the problem of the game designer's concept. They do not encourage those speculative minds who dream of gaining a hidden career, but instead let the players honestly choose a normal career start, and then gradually strengthen through hard work and accumulation.

期间 During the operation of Destiny, players who turned to hidden professions in the early stage often performed brightly in the early stage, but soon they were like stones thrown into the ocean and never saw a trace of them again.

Fang Huan originally chose a rogue start, which is also a traditional occupation. He became more powerful after awakening several times. The hidden occupation gave him the feeling that he was not very strong except that his skills were a little weird and it was inconvenient to calculate the skills of the other party. .

The Puppet Summoner also inherited the "merits" of destiny in this respect, and does not encourage players to look for hidden occupations at least. At least the main occupation should still choose the traditional one, and you can choose the secondary occupation at will.

If Fang Huan has never heard of a hidden career, he may not necessarily be attentive, because the urine of the hidden career is strong in the early stage and weak in the middle and late stages, and he likes to be hard to the last, even if he is halfway soft Already.

But Cang is different. He has seen it! He has seen it! How strong the two brothers are, he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, but Cang and him have praised him! The guy who dares to challenge God, are you strong?

The existence of a suspended city world, Fang Huan did not even look at 9527, and directly exchanged the professional heritage of the dome, the value is not high, only 100W ...

PS: Thank you [ming123654] for your reward ~~

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