Cho Chongryon refers to a group of pro-North Korean Zainichi Koreans residing in Japan.

At one time, the world viewed them as North Korean vanguard, but in fact, their realistic position was sufficient to receive such an evaluation.

“Isn’t it yesterday and today that the Chochongryun funds acted as the household money for the Kim family? What’s so strange about that?”

“The problem is the size and source of that money. It is said that the amount of money passed over so far is as high as 1 trillion won, but Chongryon has never sent that amount of money to North Korea.”

“One trillion won?”

For a moment, an ominous feeling flashed through my mind.

Just in case he looks at Executive Director Lim, he nods quietly.

“Yes, according to the message of the Mossad director, the funds of various businesses run by the Japanese far-right went through numerous launderings abroad.”

“Why are they giving money to the drums?”

“I don’t even understand that now.”

Lim scratched his head again.

What's the reason? Second, this is another historical turning point.

As a result, I am very curious about where the ship whose direction has changed is going.


[Nice to meet you, Secretary of Defense Mayer Hogan.]

My first impression of the Israeli Defense Minister was completely out of line with my expectations.

He is only 170 cm tall and has sad eyes.

In a nutshell, this is like the uncle you can see anywhere in the Middle East.

If there was a peculiar thing, it was that he was always smiling, but I wonder if it would be more appropriate to say that people don't know just by looking at their appearance.

Honestly, how does it fit that such a gentle face is the chief officer of the Israeli army who always makes war a daily life?

[I heard the news. The Yankees have spit on all of the planned production this year.]

Contrary to expectations, however, his tone was quite aggressive.

It was completely unexpected for them to spit out such outspoken expressions against their best ally, the United States.

It seemed that I wasn't the only one who was surprised, and most of our members had a bewildered expression on their face, and Mayer, who saw that expression, spit out a belated cough.

[Hmm, sorry. Recently, I have had a lot of complaints about the United States... Anyway, if the situation is like this, when will I be able to order?]

[Probably, after 6 months, you will be able to afford it. As you can see, we are currently working on an additional line extension.]

Minister Mayer, whose eyes were full of dissatisfaction, then showed a slightly softened expression.

Since then, he has been staring at Polar Bears that are being produced for a long time with honey dripping eyes, and his taste buds are still sore.

[Anyway, in the case of Israel, I know that it can be introduced only through operational verification, so is there any need to dwell on the time?]

I was puzzled by his impatient demeanor and asked quietly.

To be honest, Israel is not a country that can import weapons only through the royal family's decision, like Saudi Arabia.

After the passage of the budget by the Congress, it would take almost a year or more for self-testing and operational verification alone.

Well, in fact, considering that a year is almost a miracle, and in most cases it may take several years or more, the process of importing weapons by ordinary countries, his impatient attitude is something that I do not understand at all.

[This is because the operation verification period does not seem to be very long.]

At that moment, Mayer spit out unexpected words.

It's kind of meaningful, so when I look at him, he looks at the Polar Bear that is being reassembled and says:

[Honestly, the situation in Afghanistan and Korea is not very different from the environment, but what further verification is necessary? Moreover, as in a demanding country like the United States, the number of units to be introduced is over 100,000, if it is decided at once, reliability is already guaranteed.]


[Especially, we watched with the most interest in the Polar Bears in the rescue operation in Afghanistan. As a result, the parliament is now demanding its introduction.]

[Even so...]

[Yes, even if it is, the procedure cannot be completely omitted, so it will go through a formal operational verification period for about 6 months. However, since the introduction has already been confirmed, it is a situation in which a product is needed after a year.]

If that was the case, it was only me who would dance.

Strictly speaking, considering the introduction and finalizing it are different.

If there is a problem, in the case of Israel, it is a technological powerhouse that researches weapons imported from abroad and creates products with higher performance every time.

‘That’s the story when the skill level is somewhat similar.’

In the case of composite material technology, which is the core of Polar Bear, it is impossible for any country to replicate it right now.

If there's anything worth trying, maybe the suspension or the electronic control of the engine?

Well, actually, that's not a problem because it's a part that can be developed in any country other than Israel.

[How much do you think the total introduction quantity is?]

After thinking about it for a while, he asked.

Knowing the required quantity can help you predict the exact delivery date.

Still unable to take his eyes off the production line, he came to his senses and looked at me again, then spread out his five fingers.

[About 500 units will be enough to deliver around July, as you said.]

I smiled and tried to guide him into the office.

But his body doesn't even dream.

When I looked up for something, he smirked.

[Who said five hundred?]


[The quantity we need is 5,000 units.]

[Around 5,000?]

I looked at Mayer with a blank face.

If you're not surprised by the fact that you're going to order 5,000 cars from that small country, it's not that much more of a surprise."). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .---

As if it was the expected reaction, he smiles and says.

[I understand that expression. It is certainly not a small number for our military, which has only 160,000 standing troops.]


[But we are now planning the largest reorganization of the military force since the founding of the country. Accordingly, we are planning to raise the army's mobility to the maximum.]


It was a happy thing for me.

That means that Polar Bear will eventually become the core of the reorganization of the Israeli army.

Will the things I make become the core of a country's military power?

As a weapon maker, there can be no greater pride than this.

[Well, there is one more thing I need to tell you. Recently, our military has also proposed to the Congress to build a short-range air defense system as an HVP.]

At that time, Mayer raised another topic that she had not expected.

Since I initially announced my intention to purchase, I wondered if it had crossed the water because it was quiet all the time, but what is this again?

I look at him silently, and he smiles and continues.

[As you know, HVP was something we were considering from the very beginning. Maybe that was the Yeonpyeong Island incident, remember?]

[of course. That's why I remember sending you the catalog as well.]

[I'm sorry about that. It was definitely our fault for not contacting us even though we were the ones who actually expressed their intention to introduce it. It sounds like an excuse, but it was when Raphael was exploring and developing a short-range anti-aircraft defense system, and that became a problem.]


[Since the country is so noisy day by day, the parliament has strengthened its own development with stable support and parts procurement issues. However, the Congress seems to have realized the reality now, and he insisted on a change of direction this time.]


[In retrospect, the situation in South Korea, which is under the threat of thousands of long-range artillery weapons possessed by North Korea, is worse than ours. But even in the midst of it, our parliament changed its mind to the situation in which North Korea is being completely suppressed. What's more, what we were developing wasn't quite as cost-effective as HVP. In that situation, wouldn't there be only one choice?]

I didn't know anything else, but the last words were understandable.

If it is a short-range anti-aircraft defense system that Raphael took the lead in development, it probably means Iron Dome.

It is a missile worth tens of millions of won in the end no matter how much the production cost is lowered, isn't it extremely inefficient to defend a cheap Kasam rocket that costs less than a million won per launch?

[Anyway, because of that, the short-range air defense system we were researching was abolished.]

If it's a rocket, that's a good thing.

The thing that bothers them the most is eight out of ten, and nine mortar shells.

Because of that, defending it with a missile worth tens of millions of won is truly an atrocious cost-performance ratio.

In that case, the best option would be to build an HVP that costs less.

By the way, if this happens, will Iron Dome disappear from history?

I don't know about anything else, but I really liked the name.

[What is the nickname of the HVP system that Jaewoo created?]

Then, Mayer asked a random question.

Come to think of it, the reality is that the HVP we developed did not even have a name other than the official name of KC-RAM.

As he was about to put on a shy expression, he spat out the words again.

[If we don't have a nickname yet, I think it would be nice to give it a name for what we were developing. What do you think, are you thinking?]



[President Bush declared the end of the war this morning on the ship Abraham Lincoln anchored in Santiago.]

May 1, 2003.

Finally, Bush declared the end of the Iraq war.

Although they failed to arrest Saddam Hussein, the Republic Guard, his core strength, was in a state of destruction.

Eventually, his regime collapsed, and Iraq is now busy with moves to form a new government.(Read more @

[Our government will prepare combat troops and engineering units for the stabilization of Iraq tomorrow.]

After a long struggle, our parliament finally decided to dispatch combat troops.

What had a decisive influence on the decision of the Parliament was that the war was over anyway, so there would be no major damage.

However, knowing that the confrontation with the rebels, which will continue to be boring, is the real task of this war, I honestly cannot put my mind to rest.

[Hello everyone. This morning, the government announced a defense reform plan. The main goal is to reduce the number of active-duty soldiers of 680,000 to 500,000 by 2020, and to minimize the side effects of reducing the number of troops through modernization of the military [...]

A few days later, the government started a major military reorganization.

Historically, it is true that the current president insisted on and implemented national defense reform, but it is unclear whether the time was around this time.

I blankly watched TV and remembered the last drinking party at the Blue House.

‘Suddenly, I asked what the military needs right now, and this must have been the reason.’

[According to the government's reform proposal, the Air Force plans to proceed with the delayed early warning device acquisition project. The means of acquisition are focused on in-house development rather than overseas introduction, and if confirmed, the development period is expected to reach a total of four years.]

The news that followed was that it would develop its own early warning device as a first measure in accordance with the military force restructuring plan.

The total development period is 4 years.

And an annual budget of 600 billion won.

Considering the atmosphere, the introduction of ground tactical controllers is likely to be conducted after that, but discussions are on the fast side for more than 10 years.

Well, given the circumstances of our military, that's normal.

“The official order for 3 HVP batteries has arrived from Israel.”

While I was immersed in my thoughts, Secretary Kim became HVP from Israel. No, it was announced that the official purchase order for Iron Dome had flown in.

It's funny.

The fact that the HVP we developed got the name Iron Dome.

When you look at it like this, there is also a lot of fun that comes with the changes in history.

'By the way, the order amount alone is $1.5 billion...' Thales will be busy again for a while.'

“Oh, the five Polar Bears we sent out a month ago are undergoing operational verification smoothly. We would like to express our appreciation for the perfect fit of our requirements.”

Just thinking about that part still gives me a headache.

I wonder what kind of bastard has so many demands.

Fortunately, most of them were small external mounting options, but I don't understand why you want to install a bike stand in an alternative vehicle.

“I’m happy. Time is running out, so let’s go.”

I immediately signed the paperwork and grabbed my suit.

Maybe it's because of my excited expression, Secretary Kim also follows with a face full of reminders, unlike in the past.

“Finally, assembly of the fuselage of the prototype begins.”

Can you make nuclear weapons too?-104

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