“Commander! Did you hear the news?”

The U.S. Pacific Air Force Command went into a panic after hearing the news of the fighting between the two sides in the morning.

The incident where the F22 was shot, nothing else.

Perhaps by now, not only the headquarters, but the entire US Department of Defense are shaking.

"Hey, my head is already ringing and I'm dying, can't you talk quietly?"

The commander scolded his lieutenant, grabbing his fiery head.

“Ah, sorry.”

The lieutenant, who grasped the atmosphere late, took a step backwards, but it was after the commander's gaze was already fixed on him.

“Did there not be any other contact from Eilson Air Force Base other than that?”

“Ah, that’s it… There are still 8 days left in the training period, so the position is that there is enough opportunity to recover your honor.”

“Restoration of honor?”

“You can’t just give the Ghost Eagle a kill mark of F22 like this. To put it simply, we’re going to create a scenario and a chance to get a kill mark by definitely shooting down the Ghost Eagle.”

The commander snorted at that.

Because that's just a loser's struggle.

Complaints about the training manager, who had endured so far, finally came out.

“You are doing useless things. The fact that an aircraft like the F22 was shot down by only a 4.5th generation fighter is already shocking.”

“Even if it was the 4.5th generation, the opponent was also an electrician. It also has the same performance as the Growler... Hani, that's definitely a disgrace..."

“Okay, let’s learn more about the operational situation at the time the F22 was shot down.”

That was what was important to the commander.

You cannot undo what has already happened.

He cautioned that finding out the cause was the priority rather than being tied to a broken self-esteem, and he believed that his true role as a member of the U.S. Air Force was his true role.

Follow me!

Then, the commander's phone spit out a loud noise.

Caller number is the US Department of Defense.

He quickly answered the phone, and his expression changes every moment as he hears the words from the other side of him.

“You want us to test all of the US Air Force wartime operations against the Ghost Eagle?”

It was a request in the same vein as the adjutant had delivered a while ago.

Send the Ghost Eagle into training assuming all wartime conditions.

I wanted to ask the reason for this strange feeling, but I struggled to resist.

“I will do that as soon as possible.”

The commander hung up the phone, suppressing the still lingering doubts.

The car, which had been immersed in the swamp of thoughts for a while, looked at the lieutenant with a bright eye at the thought that came to mind.

“Do you remember what you said to me before?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why did you say that your motive, who was in the Ministry of National Defense Unplanned Acquisition Planning Team, did it?”

"Ah! There is a possibility that the U.S. Air Force will carry out a project to secure a new 4.5th generation aircraft.... Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

“I don’t think it was a command that came out of the will to take care of my self-esteem.”

“What do you mean?”

The lieutenant asked without understanding the meaning.

Perhaps it was too cumbersome to respond, the commander waved his hand and asked for an answer to the question he spat out.

“Anyway, is that reliable information?”

"I do not know. The Secretary of the Air Force said he heard the conversation he had directly with General Michael, so it is not a very rare story.”

The commander's eyes lit up at those words again.

If that's true, I think I can understand why they're making such an absurd request.

‘Are you planning to converge on the continuous demands we have made so far?’

Only the F22 is said to be inefficient in operation.

Of course, the government has developed an integrated fighter with good operational efficiency to meet that demand, and it is said that it will be deployed soon.

Even so, in terms of operational efficiency, it is impossible to completely retire the 4.5th generation aircraft, so other means are needed to meet that part.

‘Yeah, so maybe that’s why I chose Ghost Eagle. Therefore, it is also the will to verify the performance in all kinds of operational situations this time....'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The possibilities were sufficient.

To be honest, there are ways to improve the F-15, but since the Ghost Eagle is already showing that level of performance, would that be an excuse?

If possible, it's a little more advanced.

No, in this situation, it is not possible to imagine that it is possible to consider the introduction of the Ghost Eagle, which will be evaluated as not far behind the F22.

‘The question is whether that is possible in the current U.S. unplanned procurement system.’

That was the point.

In the case of high-tech weapons, the United States, which has unconditionally satisfied the needs with its own development.

Is it not possible to introduce the favorites of cutting-edge technology such as fighter jets from other countries?


There were, of course, exceptions.

An example is Harrier.

However, in the case of the Harrier, it was developed by the British, a close ally, and since the development was involved in the navy and the marines together, it cannot be said to be a complete import.

'Then the chances drop sharply again. Damn, what the hell are you thinking?’

The deeper the thought, the more unpredictable the matter became.

Still, there is a glimmer of hope.

He put a smile on his face, imagining for a moment what the US Air Force would have had with the Ghost Eagle.

'If that's really the case, we can't ask for anything more... Ha, I don't know if this is something I'm doing alone for nothing.'


[Major Hyejin Ahn's aircraft are excluded from today's training.]

It's already been 5 days since training started.

Today, the leadership has made unreasonable demands.

The panicked ROK Air Force pilots looked at each other all at once, and Major Ahn gently raised his hand and asked the reason.

[For what?]

[This exercise is based on the theme of engagements that take place entirely under the leadership of the US military. Therefore, the training given today is also based on the strength of the US military, but this time it is not supported by the US Navy. In other words, it is because the training assumes a situation where there is no electronic/electrical support.]

At first glance, I thought it was an understandable excuse.

In the case of the US Air Force, it is true that the field of electronic warfare has been supported by the Navy since the retirement of the EF-111A RAVEN.

But what's with this awkward feeling?

Major Ahn looked at the operations officer with narrowed eyes, but he continued the briefing without hesitation.

‘Is it because of an excessive criminal record?’

Major Ahn, who passed the operation officer's continued briefings to one ear, suddenly remembered such a thought.

Perhaps this is some sort of jealousy towards the Ghost Eagle, who has never been shot down in the last four engagements.

For the United States, the self-esteem must have been severely damaged, so it may be a measure to restore it.

“Captain Lee Sang-hwa. Look at me for a moment.”

After the briefing was over, Major Ahn immediately approached Captain Lee Sang-hwa.

As if he had thought that the atmosphere had turned strangely, Captain Lee also had a hardened expression on his face.

“As you just heard, this time the squadron looks like it’s going to go with the traditional system.”

“Yeah, it seems that way.”

“Did you know that there is a high probability that we will fill a squadron with our Ghost Eagles if we do?”

“Probably so. But by any chance, am I the flight commander?”

The captain slowly looked around and asked.

“I’m in a situation where I’m falling, so it’s natural. The problem is that in that case, it’s going to be a full-fledged model-to-machine battle.”


Captain Lee Sang-hwa swallowed dry saliva at those words.

The fight of breeds versus breeds.

At the very least, the fact that you shouldn't paint the Ghost Eagle's face adds to the burden.

“Don’t worry too much and just do what you’ve been training for. No other pilot knows the Ghost Eagle as well as you.”

It wasn't wrong to say that.

Unlike others, as a test pilot, he drove the Ghost Eagle to the extreme.

Thanks to this, he knows more about the performance of the aircraft than anyone else.

“Nevertheless, this is a training situation that is no different from a real battle, will I be able to handle it?”

“I can do it. You only need to remember one thing. The fact that the Ghost Eagle is not just a 4.5-generation aircraft.”


Captain Lee Sang-hwa nodded his head with his stiff face and headed to his aircraft.

Major Ahn, who waved at him with a sad heart, glanced at the other side of the parking lot on the way back.

“Looks like you’re leaving.”

There, the RED team was preparing to depart.

The question that arises at the moment is the fact that every time during the last 4 air-defense exercises, the aircraft belonging to the Self-Defense Forces belonged to the opposing camp of the Ghost Eagle.

I wondered if it would be normal to have frequent engagements with certain countries from the training in which 16 countries participated.

‘It seems that Japanese kids are playing tricks again.’

Maybe that was not the case.

As it turns out, the basics of air defense training are aimed at measuring the skills of pilots in each country, but it is not fair to meet only the Korean and Japanese teams as enemies.

What is more unusual is the attitude of the Self-Defense Forces, and they insisted on the team only with F22 every time to the point that it was unusual.

'Are you saying, 'In the end, you're going to jump on the F22's power and get some points? Anyway, it seems to be the DNA of the nation to roll your hair.’

The thought made him laugh.

If it's true, it's like an elementary school student trying to get revenge on the guy who hit him with the power of my brother.

But what does it mean to get points like that?

Major Ahn shook his head at the way of thinking they could never understand.

‘What, there are two F22s on that team today.’

At that time, the image of the F22s just preparing to take off caught his eye.

Even in a situation where electronics and electricity are excluded, F22s are scrambled to the opposing team as many as two.

Suddenly, something swelled up inside, and my body turned back.

“Hey, Captain Lee Sang-hwa!”


At the cry of Major Ahn, Captain Lee, who was just about to board the fighter, looked back.

A more stable expression than just a moment ago.

He waved his hand with a bright smile as if he didn't have to worry about him anymore.

“I will do my best to come...”

“No, doing your best is not enough.”


“When you die, even if you die, the Self-Defense Forces should always paint it! Don't even lose rock, paper, scissors against the Japanese. Do you understand?”



[We will deliver the 9 o'clock news. It is said that a ghost eagle belonging to the Korean Air Force shot down an F22 during the Red Flag exercise currently in progress in Alaska, USA.]

As I was about to leave work late, the results posted by the Ghost Eagle became a hot topic in the news that was just playing.

Perhaps because of the fact that they captured the world's strongest fighter with only 4.5 generations of aircraft, every channel you turn is the same story.

“It seems that the American kids have a strong fever.”

Director Kim Young-gi, who was watching the news with him, was hinting at it.

I knew what it meant.

He shook his head shakyly.

“It looked like that. Seeing that for the rest of the period, they are going to direct all types of operational situations assuming wartime. Isn't that meant to somehow achieve the result of shooting down the Ghost Eagle?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

“Isn’t that too petty?”

“Well, it may seem petty, but at the same time it makes sense. It must have been the F22 that was shot down..."

I laughed and retorted.

As soon as she was about to get up for late work, Secretary Kim suddenly entered the room with a knock.

“Chairman, I have just informed you from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the results of the 5th day of the battle of the joint drills currently in progress in Alaska.”


Suppressing his slight excitement, he accepted the paperwork.

Embarrassingly, the first sentence was the news that the 2nd Ghost Eagle was shot down.

I was about to frown in disappointment, but I noticed something strange in the contents of the operation.

“Did you do dogfighting?”

I thought it was some kind of question.

Even though she's the secretary of the defense company's president, she doesn't know how the dogfight is going to go.

He smiles and tries to look at the documents again, but in an instant, Director Kim Young-gi takes a step closer and raises his voice.

“No, do you ever get a chance to dogfight with an aircraft like the F22? For some reason, it would have been normal for the situation to end with a BVR engagement, right?”

I looked at the paperwork again without saying a word.

Should I believe this?

In the document, it was written that there was no final decision in the 20-minute BVR battle, which eventually led to a close combat situation.

“By the way, all of the aircraft belonging to the Japan Self-Defense Forces were slaughtered in the grass.”

Director Kim Young-gi touched that part with his hand and smiled.

I also twisted my lips and tried to check the following contents, but the words of Director Kim continued.

“Then, in the end, two F22s and four Ghost Eagles were dogfighting.”

It was a conversation that seemed to leave some regret.

4v2 fight,

The meaning of victory in that situation is not fading.

I immediately woke him up.

“The important thing is that all those maneuverable F22s were shot down. Even in a dogfighting situation.”


“Besides, you have to take into account that our aircraft is currently downgraded.”


Director Kim rolled his eyes at those words.

I realized the truth later.

I quietly put down the papers and continued.

“If the Ghost Eagle tried to stealth detection with the full power of the radar. And what if the seeker of the long-range air-to-air missile had also fully revealed its capabilities?”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-193

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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