In this battle, we will never take a step back!

The next day.

After a night’s rest, Zhao Jun and others felt rejuvenated.

At this time.

Xu Hao piloted the [Red Shadow Mecha] and slowly descended from the sky.

“Captain Zhao, given the current situation, I plan to…”

He briefly told Zhao Jun about his next plan.

Of course.

He did not tell them the specific and detailed combat plan one by one.

The fewer people who know these tactics, the better.

When the plan is actually implemented, it will not be too late to arrange it in detail.

After listening to Xu Hao’s introduction, Zhao Jun nodded without hesitation.

“No problem!”

“Xugong, we all listen to you!”

“You pilot the [Red Shadow Mecha], coupled with the mecha’s various black technologies, you can have a more comprehensive understanding of the battlefield situation and receive information.” ”

The plan is formulated It’s also more perfect!”

Zhao Jun also understood that the current situation was not good for the red side.

In this situation.

Obtaining information on the battlefield has become extremely important.

The two parties agreed that Xu Hao would take off on the spot and sink into the sky.

at the same time.

Share the location with Zhao Jun and others and tell them to follow those routes to avoid being tracked by the Blue Fang’s ‘Haojiang’ drone.

At full speed, we finally arrived at the latest position of the red army in the afternoon.

After showing their identity information, Xu Hao and Zhao Jun waited outside.

at this time.

When the soldiers in the camp saw the domineering equipment on their bodies, expressions of interest suddenly appeared on their faces.

Some soldiers who had no mission for the time being gathered around.

“Holy shit! Which army are you guys from? The armor you are wearing is so cool!”

“Is this a mecha? It’s so handsome!”

“Can I touch your mecha?”

“Hiss… Hovering in the void! Science fiction comes into reality?!”

The soldiers were surprised to find that the mecha, which had a red metallic luster all over its body, was hovering quietly three inches above the ground.

If they hadn’t observed carefully, they wouldn’t have noticed it for a while.

Everyone’s faces were full of surprise.

Their eyes were full of enthusiasm and surprise.

That’s pretty cool, right?

As a man, who wouldn’t want to own such a domineering and revealing mecha?

Regarding their reactions, Xu Hao’s face showed no impatience under his mask.

Let these frontline warriors touch their armor generously.

Xu Hao’s voice came from under the mechanical mask.

“Brothers, you can touch it, but the expression on your face should not be too abnormal, as this can easily be misunderstood…”

The mechanical and deep voice made this mecha even more sci-fi.

Xu Hao’s joking words immediately made the soldiers who gathered around laugh.

Just when they wanted to learn more about this mecha, the correspondent came out and invited Xu Hao and others in.

Xu Hao waved his hand handsomely, and then with a ‘whoosh’ sound, he led Zhao Jun and the others into the camp.

This seemingly simple and casual action made the soldiers envious and obsessed with it.

In the tent.

Ding Wei was slightly startled when he saw Xu Hao and the others coming in.

Which army is this?

Why are you dressed so sci-fi?

For those who don’t know, you think it’s an alien war group? !

Zhao Jun stepped forward, introduced himself familiarly, and then briefly introduced their team.

At this time, Ding Wei reacted and blurted out.

“Hiss… you are not dead yet?”

Realizing that there seemed to be something wrong with his words, he hurriedly changed his words.

“Ahem… I mean, you actually escaped Brigadier Man’s electronic nuclear bomb air attack?”

Zhao Jun nodded.

“Thanks to Xugong, I first assumed that the blue team would do this and led our mecha team to leave first.” After

hearing this, Ding Wei immediately focused his eyes on Xu Hao, and couldn’t help but feel a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

He spoke softly.

“Not bad!”

“He has a very strategic vision of the battle situation, which allows our troops to retain a considerable combat force.”

At this time, Ding Wei raised his eyebrows, suddenly remembered something, and asked Xu Hao again.

“You were the one who wiped out the blue team’s logistics support force before, right?”

Xu Hao nodded with a smile, his face calm.

See this.

Ding Wei’s expression became more anxious and serious.

After a brief exchange, Xu Hao told Ding Wei his plan.

“Commander Ding, we are now weak and weak, and we will not be the blue team’s opponent in a head-on confrontation.”

“So, if you want to defeat more with less, you must win smartly!” ”

First of all, for the red team’s drone special warfare Formation…”

Xu Hao introduced the situation of the red and blue sides while talking about his follow-up plan.

Ding Wei listened and nodded from time to time to express his approval.

When he heard Xu Hao talking about Lan Fang’s drone, his brows suddenly raised.

“The blue team’s drone special operations formation is really scary. It’s because of their drones that our army lost a lot of strength.”

When he said this, Ding Wei looked at Xu with a rather resentful look. Hao.

Xu Hao suddenly got goosebumps when he saw him.

He frowned.

What does Brigadier Ding’s look mean? It makes him seem like he has failed him…

Ding Wei looked away and continued.

“In addition to their drones, there are also the fighter planes that come and go without a trace!”

“It was the electronic simulated nuclear bomb dropped by their fighter plane that blew up the advance troops!!”

Thinking of this, Ding Wei thought in his heart Very angry.

Xu Hao nodded slightly and then spoke.

“This is indeed a bit troublesome, but the blue team will definitely not take action easily.”

“And even if I take action, I will have a way to deal with it!” ”

At the same time.

” “Don’t worry about the blue team’s drones, I will take action!!”

Xu Hao His face was dull.

Whether it is the [sixth generation strategic stealth bomber] or the ‘Haojiang’ drone, they are all made by themselves.

He knows their performance and various data well.

These advanced equipment and weapons may be a troublesome existence for Ding Wei.

But as far as Xu Hao is concerned.

As long as the opportunity is right, there is a chance to annihilate them! !

And this requires the cooperation of large forces.

Therefore, Xu Hao spoke neatly.

“Brigadier Ding, I have the means and confidence to deal with the blue bombers and drones.” ”

But the premise is that the mecha team needs the cooperation of the large force!”

“What I need to inform in advance is that this plan will There may be some casualties in the troops, so please consider it carefully, Brigadier Ding!”

Xu Hao looked at Ding Wei with extremely serious eyes.

Just relying on the mecha squad, it would be difficult to win this military exercise!

But if there is a large force to coordinate and cooperate with Xu Hao, Zhao Jun and others.

The direction of the war will become clearer!

Hear the words.

Ding Wei pondered for a while, his eyes were resolute, and he patted his chest in assurance.

“No problem!”

“I understand your strength now.”

“The red side is currently in a deadlock and cannot follow the rules and follow the old path.”

“Your mecha team is a rare force and an elite force. The larger force can cooperate with you. .”

“As for the death in battle you mentioned…”

Ding Wei’s eyes narrowed, and a surge of fighting spirit burst out.

“More than half of my army has been lost, so what if a few more are killed?”

“As long as there is only one person left, the red side will not admit defeat.”

“There is no coward in my soldiers.”

“There will be no retreat in this battle . That’s awesome!!!”

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