School-wide speech? !

the next day.

Xu Hao got up from the bed and opened the curtains.

The air is crisp in autumn, the sun is warm and the wind is calm.

“Today is another sunny day!”

He stretched and his muscles and bones became very comfortable.

Do not know why.

Xu Hao vaguely felt that his body seemed to be inexplicably better since he went to college?

If I had studied so intensely before, I would have collapsed from exhaustion long ago.

The whole person looked tired, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

How could it be like this?

Take a nap and nothing will happen!

After much thought, Xu Hao could only attribute this reason to the softer Simmons bed in the bedroom, which made him sleep more comfortably.

And when Xu Hao sighed that he slept really comfortably last night.

Liu Jianguo came to Gu Jun’s office early.

He knocked on the door and walked directly in.

“Principal Gu!”

Gu Jun was slightly startled when he saw that the person coming was Liu Jianguo.

“Professor Liu, why are you here?”

“Didn’t you just come back last night?”

Liu Jianguo nodded.

“There was something urgent that I needed to discuss with Principal Gu, so I came here in a hurry.” ”

I originally planned to come last night, but I was too tired and couldn’t hold on and fell asleep.”

Gu Jun made him a cup of tea. Then asked.

“Professor Liu is here to discuss matters about Xu Hao?”

He had a mysterious smile on his face.

In all these years of getting along with Liu Jianguo, Gu Jun had never seen Liu Jianguo so anxious and flustered.

Only after Xu Hao entered Longguo University of Defense Technology, Liu Jianguo changed.

Everything related to Xu Hao is done immediately without any delay.

He also knew a little about Xu Hao’s performance in this Japanese-killing military exercise.

After all, he is an army major general, so he still has the right to know some information.

Of course.

The incident of being stopped at the school gate last time was an exception.

Even now, he has asked his superiors many times, but the replies he received were top secret and no comment.

It still makes him extremely curious, and due to the confidentiality regulations, he dare not ask more questions.

Now I see Liu Jianguo coming to his door as soon as he comes back.

He knew immediately that Liu Jianguo was here for Xu Hao.

Liu Jianguo didn’t care and said bluntly.

“Principal Gu is really good at predicting things. I am indeed here for Xu Hao’s matter.”

After a pause, he said.

“Principal Gu, I believe you already know something about Xu Hao’s performance in the Japan-killing military exercise.”

“The country is so generous.”

“Look…should our school also express its gratitude?”

Not to mention anything else. .

When those advanced weapons and equipment are revealed in the future, Longguo University of Defense Technology will definitely take credit for Xu Hao’s contribution.

Gu Jun rarely refuted, but nodded with deep sympathy.

“Professor Liu, you are right.”

“Xu Hao’s talents and abilities are obvious to all, and we must reward him.” ”

So, after a unified decision by the school, Xu Hao will be given a cash reward of 1 million dragon coins.”

” A set of supporting apartments will be awarded to talented people.”

“Four-year school-level scholarships and national-level scholarships.”

“At the same time, all the evaluations and selections that should be made will be given.” ”

Look, what else is needed? Anything to add?”

Hearing this, Liu Jianguo was slightly startled.

His eyes looked at Gu Jun with some surprise.


Is Principal Gu so generous this time?

It’s a cash reward and a supporting talent apartment.

This is a bit unlike Principal Gu’s style!

It’s just…

Liu Jianguo frowned slightly.

“Principal Gu, is the reward of 1 million yuan too small? If you tell it, Qingbei next door will laugh. You think we can’t afford the reward!”

Gu Jun suddenly coughed lightly, with a strange cunning look on his face…explained.

“Professor Liu, you don’t have much money anymore, it’s all about what you want, right?” ”

Besides, the school is in need of money now, and various scientific research projects need money, so money is tight!”

Liu Jianguo chuckled.

“Xiao Gu, you can just lie to yourself. If you want to lie to me, then think too much.” ”

The superiors have just issued a document. Starting from this year, the scientific research subsidy to Longguo National University of Defense Technology will be increased by 1 billion every year.” ”

This 1 billion , but because of Xu Hao’s reasons, additional funds were allocated.”

“Principal Gu, a reward of 1 million is too little!”

When Liu Jianguo said this, Gu Jun suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He gritted his teeth and said painfully.

“Two million!”

“Professor Liu, it’s really gone, not at all!”

“You don’t know, the top management held a meeting some time ago, the external situation was unclear, and many trends began to change.” ”

Because of this, Many previous projects and tasks have also begun to be fully launched.”

“Professor Liu, it’s really not that I don’t want to give it!”

Gu Jun looked bitter.

It’s not easy to be the principal!

Money is needed everywhere, and he is asked for money everywhere.

Hear the words.

Liu Jianguo frowned slightly, thinking of some of the trends revealed in Hu Mu’s words before.

He had no doubts about what Gu Jun said.

Liu Jianguo sighed softly.

“Okay, let’s do that!”

Gu Jun breathed a sigh of relief and then added.

“Professor Liu, don’t worry. If Xu Hao needs any other requirements, just ask them.

We will do our best to meet them to the best of our ability.” “Especially when it comes to scientific research and experiments. I will apply to my superiors even if I am brave enough to do so.” ”

At the same time, if necessary, Are you willing to promote him to be a special professor at Longke University?”

As a member of the military, Lu Jun naturally knows the importance of national defense.

What seems to be a calm situation now actually hides murderous intent.

Especially after the global virus is over.

The economic situation of the entire international community is unclear and there are many uncertain factors.

Conflicts in local areas gradually began to intensify.

Disputes between countries have become increasingly prominent.

The Dragon Kingdom is also in a storm.

We must seize every opportunity to strengthen national defense construction as soon as possible.

Liu Jianguo nodded slightly and continued.

“I have to ask Xiao Hao first about becoming a professor at Longke University.”

“However, I think we can let Xiao Hao give a speech on campus to inspire the students.”

“What do you think, Principal Gu?”

“Speech?” Gu Jun clicked his tongue and looked thoughtful.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows.

“It seems feasible!”

“However, we must keep Xu Hao’s research and development results strictly confidential.” “We

must be on guard against others, otherwise we will be in big trouble.”

“Xu Hao’s safety will also be threatened!”

Liu Jianguo naturally agreed.

“This is inevitable!”

“No matter what, Xu Hao’s safety and the confidentiality of the project must be given top priority.”

“In that case, should I discuss it with Xiao Hao?”

Gu Jun agreed and said.

“I also asked people from the Propaganda Department to organize this speech event.”

Liu Jianguo drank all the tea in his cup and stood up to leave.

Back in the office, I called Xu Hao to inform him about the speech.

“What? I want to give a speech in the school auditorium?!”

Xu Hao was shocked when he heard the news.

Liu Jianguo explained in a dumbfounded manner.

“With you as an example, it just inspires the students.”

“Don’t worry, it’s only a few dozen minutes of speech. You should prepare carefully in the past few days.”

After that, he hung up the phone.

Xu Hao suddenly panicked!

He is not nervous about doing scientific research.

But when he was asked to speak on stage, he felt a little nervous for no reason.

A group of people in Wuyangyang looked at me. What a terrifying scene it was…

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