: Old Sun, just have fun!

End of the meeting.

Everyone walked out of the courtyard, exhaled a long breath, and couldn’t help but feel relaxed.

The pressure brought by the head of state on them was still too heavy.

During the meeting, they didn’t even dare to breathe too hard.

Tang Changqing, Song Wenfei and Sun Su walked out side by side.

The commanders of the five theaters had missions to do, so after saying goodbye to the three of them, they left one after another.

At this time.

Tang Changqing extended an invitation to Sun Su.

“Old Sun, you finally came to Longdu, why don’t you come and sit at my place?”

Song Wenfei also said hurriedly.

“Old Sun, the last time we said goodbye, it’s been a long time since we got together.” ”

You rarely come to Longdu, so don’t leave in a hurry.”

After that, regardless of Sun Sutong’s disapproval, he pulled He walked towards the Hongqi bulletproof vehicle.

Although the three of them are in different research fields, they often interact with each other due to national projects and are very familiar with them.

After decades of friendship, they are already old friends.

Seeing that Song Wenfei was so anxious, Sun Su couldn’t help but say.

“Old Song! Your temperament has not changed at all, haha…”

“You have all invited me so kindly. If you refuse again, it will be unjustifiable.”

After saying that, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, got in the car respectively, and then headed towards Long Ke The hospital rushed to the hospital.

Dragon Academy, in the office.

The three of them sat down on the sofa.

Tang Changqing made a pot of tea, first poured a cup for Sun Su, and then poured it for Song Wenfei and himself.

The three of them chatted, starting from the recent situation and quickly talking about the meeting just now.

Sun Su took a sip of tea, with a little sadness on his face.

“Sigh~ The mission of the head of state is a bit difficult!” ”

We have been following up on the research and development of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. However, the current results are not great.” ”

If the technology of nuclear reactors is not solved, the Longguo nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will be far away No date.”

The original plan was for 003 to be a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.


The key technical issues of the nuclear reactor have been unable to be broken through. If the delay continues, it will affect the construction of 003 as scheduled.


After much research and discussion, 003 still uses conventional power.

Currently, Plan 004 is nuclear powered.

But according to the current situation, there is still a question mark whether nuclear power can really be used.

Although Tang Lao and Song Lao mainly focused on fighter aircraft, they also knew something about aircraft carriers.

We also understand the difficulty of building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.


Song Wenfei thought that Xu Hao had broken through the key technology of controllable nuclear fusion and was currently going all out to conquer the materials for nuclear reactors.

He actually felt that Longguo’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was just around the corner.

Mr. Song asked.

“Old Sun, as long as the nuclear reactor problem is solved, building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier will not be difficult, right?”

Sun Su frowned. He didn’t know why Song Wenfei suddenly asked this, but he still nodded in reply.

“In principle, it can be understood this way.”

Hearing this.

Mr. Song immediately slapped his thigh and spoke with a smile.

“Then it won’t be a big problem!”

“Xiaohao has broken through the key technology of controllable nuclear fusion, and the material problem will be solved soon. By then, we will fully master the controllable nuclear fusion technology!”


Sun Su frowned slightly.

Xu Hao?

He had heard this name in the compound just now, and the head of state seemed to have great respect for this man named ‘Xu Hao’.

Now, seeing that Song Wenfei was so confident in this Xu Hao, he was also very curious.

Which scientific research boss is Xu Hao?

Why haven’t you heard of it before?

Sun Su was a little curious, but he didn’t ask any more questions, and instead replied to Song Wenfei.

“I know that you have made breakthroughs in the key technology of controllable nuclear fusion, but Old Song, you have to know that the issue of materials is also crucial.” ”

In some respects, materials are even more stringent than technology. It’s difficult to break through.”


He shook his head slightly, not having high hopes for what he said.

Will we soon be able to fully master controllable nuclear fusion?

It’s not that Sun Su is not confident, but it’s too difficult to achieve this goal.

Even though the man named Xu Hao is a leader in this field.

But it will take at least ten or eight years to break through the limitations of materials.

This is still an extremely ideal situation.

He sighed and smiled bitterly.

“The head of state has given me a big problem!”

“Within ten years, the Dragon Kingdom will have its own nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and form a complete combat system.”

“It’s difficult…”

However, there is no way.

Transplantation can be carried out along the lines of nuclear-powered submarines.

They are also making attempts in this area and currently have plans in this area.

But there are also many problems that need to be solved one by one.

Originally, Sun Su did not intend to adopt this ‘stupid method’.

But now it seems like it has to be used.


By then the ten-year period has expired, and he cannot hand over the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which will affect the construction of the entire naval combat system.

Mr. Tang saw Sun Su sighing and sighing, his eyebrows filled with sadness, and he was about to comfort him.

At this time, there was a knock on the office door, and then Li Weiguo’s voice came.

“Mr. Tang, there is urgent news!”

Upon hearing this, Mr. Tang dropped the smile on his face and shouted hurriedly.

“Colonel Li, come in quickly!”

Although they are chatting now, the area near the office is confidential.

Except for Li Weiguo, no one else has the right to enter.

With Mr. Tang’s permission, Li Weiguo walked in from the outside.

He nodded to Sun Su as a greeting, and then spoke seriously.

“Mr. Tang, Mr. Song, there is an urgent call from the Materials Research Laboratory of Huaqing University. I want you to go over there immediately!”

Mr. Tang’s heart suddenly tightened and he asked in a voice.

“Is something wrong?”

Song Wenfei also looked at Li Weiguo nervously, waiting for his answer.

Li Weiguo shook his head.

“They didn’t elaborate on the specific situation.”


A smile suddenly appeared on Li Weiguo’s serious face.

“However, they said it’s a big benefit!”

Upon hearing this, Mr. Tang was stunned for a moment, then his face trembled and he looked ecstatic.

Major benefit?

Isn’t this…

He stood up hurriedly and spoke excitedly.


Song Wenfei also reacted at this time, laughed, patted Sun Su’s shoulder heavily, and said.

“Old Sun, the happy hour is about to begin!”

“Just have fun! Hahaha…”

Sun Su looked confused.

What is Lao Song talking about?

Why can’t I understand it myself?


Old Tang is also a stable person!

Why are you like Lao Song now?

Is going crazy contagious?

Seeing the two people laughing non-stop, Monk Sun Suzhang was confused and couldn’t help but ask.

“Old Song, what do you mean by this?”

Before Song Wenfei could answer, Old Tang, who was laughing so hard, came over, pulled Sun Su up and said.

“Old Sun, don’t ask any more questions.”

“Let’s go! Come with us to Huaqing University!”

“The questions you are confused about and the answers you want are all there!…”

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