Chapter 033 Escort mission

“You’re on fire again.”

Jiang Wen looked at Wang Cheng with a sad expression.

Wang Cheng pulled the dishes on the plate, feeling a little loss of appetite.

At that dinner three days ago, Wang ‘wrote’ a song for Yali.

After the song was put online, it exceeded one million views in just one hour.

At that time, Zhang Yang joked with him, saying that even if he was not a pilot in the future, he would not die of hunger if he went to the entertainment industry.

However, Wang Chengzhi is not here, it doesn’t matter if the fire is not hot, as long as he can fly the plane.

After that night, Jiang Wen threw Wang Cheng’s face for a few days.

Because I learned that he was going to participate in the escort mission tomorrow, I only ‘appreciated my face’ to eat with him tonight.

“Envy or jealousy? Or brother will also write you a song! ”

Wang Cheng said with a smile.

“Who is rare.”

Jiang Wen picked up a piece of meat and pretended to eat it with relish.

“You’re looking for me to say I’m on fire?”

“Then what else do you want me to say?”

“Okay, I know, see you later, there is a task tomorrow.”

After Wang Cheng finished speaking, he got up and left.

“You sit down…”

Jiang Wen glared at Wang Cheng.

“I still haven’t said anything.”

“Say it.”

Wang Cheng sat down helplessly.

He really didn’t want to stay long, the cafeteria was full of cadets from the Second Flight Academy, watching him and Jiang Wen whisper.

Wang Cheng hated this feeling of being in the limelight.

“This escort tomorrow will not be simple.”

“I know.”

“Although Yizhou’s air force strength is poor, it is not ruled out that the foot basin chicken and even eagle sauce may intervene.”

Jiang Wen said it bluntly.

Wang Cheng was a little strange.

“The God of War (H~6K) strategic bomber circled Feiyizhou Island, not once or twice, when did the Foot Basin Chicken Air Force dare to intervene?”

“You think too much, do you think that this time it is really the God of War (H~6K) strategic bomber that flies?”

Because Jiang Wen is a combat tactics instructor in the special training class, she knows some inside information.

“In addition to the God of War (H~6K), there are other strategic bombers in the Hanlong Kingdom?”

Wang Cheng asked with a frown.

“Hehe, tomorrow you will know, anyway, this time, it will definitely give you a big surprise.”

Jiang Wen sold a pass, and continued: “Moreover, is the scale of the previous flight around the fly as large as this time?” Even the God of War (H~6K) strategic bomber, just carrying bombs, is enough to paralyze all airfields on the entire island of Yizhou. ”

“You mean this time it’s a new model?”

Wang Cheng frowned.

“You’ll know tomorrow, what I want to say is that the air force strength of Yizhou Island is really not as weak as you think, enough to sweep the vast majority of small countries on this planet, don’t be careless.”

“Well, I see.”

Seeing Wang Cheng listen, Jiang Wen also relaxed a little.

“Promise me that I will come back safely.”

Time flies, and gradually passes.

When the first rays of sunlight shone on the earth, the Second Flight Academy Flying Academy fell into a busy and intense state of high-intensity training.

Cadets who do not have escort missions continue their usual flight training.

Over-the-horizon air combat characteristics, close-range combat, emergency takeoff, combat-ready highway takeoff and landing and other subjects, the difficulty is high, close to actual combat, these make many pilots complain, such as the subjects of the enemy, in the eyes of these elite pilots, it is similar to the family.

As for Wang Cheng and a few of them, they were already fully armed, waiting for the order to be issued.

In the distance, the morning sun rises and the sky is full of red.


The roar of the D30-KP-2 turbofan engine resounded over the southern waters of the Hanlong Kingdom, and spread all around.

Three silver-gray strategic bombers containing the sci-fi atmosphere of Hanlong Kingdom, bathed in the glow, like swords in the sky, draw a beautiful arc in the southern sea at a speed of 700 kilometers per hour, and steadily maintain a relative altitude of 5,000 meters to the ground.


Behind them, 9 Raptors (J~11) fighters maintained a straight front and rear compact formation, following these three new strategic bombers, like 9 muscular bodyguards, vigilantly observing the surroundings.

The scenery outside the teardrop-shaped glass cockpit passed quickly, and Zhou Haiyang, as the supreme commander, looked calm.

With his eyes straight ahead, he flew at the front of the group, assumed the leading role, and held the joystick tightly in his right hand, controlling the aircraft to fly along a predetermined route and implement the standard plan.

“Each machine reports the situation.”

In the communication channel, the voice of the former commander was heard.

“Number 1 is normal.”

Zhou Haiyang replied calmly.

“Number 2 is normal.”

In the communication channel, came the hoarse voice of the captain of Unit 2

“Number 3 is normal.”

The captain of Unit 3 also reported the current situation.

“The situation of the escort formation is normal, and no abnormal situation has been found for the time being.”

The pilot of the fighter escort formation also reported on the fighter formation.

“Your department is about to arrive in the outer airspace of Yizhou Island, pay close attention, be cautious and careful, and report it immediately if you encounter any abnormal situation.”


While answering, Zhou Haiyang looked sideways to the west, and saw a beautiful island that had appeared in his line of sight.

Yizhou Island, I’m coming.


ps: The previous chapter is more than 2,500 words, so this chapter has less words, about 1,000 eight, some things that the little pariah does not dare to write in too much detail and is sealed, however, this book is completely empty, you can read it with confidence. Kneel for a wave of monthly passes, guarantee four changes tomorrow, make up for the one change owed today, and greatly add one change for the three rewards, so a total of six changes.

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