Carry a Ride-and-slash System with You

: Fourteen, where is my horse? ! ! !

The Scarlett Chamber of Commerce had not closed yet. Geralt walked in with everyone, and he was surprised to see the owner behind the counter. "Mr. Tom, I want to ask you for help." Te walked over and said a few words, telling himself that the group was here to borrow a horse.

Tom nodded, greeted someone, and said, "Take them to the backyard stables and equip them with harnesses."

"Okay, sir." The man nodded yes.

"Follow Jerry, everyone, he will arrange for you." Tom said to Geralt from behind the counter.

"Then thank Mr. Tom for his generosity. These ten gold coins will be regarded as the deposit, and the mortgage will be with you. Just after a round of the city, that's all that's left." Geralt said, and took out from his pocket. He took out ten gold coins and handed them to Tom. Ten gold coins can't buy so many horses, but after saving Harry this time, he won't come back here, and he can't let people suffer in vain.

Tom didn't lose his smile. Maybe he guessed something, took the coin and blessed Geralt.

Follow Jerry to the backyard of the Scarlett Chamber of Commerce. Geralt waits beside him and asks the soldiers to help Jerry install the harness. The horse is not a particularly good horse. It was enough to hurry, the harness was ready, and Geralt, without hesitation, took the reins and led the soldiers out of the city.

After leaving the city, in the dark night, a group of people mounted their horses. Geralt instructed the hotel clerk, "Stop when you are 2 miles away from the village. Don't let the sound of horse hooves disturb them. You lead the way."

The man got on the horse, and the leader led Geralt and his party to gallop away.

At the beginning, everyone couldn't get up to speed, because they had never ridden a horse before. They relied on brute force to hug the horse's neck and ran for a while. When everyone got used to it, the speed became faster.

"Drive, drive."

The crowd urged the horses under their crotch and followed the hotel clerk in the dark night. Time passed quietly. The crowd, who was much faster than when they came, stopped under the instructions of the hotel clerk. Under the moonlight, the soldiers dismounted their horses. The scenes are also varied. Maybe when there is time, it’s time to train everyone’s riding skills. Geralt looked at everyone and wanted to laugh, but he didn’t get much better. The reins were handed to the Vikya Archer to set up the horses, who had just nearly knocked Geralt's **** on the horse.

It's a bit difficult to make a strong attack. One is that you don't know the strength of your opponent, and the other is that you are worried that the opponent will attack Harry in advance... Greet the hotel guy and ask him seriously, "Are you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid." The hotel clerk replied without any hesitation.


"That's alright, my people will create opportunities ahead. You find opportunities to sneak into the hotel, don't try to rescue your master, find out the location and tell me." Fear of death is human, Geralt didn't say much. , assigning a task to the hotel clerk.

Called three hired sentries and told them what to do later, Geralt led the people towards West Asia Village.


In the hotel, a group of people were sitting in the lobby drinking wine. When they saw a middle-aged man coming downstairs, a black-faced man in the crowd stood up to meet him.

"Captain, he hasn't explained yet?" a black-faced man asked a middle-aged man.

"Humph! The bones are quite tough, and he held on all afternoon. It seems that he also knows that there is no way to survive after explaining the whereabouts of the finances."

The middle-aged man known as the captain snorted, "How about asking you to lead someone to search the hotel, did you find anything valuable?"

Seeing that his captain was unhappy, the black-faced man said quickly, "I didn't find anything of value. I searched every corner of the hotel, and I didn't find any secret room."

"Forget it, we're just a bunch of errands. Let's leave the headache to the young masters. Tomorrow, bring him back to Rock City. It doesn't matter to us whether or not to explain." The captain waved his hand and walked to the lobby to grab his men. After taking a sip of the wine on the table, "By the way, arrange for two people to go to work with the people who are guarding the third young master. They also stayed there for an afternoon and let them come over for a drink."

"Understood, Captain." The black-faced man obeyed the captain's arrangement and picked two people upstairs. He was about to go upstairs when someone shouted from outside the hotel.

"Listen to the people inside, hurry up and let my master go, or else I want you to look good!" A hired sentry shouted outside the hotel door.

Hearing the movement outside the door, everyone in the hotel took up their weapons, and the captain headed carefully came to the window to observe the hired sentry outside the door, "He dares to provoke us alone, there must be an ambush around, Blackface, you take someone out to see the movement quietly, you, you, and you, go out and try his skills!"

"Understood." The person who heard the order took up the weapon and walked out of the hotel, and the black face quietly led the person out through the side door to get a closer look.

Before Blackface could act, the three people who had just walked out of the hotel were injured by several axes that flew from the dark, and they quickly returned to the hotel.

"??? What do you mean, UU reading I didn't act before you exposed yourself?" The black face was full of question marks.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash fish, black faces, you bring a few brothers to bite them, and the rest will mount up with me to meet the enemy."

"Yes! Captain!"

The black face led people out through the side door. The captain and the rest of the cavalry went to the backyard of the hotel to prepare to ride horses, but when they came to the backyard, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. Said: "Where is my horse?!!" The empty backyard stable was blown by the wind and rolled up a few dusts.

horse? Of course, the horses were put into the inventory by Geralt. When the sentries were hired to provoke them to attract their attention, they sneaked into the backyard and used the inventory to collect the horses one by one. A horse that is being ridden will naturally not resist.

"Damn, copy the guys, chop them up."

After drinking and being controlled by anger, the captain gave the stupidest order in his life.

The black face of the enemy who is leading someone to bite the ambush will naturally not know. After he came out of the side door, he has been staring at him with a pair of eyes, and when he is about to reach the appropriate range... "Let it go!" A cold voice order issued.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoo~"

A few arrows and a few flying axes shot at the black-faced group, "Go on! Pull the bow... let go!" The cold voice continued to give orders.

The arrows and axe shot continuously into the bodies of Blackface and the others, and the group of five fell to the ground in a few breaths.

{Thank you for your support, Lao Wuhui will work hard! Bixin, wink, what? }

"For collections, for recommendations, for follow-up readings, for tickets, the author of Jie Mo Kuo Nai, if you don't pay attention, it will be gone, hum hum hum, hungry and hungry. 》

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