Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 776: Environmental value? It seems that you can change it!

Sui Yu originally thought that when he established a station in the world seed, he would soon be able to contact the three princesses.

  It seems to be unrealistic now.

  Because Sui Yu must first find a way to survive in this vast forest!

   Otherwise, once Sui Yu’s station is destroyed, the connection between the two worlds will be completely broken.

   When the time comes, the world of "Dragon Fighter" will become a public copy again, and the three princesses will enter the reincarnation of the copy again!

   And Sui Yu’s efforts during this time will be completely abandoned!

   This result is naturally unwilling to see Sui Yu!


   Lushu! Lushu!

   Anyway, in the trial copy, Sui Yu is used to controlling these tools without soul and without any personal consciousness.

   It was not distressing to control it at this time.

  Although these villagers look weak, these hands are really powerful!

   It seems that it only depends on the hands without using any tools, but...

   The tree that felled quickly peeled off the skin, followed by a big tree that looked strong and turned into wood!

   Sui Yu pondered, it must be at least three thousand years of being single to exercise this kind of unicorn arm, right? !

  Bull batch!

   Then, with the accumulation of wood, an attribute called wood suddenly appeared on the screen of the station, and the value behind it increased continuously as the five villagers madly pushed the trees.


   Sui Yu's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the specific number.

  Know that Sui Yu has not run out of revisions this round!

   There are only one modification left, and it seems that you can consider using it on the station!

  Anyway, the resident is the link that connects the two worlds, so the resident must be guaranteed as much as possible!


   saw the wood piled on the ground, Sui Yu shook her head gently.

   This kind of numerical value derived from the entity seems to involve a bit of causality, so Sui Yu is afraid to modify it easily.

   The risk is too great!

   And to be honest, just modifying the properties of wood, even if it is successful, I am afraid that it will not have a great impact on the development of the resident.

   As for the reason why he can modify the gold coins in the world of "Kingdom of Hegemony", it's plainly because there is no entity in that gold coin, it is only a piece of data that exists in the system, and it is similar to magic.

   is completely different from these wood and the chaotic gold coins that can be exchanged.

   So Sui Yu, who gave up modifying the value of the wood, introduced the resident interface to the girls while groping and instructing the five villagers to keep pushing the trees.

  Once any villager was found lazy, Sui Yu would often click decisively to remind him not to be lazy!

   Tool man, how can I rest? !

  I tried my best to make a tree! Lushu! Lushu!


   When the wood value reached a certain critical point, a window popped up from the left side of the screen suddenly, prompting Sui Yu to build the warehouse.

   New building added?

   Sui Yu shines!

   has to admit that if this is really a game, it is actually quite good.

  By continuously adding new features to increase the player's sense of anticipation, let players involuntarily explore what new features are behind.

   is really interesting!

   is just...

   This requires constantly triggering various conditions to unlock the new settings, if the game is okay!

   But this is a very important station in construction!

   And he didn’t have any help or tips, Sui Yu got a black eye!

   Now the initial stage is simple, the later ghost knows how to open more hidden settings!

  Think about Sui Yu, one head and two big ones, in order to open up a building in the later stage to carry out various dizzying attempts.

   Of course, the warehouse must be built!

   Clicked to divide the location of the warehouse, and then Sui Yu clicked on the villagers after discovering that no one had built them, only to find that the villagers had also added new functions.

   That is the assignment of work.

   quickly appointed two villagers as construction workers.

   Then Sui Yu saw these two goods ran to the warehouse where he placed and began to build the warehouse by hand.

   As for the pile of wood, it is very mysterious and disappears.

   Soon, the warehouse was built.

  Sui Yu tried to click on the warehouse and set it as the main storage material for wood.

  The obnoxious wood finally disappeared.

   Then, after a while, the construction window on the left flashed, and the system suggested that Sui Yu could build the lumber yard.

put up! put up!

   Watched the two villagers continue to build the lumber yard with bare hands, and several slacks were stopped by Sui Yu in time.

   There are also people from Lushu who are also Sui Yu who is lazy just a little inattentive. Don't mention Sui Yu who is tired.

  However, although Sui Yu felt a little tired as a supervisor, but in order to reunite with the three princesses, it was worth the effort!

  No, watching the girls fell asleep next to themselves, but Sui Yu couldn't sleep.

  He must stare at the station screen now! And keep watching!

   is not only about looking at the tools, don't be lazy, but he is actually very worried.

  Know that there is a lot of Warcraft in the world of "Warrior Devil". Even before he built the Canglan Empire so well, the outside of the towering walls was still full of danger.

   The five villagers are now stationed here, and it will be lively in case of death.

   "Yes, I still have skill spar and those special buildings can be built!"

   Sui Yu's eyes lit up, and he quickly learned the "station teleportation" skill.

   And while the villagers were building trees, the violent hand quickly reached the thousandth level.

  It's just that when Sui Yu wanted to perform station teleportation to see if he could let himself enter the station, he got a system prompt saying that station teleportation required the station to be upgraded to level 10?

   Level 10 station?

what is that? !

  Okay, obviously, the station upgrade function hasn't been turned on yet!

After   , Sui Yu again used all the things related to the special buildings in the station that he had obtained before.

  The building list of the corresponding building was added to the building list.

   Trial space, resurrection hall, Titan energy furnace, standard equipment production plant.


  Although the construction project was added, the construction showed that a lot of special materials were needed!

  Unfortunately, Sui Yu now only has wood in his hands!

  Well, I prepared so much before co-authoring Sui Yu, and I can’t use it for the time being!

   Especially like the Resurrection Hall actually needs a material called Divine Rock?

what is this? !

  Sui Yu has heard of all the other building materials, even knowing that those materials do exist in the world of "Dragon Fighter".

   But what is this divine rock, Sui Yu is completely unclear!

   Of course, the trial space needs a lot of space gems, and the Titan Energy Furnace needs a lot of stars, although Sui Yu, who looks at that amount, has some scalp numbness.

   But as long as you can contact the three princesses, these materials are not difficult.

   is better than a divine rock with no clue at all.

   It's not a deal, let's go step by step!

   Finally, the construction of the logging yard was completed.

  Then, after Sui Yu divided the scope of work of the people a little, the three villagers who freehanded the trees could finally use the wooden tools in the lumber yard to help cut down the trees.

   Watched the big trees keep being laid down by the villagers, and then Sui Yu was surprised to find that a new villager came out of the hut at the beginning.

   It seems that these tool villagers seem to be mass-produced through small cabins!

   And what makes Sui Yu happy.

  Just when the new toolman appeared to prove the function of the log cabin, the system even suggested that Sui Yu could make a villager's hut.

   Well, it seems that it is finally time to develop the population!

Sui Yu, who was worried about the lack of tools, quickly arranged for the villager's hut to be built without saying anything.

   Of course, the tools of the logging yard cannot stop!

   At this time, Sui Yuming was very sleepy, but he stared at the projection screen constantly.

   When you see which tool person is lazy, click immediately to urge!


   In order to ensure that the station can survive, in order to meet the three princesses!

  Sui Yu now decided to have a good liver!

  Even if he was sleepy, he would have to stare at the tools, and he must never sleep!

  Finally, when the sky was about to light up, Sui Yu urged the tool man to build three villagers' huts.

  Now the three villagers' cottages have brought the total population of Sui Yu's station to eight.

  Although it is impossible to understand the law of the population of villagers' cottages, Sui Yu instinctively felt that the villagers' cottages should determine the upper limit of the number of tool people.

   And now, the total upper limit of population provided by four village huts seems to be eight people.

  After reaching eight people, no new villagers appeared.

   So, in an effort to build more villagers' hut, so as to provide more tools for people to use.

  Sui Yu naturally built four lumber yards located in four corners of the station to cut trees and collect wood.

  At the same time, after discovering that the warehouse was filled with wood, four more warehouses were built, one next to a logging yard.


  After a night of hard work, Sui Yu felt very comforted to see that her station was becoming more and more beautiful.

   is to visit every three to five to see if these eight villagers are lazy.

  Especially with the expansion of the station area, Sui Yu had to drag the screen to look around, and a little inattentive, there was a toolman villager lazy in a corner.

  The tossing Sui Yu needs Lingling, who has just woken up, to feed herself with a straw even if she drinks water.

   This Sui Yu is busy!

   Please, it is obviously a tool man without soul. Should we be so real in this respect?

   actually lazy?

   Obviously one night, you don’t even need to eat, and you don’t need to drink water, right?

   It seemed that in response to Sui Yu's expectation, there were icons of food and water appearing on the villagers' heads.

   followed closely, and some bushes with wild fruits in the forest became resource points, suggesting that Sui Yu could collect them.

   Moreover, the new building collection field and water well will be unlocked.

  Okay, Sui Yu really just vomited casually in his heart, in fact, you toolkit villagers don’t eat or drink very well!

   No difference, Sui Yu can only hurriedly temporarily abandon the manufacture of villagers' huts and build a collection site to collect food, and build a well to provide water for the villagers to drink.

   And when these buildings were completed, a small window finally appeared above the building list.

   wrote "Tian Ling Station", level one.

  Okay, after a tossed one night, when the girls who were sleeping next to each other in bed were awake, Sui Yu's station finally entered the starting state and tossed to the first level.

  It's just that the thought of sending to the station requires level 10, and depending on the urination of this station, I'm afraid it will get harder and harder to upgrade.

   God knows that it will take a few months to get to level 10...

   Get it, keep working hard!

  What can Sui Yu do at this time?

   can only endure the sleepiness to continue the supervision.

  At the same time, I have to spend my time planning the layout of my station, and put the villagers' cottages together as much as possible.


Just after Sui Yu clicked again to stop a toolman villager from lazy, and at the same time vomiting in his heart, the group of villagers did not eat, but the food resources were automatically reduced, and the villager who was responsible for collecting food even hid in the trees and slept. time.

   With a big, obtrusive tree finally cut down by the tool villagers, the Sui Yu station looked more and more pleasing, and followed, a new value appeared next to the station level-environmental value!

   "Environmental value? What is this value?"

  Sui Yu clicked on the value and found that a small prompt window popped up, explaining to Sui Yu the meaning of the environmental value.

   Probably means, that is, the environmental value shows the value of the current resident environment.

  This value will affect the fighting spirit and work efficiency of everyone in the station.

   The higher the value, the stronger the fighting spirit, and the more comfortable everyone in the station will feel.

  Conversely, the lower the environmental value, the less motivated everyone is and the more lazy people are.

  At this time, the environmental value of Sui Yu's station is 47 points. From before, Sui Yu has been constantly preventing everyone from being lazy. It is not difficult to see that this environmental value is not high.

   Even Sui Yu can feel that as the trees are being cut down, the frequency of slacking now seems to be higher and higher!

   It seems that it is affected by the decrease in environmental value!

   However, destroying nature will certainly reduce the environmental value, but cutting down the unsightly big trees as before to make the entire station refreshing at once, but can increase the environmental value.

  No, Sui Yu can obviously feel that the laziness of this group of tools seems to have dropped a bit.

   It seems that this environmental value is really quite researched, and we need to balance the relationship between man and nature as much as possible!

   At this time ~ Sui Yu had to sigh, although this resident system looks like a real-time strategy game of simulation management.

   But in some ways it's really quite real.

   The impact of a large environment on work enthusiasm is indeed very high!

For example, if a company’s corporate culture is a wolf culture, and everyone around it is a struggler, after a certain **** enters, it will be assimilated within a short time, become afraid to touch the fish, and become involuntarily integrated into the environment. Struggle.

   Diligent and diligent to work overtime for the company, make every effort to create wealth for the boss and help the boss to get a better luxury car!

   On the contrary, if a company’s corporate culture is dominated by laziness, then when a struggling person enters, there will be a serious sense of alienation.

   Then, when he found that he was struggling not to invite colleagues around him to see him, everyone said, "His efforts are to show the boss", "Kneeling and licking the boss's posture is so ugly."

   Then the struggler might not be able to keep up with others before long!

   Therefore, environmental factors are really important!

   Of course, the most critical thing for Sui Yu is...

   Unlike wood and food, which have physical objects, environmental values ​​such as relatively vague values ​​seem to be modified. !

  Yes, at this time, Sui Yu, who was full of bloodshot eyes, finally found where the last modification of this round should be used!

  :. :

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