Episode 119: The 3 Million Dollar Man (6)

[···Chijik··· Kim Jun-young, I wish you a contour...]

I looked around, listening to Johnson's voice.


Moderately camouflaged cameras caught my eye.

I smiled softly and nodded my head.

Now for what I'm going to start with, it was important to know where the camera was in advance.

Actually, I thought about it for a long time before Johnson's words came out on the radio.

There would be no reason to worry about this if it was only going to end with $3 million.

Anyway, this final stage is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a streamer.

So I wanted to make the most of this opportunity.

‘It’s a great opportunity to raise awareness.’

But the problem is....

How are you going to make it to the finals?

As I already knew all the clues, problems, and answers from each room via USB, the escape itself was very easy.

But don't do that.

‘Maybe people aren’t interested at all.’

So, like other people, I had to think about whether I should solve the problem by trial and error pretending not to know the answer, or whether I should just solve the problem and escape.

Then ah

'Chijik... Kim Jun-young, do you have any problems?'

By the time I heard Johnson's voice on the radio.


I heard a voice from the next room.

And that moment.

I realized that I was struggling with something I didn't need to worry about.

Among the viewers who watch Internet broadcasts in the first place, there are those who like to solve problems through trial and error as a streamer.

On the other hand, there were people who liked that the streamer skillfully attacked the game of enormous difficulty.


Ooh, don't knock on the door!

I hate killers!

Hearing the screams from outside, it seemed that there were many scenes where the attack failed even if it wasn't me anyway.

So there was no need for me to intervene in the procession.

And as a result.

“To all viewers of sniper broadcasting in Korea and around the world! Today, we will be broadcasting from the Yotube Center in San Bruno, San Francisco, California!”

I decided to start 'Sniper Broadcasting'.

As long as all the other challengers are escaping the room through similar trial and error.

Because I thought this would be the most effective way to stand out among 50 contenders.


‘Because I studied a lot about room escape while preparing for the finals.’

There was no better opportunity than this, as I had inferred the finals method in advance through USB and studied for myself.

“Are you wondering what kind of target you shoot today? right here today. We will sniper at the ambitiously prepared main event venue by Yotube.”

I continued speaking as if I was watching a chat room in real time.

It would have been easier to broadcast if the chat window was visible, but since it was not, I had to imagine the invisible chat window and proceed with the broadcast.

“The finals will be held in an escape room format. First of all, where I am is the first stage of the finals. This is the hotel room where the movie ‘The Shining’ is set.”

After speaking in a rather loud voice once, I paused for a moment and looked around.

Then the well-maintained hotel room caught my eye.

The quality of the set is almost inconceivable.

It looks like you can start business right away.But then.


The sound of knocking on the room door suddenly grew louder.

I glanced back.

A red light is blinking on the camera side.

Apparently, as soon as I started the process, the control tower side matched the rhythm.

I pointed to the room door with a calm expression.

Then he slowly opened his mouth.

“Did I just mention that the Shining is set in the background? Maybe that's why...the door is quite noisy...but, well, the killer outside doesn't come inside, so I don't think you need to worry about that."

I glanced at the room door and went back to the middle of the room.


“Actually, today’s broadcast can be viewed as an attack broadcast. Of course, you probably won't come here and play the same escape game as I do, but the basic format is similar to other escape rooms, so it will help.”

After looking at the camera and talking about the concept of today's broadcast.

“Now, shall we start escaping?”

Broadcasting began in earnest.

“Once you start an escape room game, you will see the environment around you. Well, I just took a quick look around. There are old furniture and various props all around.”

Looking around, I noticed the furniture and accessories in the fairly spacious room.

If you are experiencing room escape for the first time, you have no choice but to pause for a moment.

As Myeongsaek is promoting a strategy broadcast, it would be good to present a simple tip at this point.

“Here is the first tip. There are people who are new to the escape room game, and there are people who walk around blindly and check furniture and props one by one ... Maybe then you will run out of time later.”

He continued to speak and walked to the other side of the bed.

“So, for now, it is better to leave the furniture that is too heavy to move and look for clues focusing on movable props.

I passed the bedroom with large furniture and approached the window.

“Of course, even with small items, it will be difficult to find every single one of them in a large space like this hotel room. In that case, you can first find the materials that have an unusual appearance.”

Then I stood by the window and looked around.

Then a strange thing appeared in the well-organized room.

It was a vase with no flowers placed right on the table.

It looked a bit foreign in the room where most of the things were well organized.

I smiled slightly and walked over to the table where the vase was placed.


“For example . Yes, why are you looking at this vase in the first place? look. A well-organized hotel room. Is there a vase without flowers? Isn't something strange?"

I picked up the vase on the table.

“Now, let’s take a look inside the vase. The inside of the vase is a bit dark...but the original clue is hidden in a place like this. Let's see...”

I opened my eyes and looked at the vase under the fluorescent light.


[The broken woman]

I could find a short sentence written on the inside of the vase.

I shook my head.

Because this short sentence written in cursive was the first clue in this room.

“Hmm... a vase and a broken woman. I think this is probably the first clue.”

I nodded and placed the vase on the table.

After that, he pulled out a piece of paper next to the vase and wrote the clue, “The broken woman” on it.

“Now, with this clue, we have to find another clue. Most of the time, the room escape clues are connected to each other. However···"

After I looked at the camera and said.

I picked up the vase I had put down for a while again.

Because this wasn't the only clue written on the vase.

“Everyone, you can’t just pass by here. If you take a close look at what you've already found, you'll be able to find other clues that may exist. Shall we see you again then?”

After he stopped talking, he turned the vase upside down.

Then I saw small letters written on the bottom of the vase.


“There is also another clue written here. Do not forget that keywords and numbers that appear when evacuating a room will be used more importantly later, and you have to search them carefully.”

I put down the vase and wrote the number 9 on a notepad.

Now all that was left was to take these clues and find other clues.

“Now, let’s look for the next clue with the ‘broken woman’ and the number ‘9’ found in the vase.”

I looked around.

But among the objects in the room, I couldn't find anything that matched the clue I found.

But then.

I was able to find a place in this room where something worthy of being called a 'woman' existed.

That's right.


I found the women with the same expression in the various kinds of paintings on the wall, and I smiled and looked at the camera.

“Did you guys find it? It seems I have found it. Once you find a woman in this room...let's see...one, two, three, four...there are five women in this room."


“Where are you? I don't know if you can see it on your screen... but there is a picture of a woman in each of the pictures in the room.”

He raised his hand and pointed to the pictures.

In fact, it was clear that the picture I was looking at would not be visible on the viewers' screen.

But, as I said before, the concept of this broadcast is an attack broadcast.

Although it may not be visible, I could tell you where and what clues exist and how to use them.

“Okay, but another problem arises here. I need to find out which of those five women is really broken... Actually, all five of them have the same expression, so it's hard to tell if they're broken by their facial expressions."

I shook my head and said.

Then, slowly, I looked at the pictures one by one.

“In such a case, we should look for clues other than the woman’s expression. So let's look at the picture for a moment. Ummm...for now, the women are looking at different places and holding a flower in each hand...the kind of flower...they seem to be all different."

Then the differences in the pictures caught my eye.

I nodded and opened my mouth.

“Still, it is a well-known flower, so I think you know the name. Fossil flowers, hyacinths, lilies, and tulips are all common flowers around us.”

I wrote each flower name on a notepad.

I've even summarized the information I've found so far.

A vase without flowers.

broken woman.

number 9,

The five women in the picture,

looking at different places.

Holding different flowers (fog flower, hyacinth, lily, tulip).

I first erased the seemingly unrelated ones.

“I will erase the number 9 first. It still looks useless. And... we look at different places... I'll delete this too for now."

Then soon I found the next clue.

I looked at the camera and opened my mouth.

“Now, everyone, did you find out what kind of woman was the broken woman? I seem to have found it. A vase without flowers, a woman with flowers, and different kinds of flowers they hold.”

Having said this, I paused for a moment.

It was because I had to give the viewers time to think.

after a while.

“Perhaps if you find a flower that has the meaning of broken heart, you can also find a woman who has been broken.”

spoke slowly.

“Now, out of the five flowers in the picture, we can just find a flower that has the meaning of broken heart, right? You can solve it with common sense...but there is probably information about flower language here. Basically, when escaping a room, all the information is in the room.”

I walked over to the bookshelf in the room.

Then there.

There was a very thin booklet with the title [Flower Language] on it.

I listened to it and looked it over.Then the clues came out quickly.

“The flower that has the flower language of heartbreak is . . . the tulip. So let's find out who the broken-hearted woman is, shall we?"

After she put the book down, she looked at her paintings again.

“I am here. A woman holding a tulip. Now, let's substitute the information we've erased earlier, 'looking at different places'. Ummm...the place this woman is looking at is...haha, this is the bed I was sitting on earlier."

I smiled bitterly and walked over to the bed.

Then I looked around the bed.

But nothing special was seen.

I looked under the bed just in case...

I didn't see any clues.

“No matter how you look at it, it’s an ordinary bed. There doesn't seem to be any clues anywhere. I'm sorry, but in this case, you have to use some force."

After looking at the camera and speaking.

I grabbed the corner of the bed and pulled it by the lower corner.


A lock the size of a palm on the wall at the head of the bed, which was hidden, and the writing next to it.


A simple arithmetic operation problem appeared.

“Still, it’s the first stage, so it’s kind of friendly. In the case of high difficulty, the problems are often separated, but as you can see, the lock and the problem are in the same place.”

I nodded and opened my mouth.

“Now, shall we solve the problem? Ah, but I don't think I can solve the problem this way...the answer is yes, but there are blank spaces in the problem.

He then pulled out the note on which he had written down the clues.

“But we have clues we haven't used yet. Now, can you put the number 9 you found earlier here?”


The last problem is complete.

“Now, let’s solve the problem.”


For a moment, laughter was about to leak out.

Because as soon as he saw the finished problem, he realized that it was hiding a simple but fatal pitfall.

‘When I asked where this problem came from, it came from here.’

I looked at the camera and opened my mouth.

“Isn’t this going to drop quite a bit here?”

Then he slowly looked at the problem and began to explain.

“If you follow the basic rules of arithmetic, you have to do division first. And 1/3 is equal to 1÷3... so the jun expression is =9-(3÷1÷3)+1...and so 9-(1)+1...so the answer is 9."

“But this is the wrong answer.”

He looked at the problem and smiled slightly.

I looked at the clock.

I solved the problem by explaining it quite slowly for the viewers, but it was less than 10 minutes after the broadcast started.

‘I still have some time.’

I decided to explain a little bit more in detail.

Because viewers want to know why the other challengers are wrong.

“Because 1/3 is a fraction. So, [3÷(1/3)]=[3×(3)], so you have to look at the junsik as = 9-[9]+1 = 1. So... what is the correct answer? Yes, it is 1.”

After the explanation to the audience is over.

I entered [0001] in the lock and pressed [OK].


Jiying- Cheek-kuk-kuk-kung-

What until then thought it was a wall was pushed back, and in an instant, it turned into a narrow passageway large enough for a person to pass through.

I look at the passage with my black mouth exposed.

He slowly turned his head towards the camera.

Then he slowly opened his mouth.

"how is it. Is it really that easy?”

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