Episode 214: The Ruler of the Discussion Meeting (5)

After the TV debate.

[Comment: Hahahahaha Do you have any evidence? yes there]

[Comment: Yoo Deok-hyun → God Deok-seung kill! Yoo Deok-hyun is going crazy!]

[Comment: What's wrong with Godeok-seung's expression hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Comment: Yoo Deok-hyun was wrong. Are you cowardly slandering the facts lol?]

[Comment: That’s right haha ​​I’m going to have to fight fairly with propaganda and fabrication hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Reactions to the TV debate began pouring out from various communities, SNS, and major portal sites.

Holiday 9 o'clock golden hour.

It was because people's expectations were already high due to my declaration of support, and during the discussion, pictures that exceeded people's expectations appeared nonstop.

[Only ‘15 kinds of allegations of corruption’ such a person as the superintendent of education in Seoul?]

[TV debate of chaos, destruction, and oblivion. Go Deok-seung's 'Blood Blue Face']

[Candidate Deokseung Koh. Consistently ‘silent and unanswered’ to the continuing corruption allegations]

[Comment: So, you just have to pick the worst guy, right? lol]

[Comment: What kind of passive skills are military exemption, employment corruption, and disguise transfer?]

[Comment: This is not an election for the superintendent hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Of course, the reaction was not so explosive from the beginning.

It's because there are so many things that I've been through over the past few decades that I can't even talk about the corruption of politicians.

[Comment: Do you all have a business day today? What's new haha]

[Comment: Kyaah, I'm drunk with Hell Joseon mulberry today too lol]

[Comment: Oh, it’s like an election hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


[Military service corruption of you and your children]

[Real estate disguised transfer]

[Borrowed Name Transaction]

[Down contract]

[Tax evasion during the operation of the lawyer's office]

[Employee salary arrears]



As the number of corruptions coming out of Yoo Deok-hyun's mouth increased, the smiles on people's faces disappeared.

[comment : … … What is this?]

[Comment: I don't know, I'm scared of this]

[Comment: Wow, no matter how rotten it is... ]

No matter how insensitive people are to the corruption of politicians... Because there was such a thing as that.

'In fact, there are only ten obvious corruptions... .'


[I'm sorry! If there is a grain of lies in my words... If that's the case, I'm going to get you out of the election. But what if all of this is just a rumor. Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo will also have to take responsibility for his remarks]

[…] What I said was a “political expression” meaning that God Deok-seung was betting his soul on this election. My fellow citizens. The data disclosed by Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo is just a collection of data listing facts. Don't be swayed by the unknown source of paper, and look at that Goddess' heart and my sincerity]

claiming his innocence.

Godeok-seung, who had thrown out a supercharge of his abandonment of the election, overturned his remarks with a brazen face, igniting the anger of those who were silently watching the situation.

[Comment: Do we look like Bingdari hot pants? Aya Hamma brought it][Comment: Wow shoes hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahad

[Comment: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahad been said that

Then, materials that attack God Deok-seung started appearing on various communities and SNS portal sites.

[(firm) Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent of Education TV Discussion Summary .JPG]

[(Carcinogenicism) Unraveling the past of the candidates for the Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent of Education]

[Go Deok-seung, seen by a classmate of the Judicial Training Institute. He was a monster (Protractor X)]



Soon, various communities, social media sites, major portal sites, and newspaper websites as well.

It even came to conquer the petition of the Blue House.

[We are petitioning for cancellation of registration of Candidate Deok-seung Koh for superintendent of education in Seoul and a thorough investigation into corruption] [Number of participants: 210,302 people]

And as a result.

Now in front of me... line of many people.

There was a feast of white and black hair that filled Yeouido Square.

Deok-Hyun Yoo - Deok-Hyun Yoo - Deok-Hyun Yoo-

Gathered without regard to the cold of late winter. People who are chanting Yoo Deok-hyun's name with a voice as hot as if it would melt even iron.

And the one watching them with tense eyes.

Deok-Hyun Yoo.

I took a look at his back.

* * * *

“It’s time for the candidates to rise.”

Following the secretary's guidance, Yoo Deok-hyeon, who was heading to the podium, paused for a moment and then looked towards me.

A face full of tension. It was as if he was looking for an answer.

I smiled faintly and nodded his head.

“Go. You will do well.”

Then, with a determined expression on his face, Yoo Deok-hyeon slowly moved onto the stage.

“… … .”

The people who chanted Yu Deok-hyeon's name like boiling lava did not make a sound and looked at Yu Deok-hyeon, as if they were lying.

It's breath-taking. Heavy air pressed down on the surroundings.

Me and the camp people looked at Yoo Deok-hyun's back with trembling eyes.

Now everything is ready. What remains is up to Yoo Deok-hyun and his citizens.

and after a while.

“Dear Seoul citizens! This is Yoo Deok-hyun!”

The moment when Deok-Hyun Yoo opened his mouth with a powerful voice in front of the microphone.


The whole Yeouido Square echoed loudly and very loudly.


In an instant, goosebumps appeared all over his body.

It was because I realized that the waves of voices created by tens of thousands of eyes, tens of thousands of mouths and tens of thousands of hearts had crossed the ridge of the 7th division of this election at the moment that shook my body.

Yoo Deok-hyun! Yoo Deok-hyun! Yoo Deok-hyun!

People responded with a loud voice whenever Yoo Duk-hyun finished his words, and began to stomped his feet so hard that the marble floor broke.

‘Even if Metallica came, wouldn’t this be enough?’

The whole of Yeouido Square, which is over 70,000 pyeong, seemed to be filled with the heat emitted by people.

Then, with a stiff expression, laughter began to bloom on the faces of the campaigners as they went up and down the campaign.

“Is this really huge?”

“I think that’s why it was the most crowded of the campaign sites I’ve ever seen?”


"Huh. How many times have I helped you with general and local elections? But even then, there were very few people gathered like this.”

"Wow. Then that’s great.”

“Awesome. The fact that there were so many people at the campaign site means that President Yoo is the most popular. It's no joke to open anything."

Then he looked at Yoo Deok-hyun with a happy smile.

“How much will it be? At least 20,000 people, right?”

Yoo Deok-hyun's secretary asked with a curious expression.

Then the general manager shook his head.

“Aye please. Anyway, will that be the case? At most, ten thousand or so.”

“Does it look like that many?”

“Haha, that’s because we’re watching from the stage. If you look at it from the side, it won’t be much more than you think, right?”

“Ah, is that so? Eheh, it looks like a lot, so I thought it would be around 20,000 people... .”

“Hehe, the bigger the election, the more people gather. So no matter how much Candidate Yoo hears about the trend in the election for superintendent, it will be difficult for 20,000 or 30,000 people. The number of people participating is different.”

Then he sighed and shook his head.

'It's like a miracle that such a large number of people gather for a campaign for a superintendent candidate, not a campaign for a presidential candidate.'


‘Sometimes miracles happen.’

“I think Secretary Kim’s prediction was correct. There are about 25,000 people gathered here today.”

Then people looked at me in surprise.


“Yes, there are already related articles.”

Then he held out his cell phone and showed it to them.

[Yoo Deok-hyeon candidate Yeouido Square campaign site, police estimate '25,000 people' gathered]

[Completely popular Yoo Deok-hyun! ‘Twenty to 30,000 people’ gathered only for the election campaign]

[Vertical increase in approval rating! 30,000 citizens responded to Yoo Deok-hyun's campaign site!]

Secretary Kim, who checked the article, looked at the people with a surprised expression.

"Wow. Is it really 25,000 people? OMG."

“Haha, by the way, since this is a police estimate, in reality there may be more than this. Police kids are always so desperate to reduce the number of people when something like this happens.”


"Huh. So, when I moderately added or subtracted from the police announcement. It must be around 3,000 people.”

“Huh, no, isn’t this the first time there have been such a large number of people in an election for the superintendent?”

“It’s the first time, not the first time. No, will there never be? In fact, it is not easy to gather this number of candidates for the presidential election.”

"Ah… I guess so.”

"right. Perhaps it would have been difficult if it hadn't been for the last TV debate that people gathered today. Isn't that right, CEO Kim?"

The general manager asked me a question.

I nodded.

As he said, if it wasn't for the last TV debate, this size of people wouldn't have been able to gather.

“Probably so. Thanks to the debate, the recognition and approval ratings have increased a lot.”

Then people looked at me with new eyes.“In hindsight, I am really glad that Chairman Kim participated in this election. If the representative did not participate in our camp… I probably couldn’t look at the candidate’s back as comfortably as I do now.”

Everyone nodded as if in agreement with the general manager.

‘Actually, when I asked for a discussion meeting, everyone was against it saying it was nonsense.’


I was chatting with the camp people for a while like that.

“By the way, I really like that candidate Koh Duk-seung is unexpectedly quiet.”

The general manager expressed one concern.

Then Secretary Kim, who saw it, tilted his head with an expression of ‘Are you worried about something like that?

“Hey, what are you so worried about? Isn't that guy over? Was he so cursed that he ate it?”

The general manager burst into laughter at the secretary's remark, which even seemed a bit naive.

“Originally, there is a lot of difference between internet public opinion and actual voting. People my age don’t speak on the internet, they speak by voting.”

"Ah… .”

“There… The cornered rat is also the scariest. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Then he looked at me with worried eyes.

I nodded.

Currently, Deokseung God's approval rating is 29%.

As the general manager said, there are still a lot of people who support God Deok-seung, so there was no rush to be vigilant.

‘Because nothing hurts more than being hit when you’re careless.’

But there was no need to panic because he didn't know what he was going to do.

As of now, Candidate Yoo Deok-hyun's approval rating has reached 45%. As long as there are no surprises, victory was a win-win.

‘If you call it an attack, it will only move 1~2%.’

Having gathered my thoughts, I slowly opened my mouth.

“You don’t have to be vigilant, but you don’t need to go out and worry about it. They'll probably be busy cracking down on the house there."

“Haha, that’s right. Probably because there will be quite a few defectors this time.”

"Yes. So we'll just have to do our best along the way."

Then people nodded.

The way I have shown them so far seems to have instilled trust in them.

'It's a yard that even raises doubts about whether he has a spirit.'

But then.

“Chief! CEO Kim!”

I saw one of the monitoring agents running into our presence with a face full of bewilderment.

"What happen?"

“Wow, that’s a big deal.”

“Is it a big deal?”

"Yes. Just take a look at this!”

The monitoring agent took a heavy breath and handed us a piece of paper.


People around looked at the paper with puzzled eyes.


[Unprecedented! Go Deok-seung, Lee Mun-ki, Jang Hoo, Choi Soon-yong 'Promotion of Unification of Candidates']

[Candidate Deok-Seung God ‘I pay tribute to the bravery of other candidates’]

[Seoul City Superintendent's Candidate Election in Chaos... Who is the winner?]

God Deok-seung's last streak was revealed.

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