Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 5: Lethal Video Tape-Killing Money

   "Is this really the video of me last night?"

   Seeing the woman who was exactly like herself in the video said something she couldn't imagine, Sally was surprised.

   "Is it true that the man in front of me who was stunned by himself is true? God, if this is a nightmare, please wake me up!"

   The false believer who had never been in a church for more than ten years couldn't help but pray. However, like cowboys, God is very busy and naturally has no time to respond to the prayers of a hypocrite.

   "Why does Petunia meet at most four geeks, but I have to meet you, this kind of..."

   Sally shook her head angrily, feeling angry that she could not find a suitable adjective.

   "What is this?"

   Charlotte didn’t care about Sally’s anger at all,

   "If you use the movie analogy, the current situation should be similar to "Science Ghostbusters", right? As an actor, shouldn't it be cool to be able to experience the plot in the movie firsthand?"

   "Cool? I feel cold all over!"

   Sally looked at Charlotte coldly,

   "Compared to "Science Ghostbusters", I think the situation now is more like "Children in the Cornfield"."

   "Stephen King's one?"

"you know?"

   Sally was surprised that Charlotte knew the movie she was talking about. The original work of this film is indeed a novel by Stephen King, but compared to the famous "Carrie Witch", this novel is rather inconspicuous in the almost equal-length work collection of the great writer. At least she would never know the name if she hadn't happened to participate in the audition for "Child in the Cornfield 3".

  ——By the way, even though the audition was only a small role, there was no news after so long, so I guess it’s out of play!

   If it is usual, Sally will be depressed for a while if she realizes that the audition has failed, but this time, in the face of the more shocking and strange reality, she has no such mood at all.

   "But speaking of it, it seems that in many thriller horror movies, guns are useless except when they are about to end?"

   It may be that she remembered the situation when Sally was pointed with a gun just now, Charlotte unexpectedly brought up such a topic that only CUTE fans would discuss. Although Sally was not interested, he was also distracted by him.

   "Not necessarily!"

   The blonde girl responded casually,

   "In many horror movies, don't they use guns for accidentally hurting family and friends and suicide?"

   "Yeah! This is the real purpose of the constitution that allows us to hold guns legally, killing our own family and then committing suicide, isn't it?"


   Sally can only be speechless for such remarks that, in the Hoover era, it is likely that the FBI will send FedEx to the door.

   "However, many times, guns are really useless!"

   She couldn't help but remember the scene just now--

Obviously it was herself who pointed the gun at the other party, but Sally felt that she was the weaker side. She looked at the man in front of her who had saved herself and was probably fascinated by herself, but the right hand with the gun was unconsciously Trembling.

   Shoot! Sally! The man in front of you is a liar. He did to you what you hate the most. Didn't you swear to your mother? You must protect yourself...

   The girl said to herself, her finger was on the trigger of the pistol, but she couldn't pull it anyway, as if the trigger was extremely heavy. She couldn't help but resurface the situation from then--

   "Although you can probably guess why you are so excited."

   The man’s calm voice sounded, pulling Sally back from the memory,

   "But I have to tell you, things are not what you think they are."

   "Do you still believe you when I am?"

   "Believe it or not! But if you didn't do it last night, don't you feel it at all?"


   Although there is only underwear left on her body, it really doesn’t look like she took it off and put it on again, and the lower body really doesn’t feel strange, but...

   "Of course, I admit that you were not naturally drunk last night, I gave you medicine."

   Charlotte calmly confessed his crimes, as if discussing what to eat for breakfast for a while,

   "It's hymenone. It is said that if you take the right amount, your susceptibility will increase a lot when you do it. I don't know if it is true."


   Sally wanted to pull the trigger in her hand more and more. However, the other party clearly did something bad, but she was still calm and natural, as if she was saving the world, but the girl couldn't help but want to listen to him.

   "There is a reason why I want to do this-do you remember what I said to you when we first met in the hospital yesterday?"

   "What kind of nonsense about me being haunted by ghosts?"

   "Yes. But those are not nonsense!"

   The man’s eyes are facing Sally’s, as if he wants to convince her through his eyes,

"That is true!"


   "If you don't believe me, just look at this first!"

   Before Sally wanted to say anything, Charlotte stuffed a videotape into her hands——

  ——Time back to now——

   "Even if this videotape is real, but you want me to believe..."

   Sally stopped in the middle of speaking, because I didn’t know how to describe it, and it took a long time to continue.

   "I don't know if I should believe you now. By the way, can you tell me how this videotape came from?"

   "Videotape, this is not your yesterday..."

   Sally interrupted the other party's answer with a gesture:

   "I know this. I'm not asking about the content of the tape, but the tape itself."

   "This is your own home, I just borrowed it."

   "...Sure enough!"

   As an actor who has just transformed from a model, her acting skills can only be described as terrible. She knows this, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. However, she also knows that to gain a foothold in Hollywood, beauty alone is not enough-every year the beautiful girl who goes to the City of Angels to pursue star dreams is unknown, she will definitely not be the most beautiful among them, not to mention even the most beautiful. She may not be able to get out of the mix-so she still has to try to improve her acting skills.

Before   , she bought a home video recorder according to some senior introductions to record her performance during practice for later research. However, she soon discovered that this was a stupid thing——

   is not because it is useless. On the contrary, through watching the video, she found countless problems in her performance. However, she has no idea how to improve. Although it was not that she had not taken a special acting class, when she actually performed, she felt as rigid as a robot, completely returning what she had learned to the teacher.

   So, that video recorder soon became the most expensive piece of furnishings in Sally's family. Although she felt very sorry, she couldn't handle it for a while. Unexpectedly, it was used by Charlotte today.

   "Which corner did you find the recorder from?"

   Actually, because she just lost her role and didn't get paid, Sally was still trying to find the video recorder and sell it in exchange for some living expenses. But thanks to her daily habit of throwing things away, she couldn't find it.

   "You vomited yourself last night. In order to replace it for you, I looked through your closet."

   Charlotte answered Sally’s question seriously, but there was a smirk on her face.

   "As a result, although you didn't find any clean clothes for you to change, you accidentally found this under the pile of dirty clothes—"

   He pointed to the video recorder,

   "The layout of your home really opened my eyes and completely refreshed my understanding of women."

   "Less, less wordy! Can't women be sloppy?"

   Even Sally, when faced with this kind of ridicule, her complexion is flushed and her confidence is a little lacking.

   "This is good for me, you haven't met my friend Petunia, her family, hey..."

--Birds of a feather flock together. This is also one of the reasons why she and Petunia can become friends.

   Relying on the wonderful performance of selling teammates at critical moments, Sally finally ended this embarrassing topic. Originally, she wanted to condemn the other party's behavior of turning over her own things, but now she can't say it.

   "So, after you turned to the video recorder, did you think of recording the evidence for me to see?"


   "Then what if you don't have this? You originally planned to do it either?"


   Charlotte tilted her head and thought.



   This answer was absolutely beyond Sally's expectation, but the other party thought she did not understand, so he continued to add:

   "I originally planned to leave secretly after carefully confirming whether you really have the breath of ghosts on your body. I expected you to wake up in the morning to be troublesome, but I didn't expect it to be so troublesome!"

   As he said, he glanced at the gun still held by Sally.

   "This is just a momentary excitement."

   Sally put away the pistol as she talked-she did believe what Charlotte said.

   "I won't actually shoot!"

  —Or rather, I can’t fire a shot.

   She added silently in her heart.

   "Then. What's the matter with your so-called buggering? Are you not a demon hunter?"

   "The Demon Hunter?"

   Charlotte raised her brows.

   "You watched too many fantasy movies!?"


   "I said, I'm just curious about your situation, I just want to see it."

   Charlotte’s words are full of malice, seeming to be the uncomfortable being pointed at by a gun before venting,

   "I didn't say I would solve the problem for you, did I?"


When he said this, Sally believed a little bit more, but in this way, things got into trouble-the man in front of him should be the only person Sally knew who had this knowledge. If he doesn't help, Sally Who did Li go to to help herself get rid of the possessed evil spirit that she saw on the video tape just now?

It’s not a good thing to just listen to the evil spirit, especially the other party said before—that's the time Sally thought he was talking nonsense in the hospital—even the previous suicide by himself was probably caused by the evil spirit. ghost. Thinking back to the video I saw just now, Sally couldn't help feeling cold all over.

   "You have this ability, isn't it just to help people like me?"

  Tooyoungtoosimple's girl finally decided to know her affection and move her to reason,

   "Isn't it said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

   "Do you believe this kind of tricks used to deceive children?"

   The other party looked at Sally with a look of "Your IQ is in arrears, please renew as soon as possible".

   "The kid who said this, his adoptive father died, and his girlfriend almost ran away with someone. He was so tired every day, but he could only work part-time in the magazine..."

   "Okay! My fault."

   Sally, who didn’t believe in this nonsense, confessed her mistake without waiting for the other person to finish.

   "Speak straight! How can you help me?"

"help you?"

   Charlotte's mouth was turned up, like a wolf that had caught a fat sheep,

   "It's easy, pay for it!"

  ************ Well, I accidentally wrote a very **S, so I had to write here **************

  PS1: The title movie "Famous Video Tape" in this chapter is a horror film, nothing too special, you can check it out if you want to watch it. Actually, I wanted to use another Cameron Diaz movie as the name, but it was not suitable. Can you guess what the movie is called? This is question 1 of this chapter;

  PS2: The answer to the question in the previous chapter-Castle in "The Book of Spirits", the actor is Nathan Fillion, this man also played "'s book also wrote;

  PS3: The reason why I don’t write the Chinese translation of Castle is because when I write the Chinese name, I think of Ying Kong Shi;

  PS4: "Like cowboys, God is very busy"-Jay Chou’s song, "Cowboys are very busy";

  PS5: Petunia in "The Big Bang Theory" beats soy sauce again, and by the way, she brought the four of them with Xie Er. As mentioned earlier, Petunia is a real person in this book and is Sally’s friend;

  PS6: "Science Ghostbusters" is a well-known film in the 1980s in the United States, suitable for GEEK to watch. In "The Big Bang Theory", Xie Eryi and others have watched it several times;

  PS7: "The Child in the Cornfield" is a work by Stephen King, and several films were made after it was adapted into a movie. The starring role in the second part seems to be the ex-wife of Kashen-not the one with the little golden man-Linda Hamilton. She is also the heroine of "Terminator 2";

  PS8: In other words, Kashen is also a winner in life. Not to mention personal achievements, and the achievements of women who have worked with them are not small. In this regard, in recent years, Pitt can probably be compared with him!

PS9: "Witch Carrie" is Stephen King's famous work. The original movie is very famous, and the remake version is generally evaluated. However, the leading role is that everyone likes it, but it is no longer regarded as the little Lori Chloe Moretz (recently This is obviously a sign of long disability);

  PS10: Hoover, the legendary FBI seat, everyone should know! This gentleman hates Red, and it is no joke that he will be checked the water meter when he talks nonsense;

  PS11: Who is the unfortunate one who says "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" at the end, do you all know?

   PS12: Big Big Wolf who caught the fat sheep: "I am the real ending character!"

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