Hearing these news, Palace God Haoyue was even more strange, what did this cult plan to do?

What purpose do they have in collecting the blood of the strong besides transforming the undead?

In the Heavenly Palace, this supreme divine residence that has been circulating in the fire shadow world since ancient times, what is the relationship with the evil god?

Or is it an evil god in the Heavenly Palace?

After thinking about it, the palace god Haoyue felt that it was unlikely, and the main god of Shinto was the Heavenly Gochu.

Since Shinto is controlled by evil gods, the shrine that the cult believes in must be above Shintoism.

Unfortunately, this sect leader knows too little.

In addition to these bits and pieces of information, there is only a map of the Fire Sect’s branch in the Fire Nation, and there is no complete clue at all.

Moreover, he didn’t even know who the high-ranking people in Konoha’s collusion with the cult were, and it seemed that he was just a pawn used by the cult.

As soon as he thought of this, Gongshen Haoyue put away the map.

Again out of the Hell Sharingan, let him suffer in Hell until his soul collapses.

“Hey, hey, hey… You’re not going to save me yet. ”

Yue Xiyan, who was tied to the copper pillar, saw that the palace god Haoyue had been talking to that old man, and it seemed that he had no intention of loosening his ties at all.

Palace God Haoyue smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry to forget you.” ”

After that, he kicked the Shinto Sect Leader away, came to Yue Xiyan, and loosened her binding.

Yue Xiyan rubbed her sore arm, gave him a blank look, and hummed, “Even if you still have a little conscience.” ”

She was originally a peerless beauty, and although her eyes were full of anger, she was amorous.

“How did you get caught by them?”

Yue Yue Xiyan snorted: “I fell out with Konoha, and I originally planned to defect to you, who knew that I would meet these guys halfway.” ”

“Defect to me? Hehe, you owe what you think to come out. ”

Yue Xiyan glared: “How?” You are not welcome? ”

Palace God Haoyue had long expected this step and joked:

“Welcome, how can it not be welcome? The Past Life Sect has just been founded, and it is short of coolies, and it is simply good that you can come. ”


At this time, the lights were bright in the distance, and many Shinto personnel were rushing to this side.

“Okay, okay, let’s get out of here first.”

After speaking, the palace god Haoyue took Yue Xiyan into his arms and left here in an instant.

Before leaving, he summoned a hundred ghosts to walk at night and slaughtered everyone in the main altar of the Shinto Fire Nation, leaving not a single living mouth.

Palace God Haoyue did not go to the Life Sect Altar, but went straight to the mansion arranged for him by Feng Ai.

When he arrived at the place, he put Yue Xiyan down and called a subordinate to arrange a room for her.

“You’re staying here tonight, I still have some business to do.”

“Hmm.” Yue Xiyan nodded:

“Brother Gong Shen, am I causing you trouble?”

Gongshen Haoyue smiled gently, recalling the scene when he let Yueyue Feihua let him help bring the baby.

He said, “It’s okay, at least now I won’t pester me to eat candy.” ”

Yue Yuexi’s face turned red, and she said with disgust: “It was all when I was a child, how do you remember it so clearly?” ”

“You spent half a month’s salary in one day, can I not remember?”

Yue Yuexi smiled, happy like a child, and said:

“Che, I remember that you didn’t want to take care of me at all, and pushed me towards Nohara Rin.”

I wipe, this girl is only more than a year old to remember? Too precocious, right?

I almost forgot about this myself, she still remembered it so clearly?

Thinking of this, Gongshen Haoyue was a little embarrassed, and he seemed to be really irresponsible…

“Hmm… That, rest early. ”

With these words, Palace God Haoyue took an instant step and left the courtyard.

Yue Xiyan looked at the direction he left, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he let out a crisp laugh like a silver bell.

After settling down Yueyue, the palace god Haoyue returned to the altar of the past life sect.

The traces of the fight were cleaned up, after all, this place will be preaching to the believers tomorrow.

After doing this, he went straight to the princess mansion.

That night, the palace god Haoyue and Kaede Ai talked secretly for a night, and it was not until the next morning that he left the princess mansion.

Since the previous strategy did not find out who the high-level Konoha who colluded with them was, then they could only take the initiative to attack!

Kill all the members of the cult in the Fire Nation, and you will not believe that their heads will not show their faces!

The people of the evil god sect ran away, and as soon as they came out of the princess mansion, the palace god Haoyue summoned the reincarnation path.

Cast a hundred turns and go straight to the cult stronghold in the map.

The cult’s strongholds in the Land of Fire totaled seventeen, and the nearest one was only more than thirty kilometers from the royal city.

At the speed of 100 revolutions, it is only a matter of about a minute.

This stronghold looks like an ordinary village from the outside, and it is nothing special about the stronghold that Miyakami Haoyue saw in the Iron Country.

Palace God Haoyue was menacing, and did not hide his murderous aura at all.

The boundless momentum swept the entire village, and for a while, dozens of people jumped out of the houses.

“Blood Death!”

These people are different from the little minions that the palace god Haoyue encountered in the past, and everyone can make the weird ninjutsu of bleeding life dominate the body.

Dozens of cult members were covered in a layer of blood-colored armor.

This ninjutsu palace god Haoyue has long been taught, and he knows the ability of this ninjutsu.

Blood-colored armor can absorb ninjutsu, and if it can’t kill with one hit, the armor will become resistant to this ninjutsu.

Just like the blood array encountered in the Iron Country.

Although he had already used the Five Shuriken, the palace god Haoyue at this time was different from when he was in the Iron Country, and he no longer put this little trick in his eyes.

“Yin and Yang are thousands of seekers!”

In an instant, dozens of black spears appeared out of thin air, which was one of the Yin and Yang Ninjutsu taught to the palace god Haoyue by the Nine Tails when he was in the country of bears.

Ninjutsu that integrates the seven attributes of yin, yang, wind, water, fire, earth, and thunder can ignore all ninjutsu.

Even the reincarnated of dirt cannot be resurrected after being hit.

No matter how strong the blood escape is, it cannot be stronger than the Yin Yang Escape Technique!

The black spear fell with lightning speed, stabbing the members of the cult.

The blood-colored armor instantly shattered, turning into fragments and scattering all over the place.

“Evil King Yan Kill Black Dragon Wave!”

A cloud of black flame ignited from the hands of the palace god Haoyue and turned into nine black dragons!


The sound of the dragon’s groan resounded through the heavens and earth, and the dragons transformed by the nine dragons roared out and rushed towards these members of the cult.

The scorching heat instantly turned most of the people of the cult into ashes, leaving only a few people still struggling.

They tried their best to pull out the black spear in their body, but since the moment the black spear was stabbed, hundreds of barbs had evolved in their body, how easy was it to break free?

“Eighteen layers of hell, endless reincarnation!”

Palace God Haoyue directly controlled these people with illusion, and then began routine interrogation.

Unfortunately, this time he didn’t ask for anything useful.

There was no way, Palace God Haoyue had to completely erase these people from this world with black dragon waves, and turned around and ran to the next location.

In just a few days, Palace God Haoyue traveled all over the Land of Fire and pulled out all seventeen strongholds of the Evil God Sect.

Although the results were excellent, unfortunately there was no useful information.

At the same time, Kaede Ai also declared Shinto cult a cult in the name of the ruling princess and ordered the whole country to be purged.

For a time, the territory of the Land of Fire was bloody and bloody, and countless Shinto altars were burned down.

The main personnel were nailed to shelves and all burned in the name of cultists!

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